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I have some more Questionnaire in me!


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Hey remember those questionnaires I had here is another one.Lets just get on with it!

1.Favorite FiM Episode

2.Two Favorite Unicorns

3.Favorite Brony Artist

4.Favorite Brony Musician

5.Your Nickname

6.Favorite Cutie Mark Crusader

7.Your Cutest OC (If you have one)

8.Your Favorite Human OC(s) (If you have some)

9.During the Zombie Apocalypse which of the mane six would you have on your team?

10.Dream Job

11.Favorite Food

12.Favorite Pony Poop/Parody

13.Favorite Ship

14.Which is scarier Crazy Twilight or Pinkamena Diane Pie

15.Favorite Pony Quote

16.Favorite Movie Quote

17,Favorite Number

18.Anime Character that you can relate to the most.

My answers:

1.The Season Finale

2.Rarity and Trixie


4.Wooden Toaster or Aviators

5.Colt and Wubs

6.Sweetie Bot! I mean Belle

7.Night Watch (Squee)

8.Krypt and Colt

9.Pinkie Pie


11.Hmmm fried chicked or burgers?

12. .Mov series.

13.Rarity x Fluttershy


15.Oh it is on!



18.A mix between Brief (Panty and Stocking) and Junpei (Nyan Koi) with out all the girls gushing over him.

Now it's your turn friendo!~Colt

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1.applebuck season, or the intro to season 2, or the finale. They're all so good >n<

2.Lyra heartstrings, Rarity

3.can't remember : (

4.Aviators, DJAlexs

5. Headshot. It's a bit of a story. Basically on my ultimate frisbee team I've been hit in the head the most. First time was by the team coach on the first day xD I think the count stopped somewhere at 17 x3


7. ...

8. ...

9. Pinky Pie. Trust her, never question her, and always go along with her, and everything will be K.

10. Something involving designing and creating stuff.

11.Pumpkin Pie

12.Epic wub time

13.Berry Punch x Colgate

14.Crazy Twilight, I could deal with Pinky

15."This is The. Worst. Possible. Thing!"

16."You just killed a helicopter with a car!?" "-I was out of bullets"


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Alrighty! Here goes:

1.Favorite FiM Episode- Baby Cakes

2.Two Favorite Unicorns - Twilight Sparkle and Phil's version of Rarity.

3.Favorite Brony Artist - Brian Blackberry!

4.Favorite Brony Musician - SimGretina

5.Your Nickname - Rosie!

6.Favorite Cutie Mark Crusader - Apple Bloom

7.Your Cutest OC (If you have one) - My OC would scare you, just ask the other RP Helpstaff.

8.Your Favorite Human OC(s) (If you have some) - Eew, humans?!

9.During the Zombie Apocalypse which of the mane six would you have on your team? Pinkie of course!

10.Dream Job - Running a real-life Sugarcube Corner.

11.Favorite Food - Anything with chocolate.

12.Favorite Pony Poop/Parody - Friendship is Witchcraft, Friendship is Gic

13.Favorite Ship - PinkieDash or ApplePie.

14.Which is scarier Crazy Twilight or Pinkamena Diane Pie - Pinkamena of course!

15.Favorite Pony Quote - "This is a crib. It is only to be used for napping, sleeping, and on occasion with permission, as a pretend old-timey Western fort. It is not a trampoline, so stop your jumping right now, mister!"

16.Favorite Movie Quote - "We accept her, one of us!" Also any quote from Fantastic Mr. Fox.

17,Favorite Number - Pi.

18.Anime Character that you can relate to the most - Not sure on this! I'd have to think about it.

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1.Favorite FiM Episode - Luna Eclipsed.

2.Two Favorite Unicorns - Rarity and Lyra

3.Favorite Brony Artist - Putting Brian by default ;D

4.Favorite Brony Musician - n/a I like the shows' songs as-is.

5.Your Nickname - Scotchie. Or Chotchkerscotch or any variation thereof but only Dio calls me that.

6.Favorite Cutie Mark Crusader - APPLEBLOOM!

7.Your Cutest OC (If you have one) Chotchkie, of COURSE.

8.Your Favorite Human OC(s) (If you have some) N/A. What would a human OC be anyway? I mean I have a character not related to any fandom named Kaya that I am fairly attached to...

9.During the Zombie Apocalypse which of the mane six would you have on your team? Probably Applejack. Seems the most practical.

10.Dream Job - not what I am doing now, I can tell you that.

11.Favorite Food - varies with the seasons. But Watermelon is pretty high up there.

12.Favorite Pony Poop/Parody the pony.mov series.

13.Favorite Ship ಠ_ಠ

14.Which is scarier Crazy Twilight or Pinkamena Diane Pie. Pinkamena, for sure.

15.Favorite Pony Quote - "I am going to do what I do best! LECTURE HER" - Twilight Sparkle.

16.Favorite Movie Quote - Can't post it here, but it's from Heathers and involves a chainsaw.

17,Favorite Number - 38

18.Anime Character that you can relate to the most. - Akane from Ranma 1/2.


16.Favorite Movie Quote - "We accept her, one of us!" Also any quote from Fantastic Mr. Fox.

Was totally quoting that while camping the weekend before last. Not so much "quoting" as banging silverware on the table and chanting it to scare off some nosy campers. Gooble Gobble.

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This should be fun!

1.Favorite FiM Episode - Tough one, but I'd say Luna Eclipsed

2.Two Favorite Unicorns - Twilight Sparkle and Luna (ok she's an alicorn)

3.Favorite Brony Artist - I like Nimaru

4.Favorite Brony Musician - Aviators

5.Your Nickname - Luxplush (since some ponies in a certain chat consider me soft)

6.Favorite Cutie Mark Crusader - Apple Bloom

7.Your Cutest OC (If you have one) - Sweet Sueprise (She's Pinkie Pie's hyperactiveness, Fluttershy's kindness, and Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka's craziness.

8.Your Favorite Human OC(s) (If you have some) - What's a human?

9.During the Zombie Apocalypse which of the mane six would you have on your team? _Twilight Sparkle

10.Dream Job - Work at a library (I'm such an egghead!)

11.Favorite Food - Chicken

12.Favorite Pony Poop/Parody - Ponies Anthology 2

13.Favorite Ship - Twi x Luna

14.Which is scarier Crazy Twilight or Pinkamena Diane Pie - Psycho Twilight

15.Favorite Pony Quote - "You think you can just destoy the Elements of Harmony just like that? Well, you're wrong! Because the elements are right here!" - Twilight to Nightmare Moon, Seasion 1 Episode 2

16.Favorite Movie Quote - "What is real? How do you define real? If real is what you see or hear, that is just chemical reactions in your brain." - Morpheus from The Matrix

17,Favorite Number - 85

18.Anime Character that you can relate to the most. - L from Death Note.

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7.Your Cutest OC (If you have one) - My OC would scare you, just ask the other RP Helpstaff.

Hehe! :lol: Indeed. Rose's OC is certainly something else, to say the least... :P

Anyway, mine:

1.Favorite FiM Episode - Sonic Rainboom

2.Two Favorite Unicorns - Rarity and Twilight Sparkle

3.Favorite Brony Artist - Brian Blackberry :)

4.Favorite Brony Musician - Don't listen to much in the way of fan music, so I'll just say Daniel Ingram.

5.Your Nickname - uh... Phil

6.Favorite Cutie Mark Crusader - Sweetie Belle

7.Your Cutest OC (If you have one) - Cutest? Hmm... Probably one of my little fillies, so either Ardent Fate or Hopesong.

8.Your Favorite Human OC(s) (If you have some) - humans do not belong in my Equestria.

9.During the Zombie Apocalypse which of the mane six would you have on your team? - Twilight Sparkle. She'd definitely be able to kill the most zombies with her magic.

10.Dream Job - any where I get paid a lot to do practically nothing.

11.Favorite Food - I have a strong taste for most fresh seafood

12.Favorite Pony Poop/Parody - don't watch an overwhelming amount of the stuff, but I did watch and like the Anthology videos.

13.Favorite Ship - RariDash is the best ship ever. ;-)<3:kissy:

14.Which is scarier Crazy Twilight or Pinkamena Diane Pie - Twilight. Definitely Twilight.

15.Favorite Pony Quote - "Let us never speak of this again." - Rarity, Season 2, episode 2.

16.Favorite Movie Quote - "You don't understand anything, man. Leave your stupid comments in your pocket!" - Mark, The Room.

17,Favorite Number - 27

18.Anime Character that you can relate to the most. - I don't really try to relate to characters in anime, so that's kind of a difficult question. I guess if pushed I'd say Konata from Lucky Star, but it's quite far from a very perfect match.

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Oh this looks fun XD

1.Favorite FiM Episode - Over A Barrel.

2.Two Favorite Unicorns - Colgate and Twilight!

3.Favorite Brony Artist - I don't know much but I'd say Brian Blackberry

4.Favorite Brony Musician - Im not actually a fan of alot of them. I like the songs from FIW though XD

5.Your Nickname - I get horrible nicknames for my username. Either Slasher or Whitey D:

6.Favorite Cutie Mark Crusader - Sweetie Belle!

7.Your Cutest OC (If you have one) - If I could count young filly Rabble Rouser I'd say her. But I'll go with JD

8.Your Favorite Human OC(s) (If you have some) - Don't have any, recently turned Rabble into a human and thats been pretty fun.

9.During the Zombie Apocalypse which of the mane six would you have on your team? - Applejack. She can buck the zombies plus she'd be great for banter.

10.Dream Job - Actor! But that won't happen XD

11.Favorite Food - OH. Theres so many...I'll just say pizza. I can't go wrong with that.

12.Favorite Pony Poop/Parody - Tough tie between FIW and the .MOVs

13.Favorite Ship - I dont really have one to be honest O_O

14.Which is scarier Crazy Twilight or Pinkamena Diane Pie - Deffinetly Twilight!

15.Favorite Pony Quote - "Don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddle the issue!"

16.Favorite Movie Quote - "Time for some thrilling heroics" Firefly XD

17,Favorite Number - 7!

18.Anime Character that you can relate to the most. - Oh. That's really I hard...I can't say :L

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1.Favorite FiM Episode -

2.Two Favorite Unicorns - Rarity and Twilight Sparkle

3.Favorite Brony Artist - Don't have one yet!

4.Favorite Brony Musician - Again..don't have one yet!

5.Your Nickname - Pookie. Pet name. :3

6.Favorite Cutie Mark Crusader - Sweetie Belle

7.Your Cutest OC (If you have one) A dream horse I've had, turned into a pony. That count? XD

8.Your Favorite Human OC(s) (If you have some) None

9.During the Zombie Apocalypse which of the mane six would you have on your team? Rainbow Dash. Don't know why...seemed fitting.

10.Dream Job - Cartoonist!

11.Favorite Food - I'm a huge fan of sushi. Though something simple like pizza will always make me succumb.

12.Favorite Pony Poop/Parody the pony.mov series.: none

13.Favorite Ship N/A

14.Which is scarier Crazy Twilight or Pinkamena Diane Pie. Pinkamena

15.Favorite Pony Quote - "

Whining? I am not "whining". I am complaining. Do you want to hear "whining"? (whines obnoxiously) This is whining! Ooohhhh! This harness is too tight! It's going to chafe! Can't you loosen it?! OH! It hurts and it's so rusty! Why didn't you clean it first?! It's gonna leave a stain, and the wagon's getting heavy! Why do I have to pull it?!" - Rarity (simply for her voice fluctuating..it's adorable)

16.Favorite Movie Quote -


— The Princess Bride (at least until I find a better one)

17,Favorite Number - 42 (tee hee)

18.Anime Character that you can relate to the most. - Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Neptune from Sailor Moon, Akane Tendo from Ranma 1/2

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1.Favorite FiM Episode

Party of One

2.Two Favorite Unicorns

Twilight and Vinyl Scratch

3.Favorite Brony Artist

Probably the Ask Surprise tumblr

4.Favorite Brony Musician


5.Your Nickname

Uhm. I have a lot of them. Most of them involve having a leaky brain pan.

6.Favorite Cutie Mark Crusader


7.Your Cutest OC (If you have one)

I got the one. He's been called handsome by some mares.

8.Your Favorite Human OC(s) (If you have some)

Like I can think of any right now.

9.During the Zombie Apocalypse which of the mane six would you have on your team?

Pinkie Pie. Zombie conga line.

10.Dream Job


11.Favorite Food

Buffalo wings

12.Favorite Pony Poop/Parody

Amazingly, I'm not a big fan of poops.

13.Favorite Ship

Apple x Mac. Sorry.

14.Which is scarier Crazy Twilight or Pinkamena Diane Pie

Diane. Nobody should switch back and forth between manic and depressive that fast.

15.Favorite Pony Quote

Just pull up the script list for Pinkie Pie. It's in there somewhere.

16.Favorite Movie Quote

"What's in the Box, Frank?" from Se7en. Not a favorite, but I've been saying it a lot recently.

17,Favorite Number

No real favorite, but I like when I'm at register and a customer's total is a palindrome.

18.Anime Character that you can relate to the most.

Tadayasu, from Moyasimon. Being surrounded by chaos that only he can see.

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I'm going to continue my tradition of answering the questions for which I have an interesting answer.

1.Favorite FiM Episode: Fall Weather Friends

5.Your Nickname: Andy

9.Zombie Apocalypse teammate: Twilight

10.Dream Job: Mechanical Engineer (and I have it!)

11.Favorite Food: Pad Thai

15.Favorite Pony Quote: "I am not whining, I am complaining"

16.Favorite Movie Quote: Buongiorno Principessa! (from Life is Beautiful)

17.Favorite Number: 6 (because it is short of 7, the number of completeness)

18.Anime Character that you can relate to: Hikaru (Hikaru no Go)

15."This is The. Worst. Possible. Thing!"

Ah yes. Classic.

17.Favorite Number - 7!

It would be interesting to know if you like it for the same reason that I chose 6 instead.

Also, many of you like food that I love, but will not buy here because the quality is low, like sushi or wings.

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By the way I love your profile pic Weesh!

Thanks! I love it! Angie made it when I suggested that she draw my favorite background ponies. I keep thinking I will use one of my other avatars, and I have quite the backlog, but I can't get myself to part with it now that she is gone.

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1.The Last Roundup

2.Rarity And Twilight Sparkle

3.Mad Max! (She did my avatar!)

4.TheLiving Tombstone



7.Fire Walker (Cute red Pegasus mare.)


9.Pinkie Pie. The zombies wouldn't have a chance.

10.Ummmm. No job? A no job that pays!


12..Mov videos

13.RMS Titanic

14.Pinkamena Diane Pie

16.Favorite Movie Quote


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1. "Hurricane Fluttershy"

2. Twilight Sparkle and Rarity

3. John Joseco

4. Replacer

5. Spud/Thoth


7. I don't really think that way about my OCs

8. Eeeenope

9. Pinkie Pie! Judging by Shaun of the Dead, quirky characters always survive the apocalypse!

10. Writing a script for a blockbuster film

11. Cheese

12. Ponies: The Anthology series or the PONY.MOV series

13. RarityXSpike

14. Crazy Twilight. Pinkamena was moreso dis-heartening and sad to watch than Crazy Twilight, IMO

15. "yay"

16. "Pop quiz, hotshot."

17. 18

18. Don't watch too much anime, but I can fairly say that whoever that main girl from "BoBoBo BoBoBoBo" would be most relateable in my inability to understand anime and anime logic.

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10.Ummmm. No job? A no job that pays!

Who was it that posted on these forums that had some sort of tech job that was mostly just fixing problems as they arose? I remember something to the effect of "I get paid to post on canterlot".

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