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Uhm.. Hello..


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About Myself: I'm a wife and mother of two. My daughter is 5 and the reason I got back into watching MLP. I watched the original show (looking back and watching it now, I cant see why- but I guess at 2 and 3, colorful talking ponies are pretty awesome) as a kid but it has nothing on FiM. I enjoy sewing and I make blankets- once I have the money I'll be making a MLP one, and working on some plushies too. =) My favorite character is Fluttershy because in person, I'm a lot like her... If it weren't for the internet I wouldn't have met my husband... Probably wouldn't have had the courage to speak to him, let alone date him... lol.

How I found Canterlot.com: Through the google chrome app store.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Well, I was actually a fan of the original show (yes, I'm that old, lol) and my daughter was watching FiM and I caught myself watching as well, and before long, I fell in love. =)

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy
So... uhm... Hi... I'm Stephanie... I think I pretty much covered everything up there... But um, feel free to ask me things. So yea...

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Welcome to Canterlot! I'm Lovin' (Laveen) Moonlight, it's a pleasure.

Its nice to meet somepony who enjoys the original makes of MLP, not many do...I can't see why though. :sleep:

I hope you enjoy your stay here. I usually hang around the Gallery section of the site. If you ever need anything just drop me a few lines in that chat thingy below or PM me. I'll be happy to help!

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