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Status Updates posted by NightlyMoon

  1. Toast is love Toast is life... :3

  2. You lazy butt... JK!

  3. Think for a moment.... what song best describes you?...... my song is a theme called precious hewie... beleive it or not.

  4. You are Fabulous!

    1. narwhaliagames


      Am I really a sexi? I wanna be a sexi

    2. NightlyMoon


      Yus! You better than sexi.... You SMEXY!!

  5. ive got bad blood! ive done bad things! how can i control myself if i enjoy these nasty habits?!

  6. what's that hiding inside the closet cloaked in darkness......

    1. Bluelight


      Uh........ air? XD........ idk...,. Im bad at guessing things...

    2. narwhaliagames


      It's me waitin for da booty

    3. NightlyMoon


      Okay.... Narwalia..... Your awesome but no butt for you! And btw


  7. im not a bad man... even though i do bad thing very bad things, SUCH HORRIBLE THINGS!

    1. stormchaser1991


      what are these horrible things you do?

    2. narwhaliagames


      and your not a man

    3. NightlyMoon


      Its from creature feature and I eat people! Mwahahaha!!!!

  8. i got a jar of diirt i got a jar of diirt i got a jar of diiirt, guess a whats inside it?!?

  9. im sooooooo bored! nopony is on at 10 or 12AM or even at 7 pm!!! gaaaahhhhhhrrrrggggggaaaammeeeeeeeellllll WHY U DO DIS!?!

  10. fourth conclusion. sword art online is beast!

  11. I have come to my third conclusion..... i am insane...

  12. I have come to a conclusion...... I hate people...

  13. I have come to a conclusion..... I

  14. i play piano! i have played drums but Narwalia! i think you should make sure its what you fur realzies wants! maybe you wanna guitar or something instead! then show your mom how you are on the drums! my mom discovered me through playing the piano at church in the dark.... i was soo happy that my talent was discovered and i got a decent piano!... try it!

    1. narwhaliagames


      my mom already knows i wanna play drums but the only reason i cant is because i cant afford it plus we dont have many places to put it

  15. Alice in musicland... is AWESOME!!!

  16. i recammend playing aion or elsworld...

  17. whut is a soul calibur?...... Is it exclaiber but a ghost version?

  18. That's what I'd do if I could.... my parents MAKE me get out of the house..... those long..... tiring walks.....

  19. Lawl...... Glub glub to yu too Mr narwalia..

  20. Whuts the idea? maybe I could help out... and then I could get an idea about a video game..... TEE HEE!

  21. hee hee!! I hpe it doesn't go really small.

  22. after listening to a song a billion times it will annoy you out of your marble cheeze.

    1. narwhaliagames


      thats how i now feel about the song paint it black

  23. Have fun Evan!! I hope u r having an awesome time in Florida!!! I cn't wait 4 summer to come!!! been dieing to get those sprites done and over with and I hope that wait was worth while!!!! have FUN!!

    1. narwhaliagames


      Aww thanks but at this rate i may not even get there

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