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About Myself: I'm Ian. I'm 23. I'm in the military. I'm a huge geek/gamer/dork. I'm a very isolated person, that has desired true friends as well as a very special someone. Hell, I've even desired a best friend.

How I found Canterlot.com: I googled MLP roleplaying. This came up as the top find.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: This is actually a long story for me. Well, lets get this out of the way. I'd been near my family for all of my life. Never really going more than a week without them. I love my family, I never wanted to leave. However, the time came when I had to go... I left and joined the United States Air Force. Instantly I was slammed into a rough life. Basic training was brutal, and yet before I knew it; it was over. After about a year in I ended up getting married to my high school sweet heart, whom I ended up divorcing another year later due to her always being lazy and unwilling to help with anything. I'm 22 at this point. Without any transition I was thrown into a deployment which was also very harsh on me. All this while I was skeptical about all the new pony based memes and the like. When I finally got back, I was exhausted and fed up with almost everything. I was about to either blow up on someone, or hurt myself or another person... Luckily at this point I gave into the idea that hey 'all these people like MLP: FiM, what's the harm in a couple of episodes?' Since then I was hooked on MLP, and well... I've been more at ease.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Twilight Sparkle
Well, now. You have a decent pictures of who I am. Allow me to go into a little more detail about my experience with roleplaying. I started roleplaying when was around 10 years old. I did so through Neopets, to be perfectly honest. About a year or so of that, I stumbled on a site called DaeLuin. Since then I've been roleplaying on that site for a long time. Going through a couple of different characters. So I have a lot of experience roleplaying and writing.

My OC is named Moon Guard.

He's a unicorn of a deep grey coat. His dark forest green mane mixed with the same shade of grey gives him a very dark look. However he's far from being evil. Moon Guard is as to what his name describes, a watcher and guardian of the moon that Princess Luna controls. However, given that Princess Luna does a large portion of this job already. Moon Guard is also just one of Princess Luna's personal guard. Moon Guard's cutie mark is that of an intricate shield. He gained his cutie mark while jumping in front of a rogue spell casted by one of his class mates that ricocheted and was heading towards an unaware classmate. Moon Guard is often stoic and attempts to work as hard as possible. He likes to keep to himself, yet often ponders about having friends, especially when seeing them having fun while he's off duty. Moon Guard's distinction from other pony's is his jacket with many militaristic utility pockets, as well as the black bands that come up high on each of his legs.

I'm hoping to make Moon Guard, and I some good real friends. Not just people who'll duck out and avoid you after a couple of talks.

Thank you.

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Welcome to Canterlot! You remind me a little of myself when I was a bit younger... I didn't have many friends until very recently, and I've only known my best friend for a couple of years now. I never turn down a conversation with anyone, so if you ever want to talk, feel free to PM me. Anyway, welcome to Canterlot, and enjoy a welcome song: :D

And from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for serving in the U.S. Air Force and defending our country. I salute you! :)

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Thank you all for the welcoming. It might be a while before I actually start roleplaying, though. I want to work on Moon Guard's background and personality a bit more. I'd be happy to take any constructive criticism regarding Moon Guard, or just any suggestions regarding him. I'm also available to just talk and make friends, I'm in dire need of friends and a best friend as well. Again, thank you.

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Welcome to Canterlot. I personally reckon you'll be a welcome addition to the community here.

I'd also like to say that even if we're not from the same country,1 I have a huge amount of respect for anyone with the guts to step forward and serve in the armed forces. Massive props to you, sir!


1 I'm a Brit myself, but don't hold it against me.

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BrainedBySaucepans. I'm actually half British myself. My father is also in the United States Air Force, and he was stationed in England for a time and met my mother there. Plus I've lived in Europe for a long time, myself. So I have experience in multiple cultures. I highly enjoy England and Germany, personally. :D

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I highly enjoy England and Germany, personally. :D

All I can say to that is you must have stayed indoors...1

I like the avatar by the way; did you draw it yourself?


1 Just realised what a stereotypical Brit I seem, moaning about the weather. Time to burn my tea and learn a new language.

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Not at all. I went around the local cultures and went to a lot of historical areas. I deeply enjoyed the history behind a lot of landmarks. It was a lot of fun for me. That and I enjoy a vast majority of British TV. Not just Doctor Who, and Torchwood. I enjoy shows like Red Dwarf, The Young Ones, Q. I., Blake 7, Thunderbirds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet, and so much more.

I made it myself on General Zoi's Pony Maker. I'm not a very talented artist, however I do plan on getting better when I get photoshop and a pen/pad interface for photoshop.

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In regards to improving your artwork, I highly recommend experimenting with vectors.1 You don't need a tablet for them,2 and there's some good free software out there.3 As far as British TV goes, you've got a good grounding there, but a lot of the best stuff get's hidden from visitors.4


1 Advice I wish someone had given me years ago. I've spent ages avoiding them, and have only recently discovered how useful they are.

2 In my opinion, using a mouse is actually better.

3 I recommend googling Inkscape.

4 In my opinion at least, but then again, my tastes are bizarre. If you value your sanity, I suggest you don't ask me for recommendations...

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Well, I made Moon Guard on a pony creator. So its not my artwork. When I do pick up Photoshop I will be very new to it. Writing has dominated my creative outlet usually, but I want to branch out into others.

Oh, I did skip over some shows from England. Like Blue Peter, and most of all, my favorite: The Crystal Maze! ^^

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Sorry to hear about your harsh struggles, MG. Life can get pretty tough sometimes, but you'll realize that there's always once you patiently make it through it all.

Welcome to Canterlot, by the way! Best place for pony roleplaying, I say! :D

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Thank you for the welcoming, Rosewind. Is there any sort of map or reference guide to use to bring about basic facts. As I said. I'm a relatively new fan of MLP: FiM. Getting into the show just after I got back from my deployment, which was around late April. So, as often as I watch the show and fan made content, I don't know what would be considered canon or non-canon areas as far as locations, events that have happened and the like. I apologize if this is a rather odd request.

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Thank you for the welcoming, Rosewind. Is there any sort of map or reference guide to use to bring about basic facts. As I said. I'm a relatively new fan of MLP: FiM. Getting into the show just after I got back from my deployment, which was around late April. So, as often as I watch the show and fan made content, I don't know what would be considered canon or non-canon areas as far as locations, events that have happened and the like. I apologize if this is a rather odd request.

Maps can be found in the different locale settings we have set up in the Roleplay forum area. Just peek there -- they're quite easy to find (not to mention gorgeous, designed by one of our fantastic forum artistic gurus, Brianblackberry).

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Oh god I'm so late to the thread I'm sorry! :wail:

It's GREAT to have another serviceman with us here in Canterlot! That's some pretty heavy stuff, and I love how despite all the hard times people go through... the show ACTUALLY does help! It really turned me around, though my issues were more internal and less serious than yours.

And roleplaying online at age 10? Granted it WAS neopets that's still pretty impressive! I hope you have a lot of fun here in Canterlot!

I've never actually gone to the roleplay section myself, I tend to hang out in the chit chat and creativity sections. I may see you there someday though!

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Oh god I'm so late to the thread I'm sorry! :wail:

It's GREAT to have another serviceman with us here in Canterlot! That's some pretty heavy stuff, and I love how despite all the hard times people go through... the show ACTUALLY does help! It really turned me around, though my issues were more internal and less serious than yours.

And roleplaying online at age 10? Granted it WAS neopets that's still pretty impressive! I hope you have a lot of fun here in Canterlot!

I've never actually gone to the roleplay section myself, I tend to hang out in the chit chat and creativity sections. I may see you there someday though!

I started roleplaying at 10 at neopets. About six months afterwards, I got into another website that handles roleplaying like this with medieval fantasy roleplays. If you haven't heard of it it's called DaeLuin. I've been on that site for the last 12.5 years now, and that's really where my passion for writing has stemmed from, roleplaying.

I'm really trying to get into the USAF as a Scientist doing biotech! REALLY TRYING! So hard.

Welcome to Canterlot! Hopefully I shall join you soon in the ranks of the USAF!

Biotech? Meh, you'll just be a Meddie to us. I'm on the flightline constantly and althought cross training to a cozy desk job sounds nice, I don't think I'd ever want to do it with the trade in of all the workplace politics I'd have to deal with. However, I do wish you luck! USAF is the way to go if any branch of the military.

By the way, everypony. I've started on my OC Application, please if you would like to read it, and give input, it would be much appreciated!


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Had a look at it, and liked what I saw! Not really sure how qualified I am to offer suggestions,1 but I put in my two bits...


1 My first application is still awaiting review. If you fancy returning the favour: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/10903-professor-ashen-smirk-final/

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