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*Pats back*I know that feel bro the only one that actually bothers me about it is my own bucking father.Just brush it off and act like they never happened.Find other things you enjoy and talk about that unless someone asks.Other than that I don't know.Sorry that probably wasn't good advice sorry.

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how are you screwed if people only think you are gay? There is nothing wrong with that in the first place. If your family is one of those conservative families that think being gay is a sin, I'd suggest sitting them down and explaining to them that a show cannot and does not dictate sexual orientation, no matter the intended audience.

Also you can show them the brony study which has found most of the fan base is straight. Their findings were presented at brony con.

Best advice I can give you though is never change for anyone. It is the worst disservice you can do to yourself and others, even if it is something as simple as liking or disliking something.

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Thanks, Star and Brony. My parents don't care at all (one even watched an episode with me), and I managed to eke out an opinion from my friend by telling him DEADMAU5 is a brony, to which he had this to say:

"What!? My Little Pony is for little girls! Is he crazy?"

And he's one of those friends who doesn't annoy you for things. I know people whom if it got to them, they would torture me to no end for it. However, I do have a plan to guilt-trip the living piss out of them if they go too far. So I guess it's kind of okay.

Besides, I'm at that point in my life where I'm still sort of determining my sexual preference. Who knows if I'll end up gay/bi? I wouldn't have a problem with it.


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Well it was awesome for me!I had four main friends two girls and two guys.I found out that one was already a fan of the show.The other one just didn't see anything wrong but I didn't push it.One WANTED to watch a few episodes then the other one called me a pedophile....now after a few weeks he became a brony.

So what I'm supposed to say is that if they don't like you for who you are they shouldn't be your friend!But what i am GOING to say is this if they don't like it don't push it and don't say anything about it I'm sure you like other stuff that they do and you can talk about that other than ponies.Oh and if they are raging about it and like cursing you out and calling you gay than they leave you.Well it is just for the best!

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I honestly never faced any persecution for being a Brony. In fact, I became a brony because several of my IRL friends were bronies and I inevitably watched it, and most of the friends I hang out with (roughly half) are bronies themselves. However, I do understand persecution in general, and the only advice I can offer is: simply don't care. You like what you like, it shouldn't matter what other people think of you or how other people view you. If they are real friends they won't leave you, and if you are in High School, you have to remember that friendly teasing is inevitable.

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How does watching a cartoon decide your sexual orientation? Mass generalization much?

I'm in the camp that if you make a big deal out of it to your friends and family, they'll treat it like it should be a big deal. I think it's important for people to stand up for themselves and what they like, but I also believe there's a method to the madness, and it has more to do with how you choose to present yourself when sharing your passion for pony that will ultimately decide how, where, when, or if you'll get scrutiny for it.

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How does watching a cartoon decide your sexual orientation? Mass generalization much?

I'm in the camp that if you make a big deal out of it to your friends and family, they'll treat it like it should be a big deal. I think it's important for people to stand up for themselves and what they like, but I also believe there's a method to the madness, and it has more to do with how you choose to present yourself when sharing your passion for pony that will ultimately decide how, where, when, or if you'll get scrutiny for it.

Wasn't that a joke on Deadmau5's part?

Anyways, Rosewind's got the right idea here. Don't act crazy or weird about your MLP likes and the teasing will remain strictly in fun. They'll get over it, you still have your friends and ponies, everyone wins.

I agree with these two along with my previous statements.

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I said the exact same thing. And I still say showing them psychological study on bronies helps. Because again, most are not gay. They proved that with statistics. And they have Ph.Ds. I'll find the link to the BroNYCon video if you are interested.

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I said the exact same thing. And I still say showing them psychological study on bronies helps. Because again, most are not gay. They proved that with statistics. And they have Ph.Ds. I'll find the link to the BroNYCon video if you are interested.

I don't think that would help. Unfortunately, I am at that time when calling people or things you don't like "gay" or "retarded" is a good insult. I could show them the chart, but half of them don't even know what a Ph.D is. Truly, my issue isn't the fact itself, but instead the quick and lasting judgement people will make.
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Truly, my issue isn't the fact itself, but instead the quick and lasting judgement people will make.

Then don't feel obligated to tell and/or remind everyone you know that you like FiM then. I mean, it's not like enjoying a children's cartoon is so important to your identity that you feel that any affront towards the show is an attack on your personal character, right? Unless you are getting bullied/threatened over this issue by those who already know your broniness, it's best to just weather the friendly teases, accept the fact that they might never tolerate the show and keep your mouth shut about it in the future.

PERSONAL DISCLAIMER: I have told no one I know in real life that I enjoy FiM, and I have absolutely no plans to change that anytime soon.

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I don't think that would help. Unfortunately, I am at that time when calling people or things you don't like "gay" or "retarded" is a good insult. I could show them the chart, but half of them don't even know what a Ph.D is. Truly, my issue isn't the fact itself, but instead the quick and lasting judgement people will make.

'S only an insult if you let it be one. As Bellosh said, unless they're seriously harassing you, you can weather the teasing.

And the bronies in my school are diverse and from all cliques, so nopony cares.

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I don't think that would help. Unfortunately, I am at that time when calling people or things you don't like "gay" or "retarded" is a good insult. I could show them the chart, but half of them don't even know what a Ph.D is. Truly, my issue isn't the fact itself, but instead the quick and lasting judgement people will make.

I honestly don't know what to say to that... I don't know if I should feel bad for your friends whom don't know what a Ph.D is, and think that gay and retarded is an insult... Honestly, it sounds like you are needing more mature friends. You need friends like mine, we never did that stuff, I hopped right over that awkward time.

If that is the case... just play it off. Insults are only insulting if you let them be.

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