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Status Updates posted by smileyface1010

  1. Well I just watched a 4th of July hot dog eating contest... a guy ate 61 hot dogs in 10 minutes... thats America for ya XD

    1. QuickLime


      I don't think I like what this comment is insinuating...

    2. YourLittleBrony



  2. Hello Canterlot!~ How are you people today?

    1. CaptainMcDerp
    2. tacobob


      Thought is made in the mouth!

  3. Dang, it seems like all the rps I'm in are either dying or going really slow...

    1. stormchaser1991


      well the choose you own adventure one will go as fast or slow as you want just go

    2. smileyface1010


      Oh yeah forgot about that one! XD

  4. That moment when you get locked out and after sitting there outside for 20 mins you realize the back door was open the whole time.... *facepalm*

  5. That moment when you get all comfy in bed and you realize you forgot to do something...

    1. Harv0kz


      I know it too well... which I why I try to cut the distance between it and bed.

  6. So I officially have 5 dogs... well, three we own, one's a hospice who's a hospice who's probably not going anywhere, and now we have another foster. Right when it gets extremely cold too and I have to walk them. Oh well, dogs are cute :)

    1. smileyface1010


      "one's a hospice who's a hospice" *facepalm*

  7. Just scraped up my knee...joy... -_-

    1. stormchaser1991


      you should be careful

  8. You are so young, and you are so free, but you're aimless, and I can't help but see...

    1. Smartbrony


      That you don't know, what you wanna be! Are we there yet? Are we are we there yet?

  9. You know you're a Nintendo fan when you find yourself hugging a Bowser Jr plushie at Nintendo World :3

    1. smileyface1010


      ...and the Kirby plushie XD

  10. Oh no... I just realized... I'm not in any RPs! :o

    1. SirJude


      Welp, you better get on to fixing that!

  11. Would anyone like to be crushed- I mean play against me in Super Smash Bros wii u? PM me if so!

    1. DreamySunday


      .... I would exterminate you...

  12. I spilled cat food down the stairs.....great.....

  13. There, Finally got a chance to watch the new episode *dances*

  14. Hey guyssss :) I'm still alive, I'll start being more active on here again sooner or later XD

  15. Hey guys! I'm on dA now! Check me out if you want to see more of my drawings and wallpapers and stuff! (Not much on there atm, but I made my AJ wallpaper finally!) http://libsterx.deviantart.com/

  16. Going spoiler-free before the new season has been so hard....but I can do it! :D

  17. I wore my Vinyl Scratch hoodie out in public today and at least three people stared at me like I'm crazy XD

  18. Hehe... Ima wolf pony :3

  19. RIP test block. You shall be missed by your wonderers.

  20. Would anyone like to be crushed- I mean play against me in Super Smash Bros wii u? PM me if so!

  21. I'm baaaacccckkkk!!!! Been a while hasn't it?

  22. Holy fudgesicles...I just found a really old paper from the fourth grade with a bunch of smiley faces drawn on it... that was the year that the nickname Smiley originated 0_0

  23. Yay! I finally got around to thinking up a male OC

  24. SUMMER HAS ARRIVED (grabs party cannon)

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