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Equestria High 2

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OOC: We continue the rp from here kk, so we don't make the previous one any longer. Starts at the club rally after all classes. Students all about deciding what clubs they gonna take.

IC: The school grounds was alight with activity as hundreds of various clubs tried to draw attention to their stands, students all about were joining one or another, sometimes even three different clubs.

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"Let's see here, Drama club, too whiney; math team, too much thinking required; Anger management club, eh would be fun to troll everyone else in the class, but not worth it, ooh ninja club;

Deadpool walked and signed up for Ninja club.


Applejack was hosting her own club, farming club, to be precise.

(OOC:So, is this the next day, or just an hour later or something like that?)

(Next day, i think)

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Rarity sighed, "Wherw is the sewing club, teach some girls about real sewing!" she smiled and looked around.

Pinkie smiled, "Oh I want to join student council!" she said looking to see if it was there.

Fluttershy looked at Night, "What should we join?" she asked quietly, but nervous at the large crowd

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((Woah woah woah. Woah. I still have a lot of unfinished stuff with Fantasia and SOSy, and Pawn and Snowy still have their date. I highly recommend if you still have unfinished business that you finish it in the last topic. I wasn't saying I was worried about it getting any longer. I'm keeping up with it fine in the summary, and to be completely honest, this is going to confuse the **** out of me having to update two days at once. Shadow, you're going too fast.

For people who are done with the last day, such as Deadpool, it's fine if they post here. I'll still keep track of it in the summary, but if you aren't done in the last day, please post there and finish up your storylines. Let's keep this somewhat organized still.))

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Echo walked through the booths, admiring the different booths. He brushed a bit of dust off his leather jacket and wipes the lenses of his aviators glasses. He stops at a flying club booth. He picks up a pamphlet and reads it, twiddling a toothpick back and forth in his mouth. "Pretty nice, gotta say." He says before signing his name to join.

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Silver Swirl hadn't seen JAYZEe all day. He paced around the booths, thinking, She was just saying she liked me to keep me calm. I'm alone again... The only one who has my back and gives a **** is my little brother. He polished his baseball bat with a cloth as he smiled again. It was his prized possession, a genuine Home Run Bat. It took a bit of effort to swing it, but when you connected with a ball or similar object it was guaranteed to be out of the ball park or in the stands!

He walked over to the magic club's booth and signed the sheet with enthusiasm. "I love my magic talent!", he exclaimed before moving on. Going by the flying club stand, he spotted a Pegasus wearing aviator's glasses with a leather jacket. He stopped next to him, expecting to catch his little brother by surprise but instead was surprised himself as it wasn't his brother. "Uh, hello. I'm Silver Swirl, a senior this year and member of the Magic Club. How are you doing?", he inquired, still holding onto his baseball bat.

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Deadpool noticed a rather large shadow looming over him, he turned around it was a muscular character with a big build and a red shirt, long blonde hair, and a rather angry expression.

"Haven't I seen you somewhere before?", Deadpool asked.


"Okay, may I ask you who I killed to make you so angry?", Deadpool asked.

The figure only sighed.

"Last night, my sister went through a harsh break up, all because the idea of a mercenary stalking them was too crazy for her boyfriend. Guess who the mercenary was?"

Deadpool shrugged.

"I know this one, it's that guy from Teen Titans, Deathstroke right?"

The big figure only facepalmed.

"It was you.", he said with a hint of annoyance.

Deadpool snapped his fingers.

"Dangit, I forgot to carry the three. Oh well, there's always next time.", Deadpool said, leaving the big figure in a state of confusion.

The big figure snapped back to reality and then said, "Let me put it this way, your gonna pay."

He picked Deadpool up, forcing him to see a depressed Applejack signing people up for the farming club.

He then took Deadpool to the old abandoned dance room.

"You know, I'm giving you a fair warning, I'm a master in the 5 martial arts of ninjutsu, kung fu, wise cracking, 4th wall breaking, and pogostick"

Deadpool said before his opponent punched him in the face.

Deadpool jumped back up and returned the favor.

"You punch pretty hard but your no Collosus, I would work on that."

Of course Deadpool had left a devastating blow, but the opponent recovered, but was still wondering how Deadpool healed so quickly.

Deadpool then yelled

"Street fighter combo crap!"

and started hitting the opponent with multiple hits, one after another before the opponent could recover.

but on about the fifth the opponent managed to block and punched Deadpool right in the stomach.

"Y'all think you're tough, you're gonna pay for being the cause of mah sisters heartbreak! They don't call me Big Mac for nothing. ", his opponent finally said, revealing their name

"You're named after a burger?", Deadpool asked.

Deadpool then kicked Big mac in the stomach following it up with an upper cut, effectively knocking Big Mac out.

"Deadpool wins, Fatality.", he said, before walking out of the room.

"Now to fix a broken heart. with money"

(How is that for a long post)

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Deadpool walked over to Applejack.

"Hey, next time your brother decides to pick a fight, tell him to not do it with the toughest mercenary in town."

"Wait, first my boyfriend, now my brother. You have to freak out everyone in my life!? You're a freaking monster!"

Deadpool chuckled "Yeah, but I used to look like Ryan Reynolds under this mask."

"Wait, that was you in this picture?", Applejack asked, pulling out a picture she got when she searched Deadpool the night before. Thinking it was one of his targets.


"Yeah, believe it or not, I was 16 when that was taken. Then they put me in weapon X the next day, I carry the picture around as memento as what I used to look like,"

"Weapon X?"

" Well technically I was Weapon II, It's a long story kid. A long, story, straight out of a SAW movie. Oh by the way, get yourself a nice rake or something.", Deadpool said, before putting 20 bits on the table.

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