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Name: Midnight Blade

Appearance: He is an average sized male, around 6’ 1” . His hair is long, but well kempt. Midnight’s natural hair color is black, but he has died it a deep blue color and added lighter blue highlights. He is well built, and neither fat, nor skinny; he usually dresses well in black jeans or other pants with a colored T-Shirt. Around his apartment or whenever it is cold outside, he generally wears light blue fingerless gloves that hide a ring on his left ring finger.

Personality: A generally amiable person, Midnight is always looking to open up further to his friend, but is sometimes hesitant on exposing himself to the critique of others. With friends, he can be opened up and read like a book. With new people, friendly or not, he is always slightly cautious about what he says or does around them. Midnight is not usually fixing to be the center of attention, but he always loves a good party. He possesses a great mind, and never ceases to think of new ideas or ways of being. Midnight Blade may seem like an active, outgoing person, but in truth, he prefers to be slacking off from whatever he was assigned to do.

Slight History: Going to school and living a normal life, Midnight Blade is entering Hoofington for a chance to better his future. He has gone through many break ups, but not many make ups. Both of Midnight's parents are alive and in excellent health, although his father works in the rainbow factory of Cloudsdale.

Present: Midnight Blade is currently attending Hoofington High, and works at a local pizzeria, barely making ends meet.

How is this?

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Name: Silverbolt

Appearance: Humanized: Around 6' 2" tall with a slim build and cobalt blue wings. Has great endurance in the wing and legs from his part time job delivering packages. He wears bomber's goggles with lenses that correct his near sightedness but has a pair of standard eyeglasses for when he isn't flying about. He wears camo shorts and standard white socks with athletic sneakers and a thunderstorm themed t-shirt with 2 tone blue hair: 1st tone, sky blue and the other tone is blue ice kept short and slightly spiky.


Found here:

Present: At Hoofington High, working with a package delivery service part time and making a modest living. He can afford to splurge on whatever captures his fancy every few months.

(hope you like it!)

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Sadly the OOC joining process has been closed up for now. As we are testing our current system to work out any kinks. However we thank you for posting your application and we will keep in you in the loop should we decide to expand which is something we deffinetly plan to do :)

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OKAY LISTEN UP...Or read...Ya'know...WE have decided that each house has two bedrooms. Each bedroom has two beds. Wether the beds are single or bunk is up to you. Obviously if a room has a bunk it counts as the two beds for that room. We would like you to include in your posts this information :) If you already have thats fine XD

Each house has 2 rooms with 2 beds etc. Special arangements can be made for those who want or need a room to themselves. So all you helpful people can just up and move one bed into the other room XD

Each house has the standard set up. Living doubling as a dining area attached to the kitchen. One bathroom per house. Thats it for now.

Also good changes Soarin XD

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Name: Nova Arkwing

Appeance: Humanized, he is slightly above averaged size at around 6'4, tall well-built neither fat/skinny his special forces training and conditioning has made his body heavily resilient and endurable with a very high pain tolerance, due to his training he is highly trained in various fields such as self defense, survival skills, aviation and aerodynamics. His large wings have notable gold-colored patterns and are shaped in a sleek-ly odd aerodynamically-advanced fashion in which they add stability and speed making him much more faster and manueverable at high speeds or in air combat, his natural hair colour is dark brown but for some reason he prefers dying it in shades of blue, his clothing is casual and practical for outdoor activity the only notable fact is his special forces red beret with a badge that is formed in the shape of a sword with wings on each side.

Personality: Intelligent and analytical, Nova is somewhat reserved noted for his courageous, straight-forward and determined attitude, utterly cold and calculating and merciless in a fight but prefers dis-arming or disabling his opponant then outright killing them, he prefers getting the job done with minimal screw-ups, he loves the freedom and the thrill of flying.

Slight history: His parents are in the Equestrian military his father is a high ranking commander in the Equestrian air force and his mother is a Squadron leader of the Equestrian air force, his family is traditionally military, it was considered an honor to serve in Her Royal Princess's armed services. Nova is a member of the Equestrian Special Forces and part time flyer is some of Equestria's flight display and combat squadrons.

Current life: Nova's father is stationed at Canterlot while his mother is stationed at Cloudsdale, Nova is stationed at Cloudsdale but is currently inactive until redeployed, awaiting assignment.

Part time job: Mentioned above.

Home: Cloudsdale

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Sorry Nova, but this forum is closed for a reason, we are currently testing out the RP with our current nuber of applicants, and really don't know if we can handle any more, but thank you for showing interest, and we will let you know if positions come up.

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If there are positions, we will go over both your friend's and your applications, check to see if everything is cool, and then give you the go ahead, however your friend, if he wants to play Rainbow Dash must play as his OC solo for a while, so we can decide if he can portray her character, while still keeping with the type of RP we want.

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Attention, everypony. We are going to be holding classes in four separate threads. Each thread will be moderated by a GM, who in turn plays two teachers each. We have scheduled the day though, so that each GM has only one teacher active at a time, so that the thread is only being used by one class at any given time. We will also be having a break between period two and three that will be lunch. That will take place in the Breaks and House Chat thread. Please head to these threads to start up your day:

Flight: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/11074-hoofington-high-flight-and-magic-private/

Art: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/11072-hoofington-high-arts-and-history-class-private/

Science: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/11075-hoofington-high-science-pe-and-games-private/

Maths: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/11073-hoofington-high-math-and-alchemyprivate/

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Sure thing, cloud. We had an assembly in which the teachers introduced themselves, and then we got a look at everyone's schedules. We're about to go to our first class.

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