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Posts posted by RainbowFoxxy

  1. image.jpeg


    It was not a bad attempt at all. Rainbow knew he needed to work on banking but some things just came after time. She was pleased that he'd made it through all the hoops at any rate. He was going to be a great flier someday! She met him after the last hoop.


    "Great work there Zappers!" She nodded towards the next activity they would try.


    "I know you want to work on flying fast!" She began flapping over to a long straight away that was marked out by stationary clouds. There was one cloud pillar about 250 meters away from another in a straight line. "This is the clocking track we use for sprints!"


    She reached down and picked up a checkers black and white flag. "So I'll wave the flag and you fly from here down to the other pillar. Fly around it and pass by this pillar as fast as you can and I'll time you!"


    Not wanting him to have a hard time with the turn she coached him. "So, the trick for you is gonna be to slow down before you get to the far pillar. That way you can come around it without loosing control. I'll fly with you the first time ok Zappers?" She'd give him some tips on backing when they got to the far end of the track. "First round will be for practice, no time yet."


    Sh gripped the flag in her muzzle and spoke around it. "Three, two, one, go!"

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  2. @Ciraxis: Re-post since the first one didn't have the highlights on the cutie mark and hair. :D Glad you like it!! LOL I was thinking when I made it that I'd make her unassuming and the next image I do of her will be her kicking somepony's rump with marital arts awesomeness!  



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  3. NameBlue Bird


    AgeOlder Filly

    SpeciesPegabat (aerion/pegasus hybrid)

    Eye color: Ultramarine blue gradient

    CoatSky blue

    Mane/TailDeep blue in three layers of lighter blue streaks. Usually very wind tossed as she is constantly practicing her speed flight around Twilight's Friendship School. 


    Residence: Twilight's School of Friendship dorms.


    PhysiqueQuite toned and lithe from hours of long practice at flying with precision and also at great speed!


    OccupationFull time student, part time work at the Ponyville bowling alley.


    Cutie MarkA silhouette of a downward swooping blue bird with a jagged slash of yellow lighting behind it.


    History: Blue was born and raised in the quaint valley town of Hollow Shades. Her loving father cared for her during during all of her formative years as her mother, a pegasus of the Wonderbolts, was just not in the picture. Hollow Shades was a good place for a lone aerion to raise a filly as there were many other creatures that were considered oddities by society dwelling there. Blue never really knew she was different than most until she ventured away from her home. 


    Though her father hardly ever talked about Blue's mom the filly knew she was a Wonderbolt. Her father made sure not to speak badly of her mother and Blue grew up with a healthy desire to follow in her mother's hoof steps to join the Wonderbolts herself! She trained from a young age to be a fast flier and also be agile on the wing. Her few friends saw her as an athlete and more like a colt than filly. This didn't bother Blue too much and she enjoyed hanging out with any friend that chose to spend time with her. It was during one of her athletic endeavors as a young filly that Blue earned her cutie mark! Nothing too unusual just the completion of a special move she'd been working on that earned her the mark of a swooping bird and a lightening bolt symbolizing her speed!


    When she was old enough her father consented to allow her to attend Twilight's School of Friendship. Blue saw this as a step towards her dreams as there were many talented young fliers attending the school. Blue is a driven filly though not too great with the books. She'd much rather be out on a team competing to her heart's content. She also works part time to support herself during her time in school.


    Character Personality: Quick to laugh but serious about her flight career Blue is a good friend to anypony who wishes to get to know her. She wants to follow in her mother's hoof steps and works hard to achieve her dream of becoming a Wonderbolt every day. She is fiercely loyal towards ponies who are bullied and has often come to the aid of others. She's up for adventure and a good time any time! She's also on the lookout for that special filly to spend time with.


    Character Summary: Blue is funny and talented, still looking to follow the dreams of her mom that will someday become her own.


    Image result for luster dawn filly

    NameLuster Dawn


    AgeYounger filly


    Eye colorA gradient of brilliant gamboge 

    CoatLight cerise in color, Luster keeps herself as groomed and sparkling.

    Mane/TailA gradient of light vermillion to light amber with streaks of a pale olive yellow throughout. Luster's mane and tail have an almost magical (well probably actually magical) sheen to them.  


    Residence: She resides in the student quarters of Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns where she's top student of her class. 


    PhysiqueLuster has an average body shape and frame, maaaaybe slightly on the pudgy side at the moment due to late night studying snacks.


    OccupationFull time student at Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns along with a part time server Pony Joe's Donut House. Having a part time job along with being the top student at the school often leaves Luster shall we say tired? 


    Cutie MarkA golden sun with rays sparkling raising up over the horizon. 


    HistoryLuster was born in the town of Hope Hollow during the era of depression. The town that had once been at the end of a beautiful rainbow had sunk deep into economic and literal despair before the little filly's birth. Her parents Sunny Days and Afterglow, caught up in the troubling times of their town were not the most loving of ponies. When she was old enough to comprehend the mutterings of her family it came to her attention that she had on older sister! An older sister who had abandoned the family. An older sister who cared so little for the well being of her mother and father and of Hope Hollow that she had left and never once looked back! What kind of sister was that? Luster decided at a young age that since her sister wanted nothing to do with her or her parents that she wanted nothing to do with her! This filly, where ever she was gone, was so disliked by her parents that they didn't even bother to tell Luster her name! What did it matter? They would never cross paths anyway. Even if they did Luster would have nothing to do with this careless abandoner. It hurt her deep down, knowing she had somepony out there. Somepony who understood her upbringing and who she really was. Somepony she would never know.


    Luster spent her formative years in a grey town, lacking the luster and brilliance she sought after in life. She had a budding mind and with a few trips to the library soon discovered she had the capability of devouring writings on just about any topic! She would spend long hours here, hiding from the dismal world outside of her books. She learned much on spells and the mysteries of the archaic runes and lore of magic. This was of particular interest to her and she soon learned she had a knack for spell casting. Her mind was opened in the large library of Hope Hollow and this process helped guide her on her way!


    The filly's parents were not supportive of her, being indifferent to almost everything thanks to the grey that had settled over the town. They were not excited when she announced she was going to enroll in Twilight's School of Friendship. Nor were they apt to try to stop her. One of their daughters had left them already, why not make it two? Unlike her sister, Luster promised to visit and to stay in touch. This did little to lighten their moods. It was after she'd shared the news of her departure with her parents that she got her cutie mark. Her sun was rising. She was stepping out on her own to seek brilliance and add her own to the world in any way she could! 


    As of late she has enrolled as a student at Celestia's School and also has scored a part time job working at a local coffee house as a server. Being new is no problem as Luster easily makes friends with both faculty and students. Since her leaving there has been news that changes have taken place in Hope Hollow though she's not keen to believe the rumors. A trip home has been scheduled for the wedding of a very prominent couple in town and time will soon tell what her future holds!


    Character PersonalityLuster is a bit quirky but also super interesting. Her studies have given her a depth of knowledge so she is easy to speak with should you be a pony of learning. She's also a teenager and fits in well with the teenage crowd. She knows lots about fashion and what's in and is happy to share her opinions on stallions, clothes, and whatever is hip at the moment. She has a wandering mind that she sometimes has trouble reeling back in. This is great since she enjoys being the top student but can also be troublesome when she's trying the sleep the night before a big test. 


    Luster is brave and has no trouble conversing with those well beyond her years and learning. She is very self confident partly due to her acceptance by so many at her school. Having positive vibes from your friends certainly can go a long way!


    Due to a troubled time in her past she can become reclusive and slightly depressed if she lets her musing on the subject of her family get too deep. She longs to figure out what really happened in her youth but at the moment it is still a mystery. 


    Character SummaryQuirky, questioning, and always bright Luster is a great addition as a friend! She's always up to date on fashion trends, hot stallions, and the most recent gossip. This energy of youth is coupled with her depth of knowledge and ability to learn rapidly. Luster is a multifaceted young mare with ties to her past looming just out of her reach.



    • Hearthoof 2
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    The current tugged Terra along next to Silverstream and Gallus. It wasn't that he didn't like this new guy, he just wasn't totally sure about him. He had to be especially vigilant since it seemed there might be something sparking between him and Terra's sister. He moved a bit closer just as Gallus was offering to show off a trick.


    "I'd like to see a cool move!" He smiled dangerously towards the sea griffon. "Would kinda take a lot to impress us. We've seen pretty much every sort of stunt that can be pulled here!" It was a friendly challenge. Terra was interested to see what Gallus could do.

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  6. image.jpegimage.png


    Rainbow felt her heart rate quicken as Cadence made her announcement and all the attendees began to circle around. She was ready for this but she wasn't all at the same time. She couldn't decide why something like this would become so difficult all of a sudden. It wouldn't change anything would it? Maybe that was what bothered her. She didn't want anything to change. She loved the relationship she shared with Applejack and she loved the son they were raising together. She loved how it was so dang difficult at times but also so dang sweet. She knew what she was about to do would only enhance their bond together, deepen their love. Rainbow shook it off, everything would be fine. No it wouldn't be fine, it would be awesome!


    The pegasus cleared her throat and stepped in front of Applejack. "So uh," She glanced around at the small crowd and then focused on her mare. This was between them and nopony else. "AJ, you're the most beautiful pony I know inside and out. Your strong and resilient...enough so to put up with all of my horse apples. You're sensible and truthful. You're loving and a great mom to Zappers." The words were flowing easy now. "We've been through so much together and everything has made us stronger together. You're the only pony I could ever imagine sharing the rest of my life with so uh, I was wondering," 


    She fumbled in her jacket pocket and brought out a box. After this she knelt down in front of her love and opened the container. Inside was a sparkling gold fetlock band. It was set with small green emeralds and had a diamond set in the center. The gem was highlighted to a light green by the emeralds around it. Nothing too obtrusive as she knew AJ wouldn't have wanted that but it was beautiful all the same. 


    Rainbow took a small breath and looked up into her mare's patient eyes. "Applejack," She gave a small half smile and held up the band. "Will you marry me?"

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  7. 20200120_093406_50.png


    Glitter nodded at his response, still looking him over. This guy was an oddity for sure! She was a little surprised she'd never run across him or where ever he lived before. She did roam quite a bit through the frozen north on patrols. However, the area was vast to say the least and there were many areas she'd yet to explore. As he spoke of distractions and bitter memories she looked up into his eyes.


    "I get your drift." She raised and eyebrow at him, wondering what sort of memories he was trying to escape. Did every pony who chose life in the tunra had bitter backstories? Were they all just trying to escape? Perhaps. If so this was the perfect place to do so. His secrets were his own, she did not pry. 


    Koda wagged his tail happily as Blizzard smiled at him. He gave a short back and came up close to the unicorn. A quick lick and the dog looked at him quizzically. Were ponies supposed to be that cold? The only creatures he'd found at this temperature were those desperately clinging onto life, if not past that. He turned his head to Glitter and gave another short bark. 


    "I know I know," She shivered. "We better get moving before the blood freezes up," Glitter nodded to Blizzard. "We can help you with your cargo if you'd like?" She was intent on coming along with him either way, for a little while at least. Had to make sure he really was ok and not covering up any injuries. She wasn't going to let that happen on her watch.


    Was that? Was that a school for gifted unicorns emblazon on his scarf? Huh. This guy certainly had a story.  


    She glanced towards strange his cold grey eyes. "Gifted unicorn huh?" She nodded to the ends of his scarf and pulled the wool collar of her liner up over her muzzle. It was blasted cold today!

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  8. temy.png


    Abandoned? Abandoned?! What in Equestria did she mean by that? Glitter felt her emotions rise in a huge swell as the words left Tempest's muzzle. Emotions and questions all rolled together into one giant snowball she felt was just about to crush her. Body and soul. She'd never abandoned anypony, much less her best friend! She could never do that! She had loved Fizzy deeply. As deeply as a young filly could love another at any rate. The tragedy had ripped them apart but that was not her doing!


    A scowl formed on Glitter's face as the larger mare shouldered her way past in the snow.The words she was speaking now. About happy lives, and husbands, and past sins? It was awful. She couldn't help the enraged gasp that left her. Those words, they bit deep. Really deep coming from a pony who had suffered a terrible injury and then fled from those who could have helped her. 


    Glitter summoned her strength then. She summoned her courage and quieted her anger as best she could. 


    "Wait a second!" The words came out crystal clear and bold. The mare trotted through the growing drift to stand directly in front of the unicorn. "You're not walking away after saying that." Ice. Snow. Cold. "I never abandoned anypony!" She glanced a way for only a moment, keeping the tears from coming. Then she looked back into Tempest's eyes. Hard as ice. "Much less you!" What Tempest had said about her life. Happy, smiles, and a family. None of it was true but she was yet to bridge that gap. 


    A flurry of snowflakes and icy wind blew by them, pulling Glitter's light blue mane out to the side like streamers. She stared at the much larger mare, holding her ground in the gale. The gust of wind passed and she continued to hold. He heart was pounding in her chest to the point where she thought maybe it was visible. She didn't care. 

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  9. image.png


    He rubbed the back of his head pensively as she spoke his true role at the friendship school. He much preferred to be just the professor of ancient runes and archaic magics. Sunny did know why Twilight had appointed him to the position before she left the school but, well it all sounded so formal. He just wanted to be himself. Now that he was more comfortable with himself that is. Well, he usually was more comfortable with himself, right now however? Why did he always seem to find himself in these awkward positions? And with the lovely Professor Shimmer no less?                                         


    The professor let out a small sigh to himself. Resigning that this was just the sort of life the fates had lined up for him. He'd been working up the courage for over two semesters to speak with Professor Shimmer on friendly terms and now this had happened in less than a heartbeat! 


    "Oh!" He put his front hoof back on the floor. "N-no! Disturbing me?" He chuckled. "Quite the contrary! Y-you have a lovely voice," He glanced around nervously. "I'm surprised I've never heard you before now. T-that is if you sing in the hallways o-on more than just this one occasion?"


    He cocked his head. Was she blushing? Oh horse feathers! He'd upset her! No what he'd intended at all!

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    As she neared Glitter eyed the unicorn in front of her. 


    "That's odd," She commented to herself as she watched the unicorn's horn glow fade at the same time as the snow storm. Was it possible he was controlling the weather? She'd not met many ponies that weren't pegasi that could control the weather with ease. Seemed this guy could...whoever he was. 


    By now Koda was bouncing around the stranger, making sure he was alright. It was one of his jobs when he went out trekking with Glitter Drops. Seek out any possible injuries and alert them to Glitter. As there was nothing amiss with this stallion Koda sufficed for just bounding around him, happy as always to make a new friend. 


    "Moving supplies along?" She muttered again while trotting close enough to converse back to him.


    "Hey there!" She glanced around at the bleak frozen whiteness surrounding them. "I don't see many other ponies out here this time of year," She glanced towards the sky, her eyes squinting. "Or any time of year really," She eyed the cargo an then stallion again. She could tell he was uneasy, she wasn't sure why.


    "Are you um," She glanced about again. They were way too far away from civilization for this to make any sense to her. "Are you camping out here?" She was sure that couldn't be true. Who would want to camp in the wastelands of the frozen north in frigid conditions? And who came out here with no cold weather protection on their body? It was her job as part oft he Royal Arctic Patrol to figure this guy out.

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    AJ was pleased that Moonlight was willing to stay and eat with them. She knew it would have been really hard to say no. Her cooking was good and she knew it! She nibbled at her greens and listened as the filly gave her feelings on the huge changes that had occurred. The farm mare was glad for Valen but she felt an inkling of missing him somehow. The colt trying to find his way in the world. He'd come to her for advice not that long ago and she'd told him to live the life his heart wanted. Now here he stood before her, the embodiment of what she knew his heart had really wanted and she felt... well she life perhaps she had told him wrong. 


    It wasn't that she wasn't happy for Moonlight. For the colt to have the chance she felt he needed. To be a filly and live it truly and fully. She would be just fine. She was the model of a runway model and she would do well in that direction. But it wasn't like before. It wasn't a colt in filly's clothes. It was a filly in filly's cloths. The honesty in her heart pulsed. This was an accident but perhaps not all that happy of an accident. She felt that she had wronged that colt, by telling he should live as a filly and now here he was doing exactly that. She'd not say a word though. He'd been through enough already no need to add doubt. The deed was done and one could only move forward. 


    She moved her hooves underneath her, wondering what the loss of earth connection would feel like. She didn't think she'd like it.


    "Wow," She swallowed a bite of turnover. "That's a whole heap to get used to sugar cube. Havin' a horn an' loosin' your earth connection all in one shot!" Again she strayed from the topic of becoming a filly. "Me an' Rares are here for you. We want you to know that." She glanced at the unicorn.


    "Indeed darling! If you need anything don't hesitate to ask. Outfits to be tailored, fashion tips, help with your magic," She giggled. "Sounds like you'll be needing my help more than your cousin's!"


    They both glanced at Moonlight, hoping she'd be accepting of their support. 

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    The spa ponies floundered for an answer under the glamorous mare's barrage. There was really nothing they could say. Nopony had been watching the locker area and now something was missing. Yes it was their fault but as far as what they could do...*question mark*


    AJ knew that would be the case. Of course they couldn't magically produce her beloved broach. She tried to toughen up, sniffing and wiping at her tears. It was hard but she could get through.


    "I'm sorry Rares," She sniffed again. "I never should have jus' left the broach when there was nopony to keep an eye on our things." It wasn't her fault and she knew it but apologizing helped her feel a little better somehow. 


    "What we need to do is find out if anypony was in here while we were in the spa," That's right, focus on trying to fix the situation. Maybe they could get the broach back if they worked together. She had good common sense on her side and Rarity was something of a sleuth when she took the mind to be. "Not sure if anypony saw anything but we should ask around."


    Then the thought dawned on her. "Hey Rares?" She thought back. "You remember that aerion character that stopped by the table today? Seems to me he wouldn't be overly surprised to find out somethin' of ours went missing," She pondered wether he might be responsible for this. "I think we might need to pay him a visit!"


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    Twilight blushed deeply when she heard the reply, her heart pounding in her chest. Had she heard correctly? Had Rainbow admitted she might feel at least sorta the way she felt? She found herself frozen in place, watching the pegasus as she fiddled with her front hooves. Twi felt light headed all of a sudden. She tried to take a deep breath and looked off towards the sparkling stained glass. The image she focused on shifted into a scene from the Crystal Empire. Of the crystal heart changing from shattered remains to a whole and unbroken heart. She remembered how it had felt to see the life blood of the empire returning to it's glory. The wave of relief that had washed over her. The thought calmed her a little.


    The Princess took a step closer to her friend. She felt happy now, almost giddy actually! She tried to play it careful though. it seemed Rainbow was having trouble coming to grips with her response. She seemed as unsure are Twi had ever seen her. Less confident in that moment than possibly ever before. She understood. It wasn't easy. This whole thing wasn't something she was ready to come to grips with. But she knew what she wanted. She knew who she wanted by her side. 


    Twilight moved closer until the side of her body was close to Rainbow's. There was no denying the heat that flowed between them. She moved her head up close, nuzzling behind Rainbow's ear for just a moment before whispering. It felt so good to be close.


    "It's ok, we can figure this out."

  14. temy.png


    Well, this hadn't started out well at all. The feelings welling up inside the mare were almost too much to bear. She could sense emotions brewing in Tempest as well, though they did not show on her face. She was cold, hard, unfeeling, as far as Glitter could tell. Not surprising. You'd have to be to just abandon your friends. Especially after what had happened. 


    Glitter didn't understand. Why would Fizzy choose to disappear after she'd risked her life and lost her horn to protect Glitter and Spring? They had been so close. They had shared the love of friendship... she might have even felt more than that for Fizzy. Not that she would have said too much. They were so young. She hadn't really even known how she'd felt. But they had been close, that much she knew. 


    Now here they were, walking through icy drifts, further apart than they'd ever been even though their proximity was closer than it had been in ever so long. Glitter sighed, watching Koda bound out ahead of them. The dog was a great trail breaker and she'd always appreciated that. Though the path ahead might be clear, the path to mending things with Fizzy were far from it. She didn't know if she even wanted to. Maybe they could just complete the job and go along their ways? Something inside her halted that way of thinking. No. She wanted to talk. She wanted to get the burden off of her. The guilt and frustration she'd carried for so long that it had become a part of her. 


    A fence line was beginning to appear out of the fog ahead of them. She knew where they were of course so that came as no surprise. They would scout around the small farms and cottages that were dotted throughout the leagues of land until they found prints, or clues of what they might be after. As the fence neared Glitter began to scan the snow top for hints. So far nothing. She glanced at Tempest, holding back all her heart wanted to spill. 


    "This is the Cold Hope farm. Sheep herders mostly, and a hot house for growing crops. Crisp Fritter and Lemon Dew own it. Had a report from them a couple weeks back. Large prints, and two sheep gone missing from the barn." She nodded in the direction of building. "Better check to see if there's anything new."


    She whistled to Koda and the dog began the task of sniffing out the area. He'd bark if anything interesting turned up. Then Glitter walked towards the barn, speaking over her shoulder to make it less difficult. "I never thought I'd see you again." Her heart raced as she tried to take back the words. It was too late though, the dam had ruptured.

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    Rainbow grimced slightly as her little guy bumped into a few things but he soon got himself straightened out. Before she could blink he was racing down the hallway towards the training fields. Her heart swelled with pride. He really was her little guy! She found herself often seeking connection to her son. It came so easy to AJ but for RD it took time and diligence. Sure she loved him to pieces it was just the deeper connection that she wanted. Right now she felt it strongly. He loved the same things she did when it came to flying. She'd do whatever she could to make him feel accomplished by the end of today, even if she knew he was a bit young for a rainboom.


    Various Wonderbolts stepped to the side as Zappers charged by. They smiled half smiles at each other. Knowing he was Rainbow's son made what he was doing permissible, but only that fact. Ponies were not usually allowed to get away with what was happening but this was different. They all felt pride seeing the little guy because their mother was one of them. Rainbow trotted by, chuckling with her comrades as she went. Yep! This was gonna be an adventure!


    The training session was almost over for the Wonderbolts which left lots of room for Zappers and Rainbow to do as they wished! Rainbow caught up to her son and directed him to the same grassy area that had first landed on. She nodded to where a set of agility hoops had been lowered nearer to the ground. This would be fun. 


    "Ok Zappers, I know you want to fly fast but let's get our wings loosened up ok? See those hoops over there? Follow me!"


    She took off at an easy pace towards the hoops and began to weave in and out through them. She glanced back, wondering how Zap would do. The hoops were placed on poles that would flex if they were bumped into so he should be just fine.

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