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Status Replies posted by QuickLime

  1. Just a reminder a GIFT is someone setting aside a few moments of their day to think about YOU, to think about something you might like, something that might make YOU Happy. It might not be something you wanted, or maybe it's something second hand..the point being unless the gift is toxic and cruel, the gift is given out of LOVE, you look like a jerk complaining that someone loved you enough to share love with you.

  2. Don't give me things you don't know if i'll like and call them gifts. Don't ask me what I want, then keep it until Christmas without telling me, your wasting someone's money if you do that. Kindness is a gift I give to a select few, to all everyone else I give rocks.

  3. Boxing day is probably the worst thing.

  4. LOL i only got money and a tablet for Xmas!

  5. i have way to many best buy gift cards

  6. Got the Elements of Harmony reference guide AND the Figure collectors guide =D it's a pony christmas

  7. Nothing tells you more about the modern world than the fact that we use the phrases "to see things in perspective" and "to see things in proportion" as if they meant the same thing.

  8. There should be a HWE rp where your only allowed to rhyme.

  9. I believe I have severe depression.

  10. Currently attempting a brain blast (Jimmy Nuetron reference) in order to best determine how to resolve the one issue I see on this site. Not really my place since I'm so new, but it is something I've never had a problem with before when running any of my RP areas. The sporadicness of the updating.

  11. And now for a public service announcement: Luna is best pony. That is all.

  12. And now for a public service announcement: Luna is best pony. That is all.

  13. LadyTavia I SHIP IT

  14. I think this is a new record. No posts in the rps I'm part of for more than five hours. Usually I have something to respond to by now.

  15. Having all of these events in succession has kind of given me an RP burnout...

  16. My thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations

  17. Does anybody else wanna do a Romance RP with me?



  20. Season 4 was awesome

  21. "DON'T WORRY! DERPY WILL HELP US!" I have never seen a more terrifying statement...

  22. December the 1st, the countdown has begun!

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