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Status Updates posted by Scarlet

  1. ugh..just what happened last night?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dio


      Gimme somedat pizzaburger

    3. Halide


      Tellin' ya man. Burner buns with tomato sauce and cheese in the toaster oven, broiled. Cook up the pattie. Put the pattie 'tween the buns with a little sriracha and boom. Mouth explosion flavour delicious.

    4. SymphonicFire


      *drooling over keyboard*

  2. W...why can't I stop shaking? W..why do I suddenly feel all alone?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Scarlet


      *hugs* you do know I am dating him (among others) don't you?

    3. SymphonicFire


      ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) but we are right here...

    4. FrozenPegasus



      *hugs* you do know I am dating him (among others) don't you?


  3. Would I be missed if I just disappeared? Probably not

    1. RainbowDaringDash
    2. SymphonicFire


      Of course we would miss you.

    3. FlamingFury


      Miss u if u left so dont

  4. back to being a lone wolf...oh well

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. leapman


      You still got me! :D

    3. FlamingFury
    4. SeriousSam


      We didn't disown you sister...we never would.. *hugs you tightly*

  5. How do you deal with a heavy heart?

    1. RainbowDaringDash


      By enjoying time with your friends

    2. Halide


      Upbeat music, bad puns, and hanging out with happy people. Also by putting on a season of whatever, cleaning up everything around me, opening all the windows, and lighting some scented candles.

    3. FlamingFury


      Do what you like

  6. I understand if people hate me now, I am used to it anyway...

    1. SymphonicFire


      I don't hate you :C don't torture yourself like that

  7. "Do you love me just the way I am? Do you need me? Will you take my hand? Maybe you'll see through the mystery Do you believe Do you love me just the way I am? Do you need me? Will you take a chance? Maybe you'll see all that I can be Do you believe, believe in me?"

    1. SymphonicFire


      That sounds like lyrics to a song! ^-^

    2. Scarlet


      yup "Believe in Me" by Blackmore's Night

    3. SymphonicFire
  8. Ever felt that you just make everything awkward? If so, how do you deal with it? I'd really like some help with this but don't know how to deal with this feeling... :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosewind


      Build confidence in yourself and stand behind what you say and do.

    3. RainbowDaringDash


      What rose said, just have confidence that you can do it and never give up

    4. Phalos


      Oh, totally and the silence tells it all.

  9. Anyone interested in a private 1x1 RP? If so PM me for details please

  10. Buck my life..

    1. SeriousSam


      *hugs you tightly*

  11. Screw MLPForums!

  12. um.. I...ah.... *gazes around the room randomly* ah...I think...I feel strange... like I'm here but not here... in a trance or...something

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Slazer


      That statement is very quotable, Ciraxis.

    3. Slazer


      That statement is very quotable, Ciraxis.

    4. ForeverFrozen


      Sounds like a normal day in my life

  13. "I cannot (cannot) escape (escaaaape) the controversy, maybe (just maybe) i should just, end it (end iiiit), would that make you happy? (make you haaapy?)"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scarlet


      they're just lyrics I wrote before

    3. SeriousSam


      Oh...****, sorry. Yay, I officially worry too much....

    4. RainbowDaringDash


      Sam bro, you made me start worrying :P lol, cool lyrics sis

  14. *sighs* Went to bed with a heavy heart, and I still have it :(

    1. SeriousSam


      *hugs you tightly*

    2. FlashGear


      Hugs you too!

    3. Scarlet


      Thanks little bro, and dad... I just.. terrible nightmare :(

  15. 4:32 am here yep bed time night all

    1. SeriousSam


      G-goodnight..sister...I'll be here in a corner if you need me...

  16. I could really do with a hug right now :(

  17. Gotta love Goku, he's such a dork :P

    1. RainbowDaringDash


      DBZ, its a good show

  18. *sighs*

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Scarlet


      it has to me, I've had 'friends' even ones that claim to be Christian but they ditch me, they always do

    3. RainbowDaringDash


      I never ditch my friend's

    4. SeriousSam
  19. This place used to be huge with heaps of members..what happened?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Corsair


      This site started back during Season 1, and we've had members drift in and out since then. Some people found other places to RP, some people lost interest in pony. some people left and came back later. I think we're doing pretty darn good right now :)

    3. Scarlet


      yea it is much smaler than MLPF but that's a good thing, no circlejerking and is a lot easier for the staff to moderate

    4. SteelEagle


      You will see that there are plenty of active users who may not be posting in sections that you do. I, for example, make almost all my posts in the World of Equestria and Canterlot Chronicles section of the forum. Also, I dare say that the quality of our membership- and expectations- is higher than just about any other pony forum out there.

  20. So stressed, so anxious, so tired..

    1. SeriousSam


      Why are you stressed?

    2. Scarlet


      darned housemates kid..

  21. I want to make a thread about bullying, but not sure if it should go in 18+ or not...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GhostGirl


      If you're concerned about it becoming inflammatory or controversial in some way, it goes in 18+.

    3. Scarlet


      Okay thanks, that's not really the concern, the concern is that to some, including myself it is a very sensitive subject thanks for the aswer though, off to the 18+ section

    4. RarityDash


      bullying is something that practically everyone at some point has to deal with. Personally, I'd say that it would be appropriate enough for the general forum.

  22. *sigh* I don't think I'll be doing much talking, if any at all.. I am too annoyed and angry right now :(

    1. SeriousSam


      I think the same...

  23. "Some humans like baby food, usually their babies.." - Rhett (Good Mythical Morning)

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