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Everything posted by lordbrony

  1. the thing is that you guys want quality over quantity; thats not a problem in itself but some people are gonna get chided for being "brief or incomplete" while those that tried to cover all the bases will be asked to cut stuff out and they will be stuck because everything is important to them throw in different writing styles and its ugh Maybe the problem can be solved with a RP app reviewer recruitment drive or something
  2. let the Flootershy Wars begin! I remember how there was a 4 way fight for the last one
  3. except seeing a few tired people gathering in the same place and reminiscing just feels sad tbh. If MLP dies, I'll walk away with happy nostalgic memories, but you'll never catch me reminiscing about the good ole days, no sir-ree bob
  4. Spike's optimistic gerbil Lemmywinks climbed into Pinkie's amazing skillet why are all my posts here whatever I was working on in the switcheroo thead
  5. years ago, I watched The Devil's Rejects I just couldnt get over how a human could treat another human like that now its all 'meh whatever', even for movies like Saw
  6. time to mind takery this thread! ooooo weeee ooo weeeeeeeeeeee!
  7. Just a suggestion; you guys could consider refreshing your roster every now and then, just so others can join in
  8. you should see my uncanny ability to kill chatrooms just by saying hi
  9. nope never heard of it TPBM hasn't watched the latest MLP episode yet
  10. whenever I google my actual online handle (not this one obviously) I get a detailed history of everything, no matter how small, that I've done for the past 10 years scary aint it
  11. you mean like south park?
  12. IIRC there is a member of the GoLucky family who's a fortune teller; she's a charlatan though
  13. Telki was still struggling to get a good view of whatever was going on when she heard somepony yelling a loud greeting followed by asking everypony to rise. "Must be some nobility" Telki stole quick glances around her, noticing that nopony seemed to pay heed. She finally managed to squirm her way to the front of the pack, driven more by curiosity than anything; that pony had to be important enough to draw such attention but yet it probably wasn't at Celestia's or Luna's level, so who or what could he be? Popping her head out all she could catch was a tall white stallion walking away and thinner, smaller unicorn following him. Looking in the direction they had came from, she noticed a pile of luggage at the door of the carriage and apparently nopony had been assigned to carry those bags. Telki saw her chance, she did a fast trot back, catching up with the 2 ponies she saw earlier; made easier by the crowd deciding the show was over and dissapaiting "Psst! Psssssstt!" she hissed at the pony at the back (the one in front had seemingly stopped and was looking left and right for some reason). When he turned to look at her she jerked her head in the direction of the pile of luggage, made her horn glow a little and winked at him followed by holding up her hoof.
  14. "Totally not cool sis" 1st thought that passed through Celestia's mind when she got he friendship report in Luna Eclipsed
  15. it seems blatently clear that when constructing the MLP world the writers didnt have a clear idea from the get go and were making stuff up as they went along AJ's parents is one of them, the writers probably will leave this question unanswered till it's needed for a plot device
  16. I consider it clever wordplay on the part of the show's writers Anypony notice the big push towards family names as canon in MLP?
  17. more to keep than anything else; I just like the flexibility of avi also converting time is not a problem
  18. Spike's optimistic snake companion climbed into Rarity's amazing plot. (crud I get to repeat that????)
  19. disagree, RD is overrated TPBM thinks that the mane6 are sterotypes
  20. like Sulvuss, you never seem to give up on the "last posts wins" thread
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