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Posts posted by RainbowFoxxy

  1. bookhorseblepsmaller.png


    Twilight retired to her room for the evening not long after their meeting with Cadance. The mare found her heart longing for Rainbow to join her in her quarters but since their last close encounter the book horse had hardly found Rainbow around much at all. She knew RD was avoiding her. It was plain and clear and it made her sad. It was not at all the reaction she'd been hoping for from the pegasus. Twilight had been ready to jump in with all four hooves, but Rainbow not so much. 


    "Of course she's fast at everything else," Twilight muttered to herself as she leafed through a book of ancient runes she'd borrowed from the palace library. "But not this..." She sighed and turned a page absently, wishing for the mare of her heart to be snuggled at her side. 


    A few hours passed and Twilight finally found the comfort of sleep. Tomorrow would be a big day and she'd need her wits about her.




    The next morning dawned crisp and clear. The alicorn rose from her bed and readied herself for the journey. She'd packed her saddle bags to excess as usual. It felt odd not to have Spike with her, but he'd been needed to attend to royal duties back home. She was on her own, with Rainbow Dash, for this one. 


    Her mind worked furiously as it always did to come up with ways to get RD to open up to her. So far nothing had worked and all of it had felt unnatural. She figured it would be more of the same and she found a bit of resentment starting to creep into her heart towards the pegasus. How long was she going to drag her hooves? Did she really think Twilight, the Princess of Friendship, would just wait around forever for her? Did she really think she was that special? Twilight knew she would wait, as long as it took and then some. But really? Thoughts such as these constantly went through Twi's mind, and she feared they would continue to do so until she couldn't take it any more!


    The Princess trotted down the steps towards the great hall. She smiled and accepted the hospitality of the the ponies who had been charged to care for her needs while at the Crystal Palace. It wasn't long before she was seated in front of a bowl of fruits with honey and a glass of orange juice. She levitated the fork with her magic and brought a strawberry to her muzzle. She chewed, glancing about for her adventure companion... 

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  2. 20200120_093406_50.png


    Well, it was an offer she supposed. Not that he sounded overjoyed at the prospect of having the mare in his igloo over night. She couldn't help the half smirk that came over her muzzle. Perhaps it would be of interest to stay. If they did get caught outside in the oncoming squall she knew they would survive, it wouldn't be comfortable of course, but they would make it. Koda barked once, looking towards the door.


    "Well boy," She glanced at Blizzard. "I think we might just stay tonight." It was getting late. There would be no light left to build an overnight bunker with. The dog whined but then trotted back to her side.


    "Thank you for the offer, Blizzard." She spoke his name with a bit more a familiar ring to it. She was confident the two of them wouldn't be friends per say, but parlay was parlay and it was dang cold outside. 


    "We won't trouble you," She had the supplies she needed for sleeping in her saddle bags. There was also a certain flask in there that might make this more comfortable at some point. 

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  3. image.jpeg


    Diamond brought herself up to her full height as her mother praised her work. She was so glad her whole family could work together on this! It gave her the chance she wanted to show how much she would do for her mother and father. Sure her mother had been very overbearing and her father mostly absent in her past but things were different now. If she wanted a chance to work on her ways of treating others, this was it! And who better than the two ponies that had brought her into the world!


    She wouldn't forget what had happened in the past and she'd never let herself be in that position again, but she could put that to the side and focus on the task in front of them. A task that seemed a bit smaller now due to the intel her father had brought back.


    "Yes mother! I'll have my ponies working on it and the whole town will be covered in these by tomorrow!" She beamed, Spoiled's praise covering her like a warm blanket. 


    "Well sounds like the competition has only one corner of expertise." She grinned slyly. "Great work daddy!" She thought for a moment. "You know... if we could get Mr. Copper outside of monster chasing it sounds like he'll crumble like one of Pinkie Pie's sugar cookies!" She tapped her muzzle. "Even better if we could get him to stumble in the one thing he's apparently good at,"


    She glanced around. "Anypony know of any monsters for hire?"


    It was only an idea of course. But if this Copper fellow couldn't hold up in a situation with the one thing he was good at there would hardly be any need for debates. Her mother had this in the bag!

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  4. image.jpeg


    "Oh oh dear..." Flutters hovered over the terrible scene. "Poor Applebloom, what will we do?" She spoke softly to herself, panic setting in. Nut then she realized, this was Applebloom! She was in danger. She could even die from something this horrible. Perhaps she was dying right now! Something snapped in the pegasus. She darted in closer. 


    "What was that?" She listened. "Book bag?" She glanced a the bag that was leaning up against a tree not far away. "Book bag!"


    She had no mind for anything else! Flutters had seen what Abby had in that bag. Lots of remedies for all manner of ailments. She thought that Abby must have gone by Zecora's before setting out for this trip. At the time Flutterbutt hadn't really wanted to think about all the nasty things that could happen to them. Because of that she hadn't really listened all the closely to what Abby had been saying but now her mind was clear.


    "There's an antidote in the bag!" She hurtled towards the bag and came back to Abby's side. Bottles and jars flew in all directions as she rummaged headlong through the bag. "No, no, no, no..." She spoke each time she looked at the label on a tincture or bottle. Until...


    "Basalisk venom antidote!" 


    She glanced about. What did she do with it? Did it need to be mixed? Should it be injected or rubbed near the bite? 


    Flutters glanced at Abby as the filly dropped out of consciousness. "There's no time! Stay with us Applebloom! Be strong like your big sister!" She uncorked the bottle and put it to Abby's muzzle. "Drink this." She spoke in an authoritative but calm tone. The kind she used when she was in a situation with an animals at her refuge back home. "Come on Abby, swallow." She rubbed the filly's throat to get some of the liquid to go down.


    She glanced around, noting the others, hoping Abby would come back to them...

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  5. smaller lampy.jpg


    Lamp waved back to Cane and smiled. My my...that stallion cleaned up good! 


    "Hey there! Yes my friend, we shall!" He gestured with a hoof towards the kitchens. "Now, I don't usually have my guests working in the kitchens," He chuckled and pressed open the heavy oaken doors that lead to the food preparations area and allowed Cane to step through. "But by what you told me on the road earlier I take it you have an affection for confections?" He gave a slight smile at his little play on words as the doors swung slowly closed behind them.


    The kitchens, like most of the Honest Hearth, were much larger than they appeared from the outside. At the moment they were warm from the ovens that had been slowly baking batches of small loaves for the evening meal. A small tray of the steaming bread rested on a nearby counter and Lamp levitated one towards them. He broke it in two with his magic, allowing the delicious smelling steam of fresh baked bread to waft about. The stallion took a little nibble and nodded.


    "Perfect, as always," He levitated some in Cane's direction should he care to sample as well. 


    They walked further back, past wooden prep tables, farm house sinks, racks of cook ware. Though there were foods of many kinds in various stages of being complete there were no other ponies in sight. Lamp wasn't phased by this in the slightest. In fact, as they walked on the sounds of food prep could be heard behind them. 


    "We'll start with on opener of crusted carrot tartlet, finished with a cucumber infused froth," He nodded as they came upon the appetizer he'd stated set out on another small tray.


    "Next it will be a thickened soup of barley and arrowroot. Garnished with a hint of rosemary I should think," A stove not too far away had a medium sized soup pot with said soup simmering away. "Main course will be roasted vegetable skewers done with sweet glaze, a side of whipped potatoes, and grilled asparagus." He nodded at a sizzling pan of asparagus that had seemingly been there before he'd spoken.


    Lamp turned to Cane. "Now for dessert?" A charming smile came over his features. "I'm not much of a sweets chef I'm afraid," The stallion moved a little closer. "But I wouldn't mind assisting you on whatever you have in mind." He offered a small wink.


    Lamp then gestured to a rack behind them. Ingredients for a variety of sweet dishes was accessible. "If it's a perishable item it can be found in the ice box just there," He nodded to a large cooling box in the corner.  

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  6. bluebird banner.png


    Blue Bird buzzed out of bed and was ready for the day in the blink of an eye. So so sooooo excited! She had never been part of something like WWU before! It was cool, it was fun, it was traditional! Plus, she'd heard Rainbow Dash was going to be directing the weather team! She just had to get onto that team. Where else would she fit in really? She looked back and buzzed her wings again! She was ready! She was going to impress the Wonderbolt super star and help with wrap up and maybe even make some new friends!


    Bluey trotted over and opened the door. 


    "Holy moley!" She squeaked as she saw the new fallen snow. 


    That couldn't be right! She rubbed her eyes and pulled her flight goggles over them. Taking to the air her head moved rapidly from side to side taking in all of that snow! 


    "This is gonna be a biiiig job!" She said to nopony in particular. 


    It was going to be a huge job and she did wonder why the weather team of Ponyville had let such a huge snow fall right before wrap up day. She did know though that Rainbow Dash could handle it! She could handle anything!


    There was a grey bat pony and a light blue pegasus down there! Maybe they knew what was going on. She swooped down.


    "Hey hey hey!" She flapped about them. "You guys know what happened...I mean look at all of THIS!" She stretched her arms wide in gesture of the snow. "Where's Rainbow Dash huh?" More flapping about. "Oh, I'm Blue Bird by the way! Or uh, Blue if you'd like!" She finally landed in front of them and smiled broadly. "We've got some work cut out for us huh?"

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  7. Image result for rainbow dash banner


    "Cool!" She nodded at the class, happy with their enthusiastic response. I mean who wouldn't want to do something fun on their first day in a new class? 


    RD had thought of this totally awesome activity on her flight over to the school from the Wonderbolts camp. Yep, lots of planning was not up Dash's alley. She'd instruct the same way she flew, fast, furious, and awesomely! 


    "Bring em' in Tank!" The door was pressed open gingerly and the propeller driven tortoise entered the classroom, a cardboard box clamped in her mouth. 


    "Thanks buddy!" RD patted Tank on the head as he dropped off the box on the front podium. 


    "So!" She addressed the class. "Before I reveal what we're going to be up to...everycreature needs a partner. Try to pick someone you don't know very well!"


    RD gave the class a bit of time to pick partners before continuing on with her scheme. 

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  8. image.png


    Sunset seemed...excited? Yeah Excited, that had to be it! Excited at his reckless abandon and bravery in working this unknown rune. Perhaps she liked the bad boy? Sunburst had never at all fit that bill but maybe he could if he tried!


    "Oh y-yes! I've worked with lots of runes and read about even more of them! This room has safeguards cast over it too!" He glanced around. "One of the safest chamber sin the school I'd say." He smiled, trying his best to play the part. 


    A chunk of chalk levitated from a box by an easel and came to hover in front of Sunburst. "So, I was thinking of just drawing it out onto the floor. We can test it without actually working it...I-i'm not sure it could be worked even if we tried. There's usually words to be spoken or s-some sort of artifacts that need to be placed inside it..."


    He trotted over to where the parchment was on the desktop and squinted at the rune. "Circle within three circles, double triangle. That's the inside. Then there's a script on the outside. I-i haven't seem this writing before, it's what made me so curious as to it's origin. Might be passed down from ancients of the culture that used it."


    He glanced at Sunset. She was really quite fetching. He could have just told her that but a mare liked to be impressed right? Sure. "Ready?"

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  9. Image result for luster dawn pony


    Luster finished off her snacks while Sunset gave her answers. She raised an eyebrow for a moment as the older mare stammered on her words. Jumping between what now?! But before she could consider it further Sunset had moved on. She'd never mentored anypony? Luster gasped.


    "Wow! I can't believe you haven't been a mentor!" She blushed. "I think you'd be great at it!" She glanced away. "I mean you already have me motivated and we barely know each other."


    Ponyville. Luster had considered that school more than once, and lots of times since her brief encounter with this particular professor. The Friendship School did seem to have some awesome things going for it however she'd miss the intense magical training she was gleaning from her current educational situation. It was something she would keep in consideration though. 


    "Oh!" She looked out her window as the train's gears began to grind. "Time flies when you're having fun!" She smiled over to her new friend. At least she hoped they would be friends after this! "Looks like we're almost there!"


    They'd be arriving at the Hollow Shades stop in the next few minutes. Luster's heart skipped a beat. She was actually going home...she wasn't sure she was ready for this...

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  10. glitter banner.png


    Of course being field trained in medicine Glitter knew all the advice that Tempest was giving her, but she didn't mind. In fact she really liked it. She liked having the other mare curled around her, tending to her, muttering softly in her ear. She sipped the water and relaxed visibly as it wet her parched lips and slid coolly down her throat. She sighed, the water doing a world of good. She reached up slowly and touched her face as Tempest spoke of her horn. She felt the bandages over her damaged eye and behind them felt the dull throb of the injuries the ursa had inflicted. Her heart caused the throb in the wound, her heart had caused the wound in full. She would have let the ursa rip her wide open for the chance to save Tempest. Something she hadn't done the last time they were in that position.


    "Yes, I know." She spoke softly and not unkindly.


    Glitter turned herself so she was facing Tempest. They were close, almost muzzle to muzzle for a moment. The mare reached up and tenderly traced the scar on Tempest's face. "We're gonna match though," She managed a weak smile. "I always thought that scar looked good on you. Makes you look brave...makes you look..." She turned back towards the fire, settling into the provided warmth. "sexy."


    Her breath came easy now. It wasn't like the pain wasn't there it was just that...what was going on in her heart dulled everything else. She knew how she felt. She'd always known how she felt. Since they were young and she'd known Fizzy was her best friend.


    She'd known as they grew a little older together. Those sleep over parties with the three of them. She'd always made sure her sleeping bag was right next to Fizzy's when they had stopped giggling together and turned in for the night.


    She'd known that fateful day when her heart at reached out to the berry colored filly as she trotted into the woods after their ball. When her heart fell to darkness when their friendship was broken like the bits of horn left on the dirt path in the forest.


    She'd known when she'd opened the door and saw the face of one she thought she'd never see again.


    Glitter felt herself drift off once more... 


    She didn't know how long she'd been out but the next time she woke she could feel strength returning to her limbs. She was still injured but the water and sleep was doing the trick. Glitter glanced around at the walls of the cave dancing with the light of the freshly tended fire. Her stomach rumbled audibly. 


    "Time for breakfast?" She muttered sleepily. 

    • Hearthoof 1
  11. image.jpeg


    RD walked on, lulled by the cadence of Moony's way of speaking. What the hay was in Twilight's spell to bring on the full force of the valley filly? Whatever it had been, Rainbow didn't complain. Moonlight was fun to listen to with her like totally bangin' vocabulary! The sun was shining but is wasn't too hot heck, there were even birds singing in the trees without Fluttershy's encouragement! It was a perfect afternoon...until...


    I was talking about, ya know, like, your...identity issues, yeah?


    Rainbow stopped in her tracks, her mouth hanging open for just a moment. She raised her brows, her heart picking up to a rapid tempo. Just like that her softest of spots had been poked! She could feel sweat bead on her forehead and thanked Celestia that her forelocks would hid it. She hadn't really thought about what she'd revealed to Moony on their last meeting. It seemed in some ways like she was talking to a totally different pony, that Valen wasn't a part of this. But he was. 


    "Oh uhhh," She kicked a pebble on the path and swallowed as she walked on. "that." She hadn't talked to any pony about this. Could she really trust this filly? She was young, and dealing with a ton of her own issues. How did Dash know Moony wouldn't tell anypony? RD hadn't even told her own fiance about her issues for crying in the night! But here it was, her chance to lay the truth on the table in front of somepony. Maybe it would be alright...to share her dreams and well, her nightmares with this filly? She wasn't sure but before she could thin further, words were tumbling forth. 


    "I-i guess that's why I wanted to talk with you," She glanced over at Moonlight. "I-i mean aside from making sure you were ok and finding out if here's anything I could do for you. To see what it's like. Like, if you had a choice would you have chosen this? Not that I'd want to actually change into a stallion. Just maybe that I wanted to act like one? What would you have done Valen? If you had had the choice? Did you really want to be filly or was it just more fun to pretend when the time was right? I mean, if your answer has changed from before. When we talked before."


    A geez, what had she just said...asked...told? Horse apples, she was already regretting anything slip out...if AJ knew...would she not want her anymore? That what RD really wanted to know, but what she was scared to death to find out. 


    She let out a breath. "What did you feel like around other ponies when you were pretending to be a filly? What do you think..." She glanced up. "others would think of me? I think I should just keep it all to myself. Not that I really want to go out on the town as a stallion or anything. Maybe just dress like one sometimes, at home."


    Ok, so that all just happened. There was no going back now.

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  12. Multiple Cast use threads:


    Answers, Questioned

    Applejack, Rarity, Twilight, Rainbow Dash and a little bit of Spike! Come to terms with a major magical error by Twilight. Valen becomes Moonlight Shimmer!


    Questioning Answers

    AJ, RD, Ponk, Twilight all try to help Valen come to terms with what he really wants in life. 


    Lassos for Summer

    Babs Seed and Sweetie Belle head off to camp together (dropped thread)


    Always the How, Never the Why

    Silver Spoon takes the lead of a baddie in this thread. The CMC all appear as well is a transitioning Diamond Tiara!


    Summer Nights

    Starring AJ trying to make her feeling to Rarity known, also includes Twi, Ponk, and Spike.


    An' They Call the Thing a Rodeo

    AJ finally makes her feelings for Rarity known after lots of inner turmoil. Abby, Braeburn, and even Little Strongheart join in this one!


    Tour de Equestria Comes to Ponyville!

    Rarity, Spike, Applejack, Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Abby interact with KaityKat's Lunar Display and other characters when the travelling show comes to town!

  13. smaller lampy.jpg


    Lamp smiled as Cane mentioned the cleanliness and coziness of the inn. "I'm glad you chanced by! This place is just perfect in storms." He glanced at the hearth and used his magic to stoke up the flickering flames within. He also levitated a couple ceder planks into the fire, causing the room to fill with sweet aromatics. "Welcome to the Honest Hearth by the way," He mentioned as he watched the stallion glance back out towards his ruined cart and supplies. "A pity about your cart..." She let a sad smile play on his muzzle. 


    As Cane mentioned he'd like the small suite Lamp nodded and used his magic to dip the golden quill on the and move it over to Cane. He pressed the sign in book around to face his customer and nodded. "Please sign here if you would?" He tapped a hoof at and empty spot in the ledger. "And you'll attend dinner, wonderful!"


    He came around the counter now that business was taken care of. The other stallion did look a little warmer now that they were out of the rain but far from fully comfortable. "You'll be in the Heather Way suite." He trotted to the door, inviting Cane to follow. "Down this corridor," He nodded down the cobble stoned corridor that branched out into numerous small paths leading to the rooms. They were all covered from the rain but it certainly was no as warm out there as it had been in lobby. "Take the first right and you'll see the name of the suite painted on the door. Oh!" 


    He chuckled. "Almost forgot. Your hoof please?" Lamp used a quick incantation on Cane's front hoof. "Just place this hoof on the door and it will open for you. Incantation keys are one of the small comforts of the Honest Hearth!" He waved Cane towards his room. "As for helping, perhaps you could assist with dessert preparations? Meet me at the kitchens when you're ready, they're just over here." He pointed to a door leading into the kitchen that was across from the lobby. 



    The Heather Way suite was done out in the style of country comfort. It was modeled after one of Lamp's favorite rambles through the countryside outside of Ponyville. The room was sparkling clean and smelled like sweet oats with a dash of honey. All the comforts of home could be found within. As with most of the rooms within the Honest Hearth everything Cane could want to make himself comfortable could be found in the drawers, closets, and bathroom cabinets. When the incantation was placed on his hoof, the Inn could then provide the wants and needs of the guests. 



    While Cane was in his room Lamp trotted back into the street. He cleared his throat and set to work on the remains of the cart. Cane seemed like a nice sort of fellow, and not bad to look at either! Lamp had always enjoyed helping others and perhaps he could salvage some more from the wreckage in front of him. Pieces and parts from the cart and supplies levitated from the mud. It wasn't long before Lamp had as much as he could of the cart and supplies into the work shop at the back of the Inn. He could work with this...



    A while later Lamp nodded at his work and made his way back to the kitchen to meet up with Cane...

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  14. image.png


    Applejack's jaw pretty much hit the deck when she spied her lovely mare. Of all the outfits the unicorn chose, her favorite of all was the Shadow Spade look! She couldn't help but let her heart beat a little faster as she thought of the charade they were about to play. Sure she would rather just stay but Rarity's side all evening but they had their parts to play!


    "Wowza darlin'!" She trotted over and gave Rarity a light kiss on the cheek. She'd learned that kissing Rarity right after she'd finished her makeup was a no no. "You look really really nice!" She blushed. "Ta think I'm the mare that get's to stand by yer side...well," She rubbed her hoof over her elbow. "Maybe not tonight."


    Applejack had done her best to get ready for the gala. A green satin number that matched her eyes, mane and tail brushed to a shine, a lace edged deep green bandanna tied around her neck. She had made sure to pick out on outfit that Rarity had approved of. "I hope I look the part fer the gala!"


    She glanced at Rarity again and tapped her muzzle in thought. "So, uh..." She raised a brow. "What do ya reckon we should be fighting about?" She laughed. "I could be stubborn on somethin'...that wouldn't be too far off from normal," 

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  15. 20200120_093406_50.png


    Glitter watched as he produced a mess kit for her. She was used to this kind of meal. Living in the Frozen North really did a number on one's sense of charms. She levitated the offered can and took a fork to the topmost carrot. The unicorn chewed the mushy orange spear while using her magic to pull the lid back a little more from the contents. 


    "Just the way I like em'..." She swallowed and looked over the choice of spices before opting from a small sprinkle of salt and pepper. "Thank you." She nodded to the food and took another bite. 


    Hmmm, Advanced Spells huh? Well, he wasn't new to magics that was obvious by his age and the fact that he was a unicorn. However, a spell to conjure wings was not easy. She didn't let much go in the form of expression just a slight raise of the eyebrow when he got to the part about wings. She had never gotten anywhere near magic of that level. She had not graduated anywhere near the top of her class and possessed just the standards of unicorn kind.


    He spoke of unique needs but said nothing more about it. He was certainly going to keep himself to himself and she couldn't blame him. She didn't get much from most the creatures she ran into up here. There was a reason a pony lived in the Frozen North and being extroverted was not one of them. After a few more bites of carrots she set the can down and nodded.


    "Thanks for dinner." She glanced around again and called Koda to her side. The dog had been resting not far away from her. "We should be on our way." She took a quick sip of the now super chilled cocoa. "Gonna be getting colder soon." They would be fine outside and Glitter knew of a place they could bank down to the night not too far away. 

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  16. image.jpeg


    All the supplies were packed up. She'd checked off the check list more than once. An adventure awaited...


    They had been in the Crystal Empire for almost a week now. Cadance had requested her presence and the presence of a certain cyan pegasus that Twi never seemed to be able to get off her mind. She'd been trying to keep herself together and thus far had pretty much succeeded. Sure they had made some ground in their relationship but Twi could sense that Rainbow wasn't really into talking about it right now. In fact she hadn't really wanted to talk too much to Twilight at all as of late.


    The alicorn chewed her lip as they made their way out of a conference between RD, Cadence and herself. It was more awkward than ever between the two of them. It made Twi sad really. She wanted things to be moving differently between them. She'd hoped maybe bringing her feelings front and center would help RD to come to grips with what might have been in her own heart. But the opposite had happened. It seemed like Rainbow had built up walls around her heart, keeping Twi more at bay than she'd ever been.


    "Oh sweet Celestia," The bookhorse muttered under her breath as she glanced back towards the doors of the conference room. "The Webwing Mountains..." She shuddered. "Wild forest..." She groaned. "And who knows what else..." Not only had Cadance asked them to make the journey on hoof but she'd mapped out a route that included a trail into reaches of the wild that not every pony could deal with. All with the pretense of spreading friendship and making sure everycreature was on the up and up along the route. There had been rumors that all was not well in the mountain passes and the forests beyond. Who better to send than the intrepid Rainbow Dash? Candance had of course decided sending Twilight too would be the best thing for kindling Friendship and showing the strength of the empire by sending one of their won on the trip.... Cadance had not mentioned her other, and main, reasoning for sending the two of them. Whatever was going on between them, it would be good to go on an adventure together.


    "So," She tried to tried to sound perky. "First thing tomorrow morning we head out?"

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