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Status Updates posted by Bluelight

  1. ITS THE BEEEESSSSTTT DAY EEEEEVVVVVEEEERR! (summer......... summer.......... summer..... YAY finally, last da of school

    1. enderponygirl


      yea on the 26 of june

  2. Sorry for totally abandoning this awesome site guys! I've been really busy, and got sick as wel........ fun fun! Anyway, Im back (For awhile, hopefully) and I feel like throwing up sooo. yeah :/

    1. ToothpasteThy


      Aww, dang. That sounds like a bugger to deal with. I hope you get well real soon, and also have some fun coming back into Canterlot! ^.^

  3. Im drawing an anime character.... as a pony.........you guys will never know until I post it in the gallery............ mwuhahahaha

    1. Frogmyre



      Shinji Ikari?

      *Looks forwards to it either way*

  4. am I the only one who cant upload from my phone?

    1. Halide


      Given the general expense of data plans, that might not be something you /want/ to have happen.

  5. ok back to rping!

    1. ping111


      Why does everyone spell my name wrong? :c

  6. i swear, watching people play slenderman is the best.....

  7. Im a horrible fish owner, half of the time, i forget to feed my beta fish lol!

    1. QuickLime


      Then don't have a pet if you keep forgetting to feed it :I

  8. "Once did a pony who gleamed like the moon, look out on her kingdom and sigh. Dejected she cried "Surely there is no pony who loves, or finds any love in my night" ~Luna

    1. XanXeto


      "If for not thee, Princess Luna, we would have no purpose..." -Night Wing Guardian Leader, Mightwing

  9. Im booooorrrreedd any threads I can join thats not to far into rp?

    1. MontyPython


      There's always my Tron thing-a-ma-jig...

  10. Shhh mom thinks im asleep

    1. SongHeart


      Shh, my mom thinks I'm not crazy

  11. I thought march was supposed to be warm as far as kentucky :(

    1. SongHeart


      Ikr. I live in Kentucky and yesterday was literally 55 degrees and today is 19

  12. I went to frankfort today!

  13. not feeling too well (Got sick D:)

  14. Theres something more to this, that we have missed. Things around here are suspicious..... (Gravity falls theme, Lizz's lyrics(youtube))

  15. No one wants to rp madoka magica? ;-;

  16. making a house on mc

  17. For once, Im actually trying to finish bleach and not jut\st sitting around..... now after I finish bleach I have to finish naruto and break my bad habit of this stuff x3

  18. *sigh* No questions on here or dA..... oh well.. might as well make a new oc!..........

  19. season 5....... funny... 5 x3=15= days til my bday..... Hasbro is giving me the best gift ever!

  20. *sigh* I'm solo bored! not only do I wish I got commissions, but I wish I were at home where I would be able to draw or something!

  21. sorry guys, no art until I get a new charger for my laptop...... my first one broke...

  22. youtube.com/watch?v=

  23. Maud has best singing voice
  24. for the first time in forever im home on the weekend!

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