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About me:

I'm a 21 year old Motor Transport Operator in the North Carolina Army National Guard. I'm also a full-time college student going for a degree in Computer Science. And I'm Rosewind's personal assassin

So beware >_>

How I found Canterlot.com:

Rosewind threatened...err...told me I should come here.

How I became a fan of MLP:FIM:

Actually I'm not too fannish. I haven't been assimilated yet. But I've seen some of the episodes and liked them well enough.

My favourite main cast pony/s:

Applejack and Rainbow Dash

I like to sit back and watch before jumping into a social arena. So be forewarned...don't expect an overwhelming presence from me initially.*

I like to read, play games, and shoot. I mostly read science fiction/fantasy and I'm currently waiting for the new Shannara book to come out. As for games I like the Total War series, World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, and The Elder Scrolls games.

I've never roleplayed so we'll see about that. I also don't have any OCs right now.

Gotta come up with something better as an avatar, but that'll happen when I'm not trying to do this on my phone >_<

*subject to change

Edited by Darkwind
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You haven't been assimilated yet? Only one response to that...

"We are the Herd.

Lower your inhibitions and surrender your sanity.

We will add your artistic and creative distinctiveness to our own.

Your fan-fiction will adapt to service us.

Resistance is futile."1

Also, I see what you're doing there, coming here and using footnotes... I've got my eye on you.2


1 I know, it doesn't scan very well, and I could probably do better, but I can never pass up the chance to make a Star Trek reference...


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Thanks all for the welcome. Not used to such a warm reception!

OH...Zwilt, is that you?!!?!? My personal assassin, it's been too long! *hugs*

Indeed it is me. And indeed it has been too long.

Must ask... Rosewind brought you here... You are Darkwind... Is there a connection between your two names?

I got told to decide on such a name. And I think you know as well as I do what happens to those who choose to uh...disobey such a request.

Wait! I just thought of something... Why does Rosie need an assassin....? She does plenty fine on her own.

Because everybody needs somebody to help with creative problem-solving. Just in case suspicion starts falling on you. >_>

You haven't been assimilated yet? Only one response to that...

Also, I see what you're doing there, coming here and using footnotes... I've got my eye on you.

Well I have some words for you.1

1 Come at me. <_<

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Darkie has a good pony infection going. It's Phase 3 of 5.

Yes, this is a very friendly place! I'm glad you made it!

Hes showing some late stage symptoms pretty earily in the infection though! Joining a Role Play forum usually isn't until at LEAST stage four. Has he started drawing ponies or made a Tumblr yet? How many Megabites of pony music does he have?

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I got told to decide on such a name. And I think you know as well as I do what happens to those who choose to uh...disobey such a request.

Because everybody needs somebody to help with creative problem-solving. Just in case suspicion starts falling on you. >_>

Hm... Indeed I do.

And honestly... creative problem-solving is not an issue if you know how to cover your tracks in the first place ;). Being a [mad] science pony, I know so many ways of doing that. It's really quite fun! Though rosie never asks to use my services for that... She is.... er ... more creative in her "requests" for my services... :shifty: The details of the requests shall not be divulged due to aforementioned reasons.

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