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About Myself: Hiya, I'm Inkquill, but you may call me Ink, Inkeh, Inky, or Quill! ^_^ I am a girl who lives in a small down, and I am quite the daydreamer who conjures up thoughts of fantasy and insanity. Others have considered myself to being kind, intelligent, quiet, thoughtful, unique, creative, and random.

I embrace that fact that I am not a perfect individual, and recognize that like any other person out there, I have flaws. These flaws make me unique from anyone else, they make me perfectly imperfect, and most importantly, they make me human. I find that whenever people try to act 'sane' or 'normal' around others, I can't help but feel pity for them. I wish that everyone could accept who they are, and not try to impress everyone else. Why try to be someone you're not? I will admit that I worry about my self-image more than I should, but I always ask myself at the end of the day, are you happy with forcing yourself to be fake?

Sorry for the mini rant, I just cannot stress the fact that everyone is their own individual person, and we're all capable of great things. :3 Anywho, some of my hobbies/interests include archery, photography, writing, roleplaying, reading, singing, acting, technology, softball, gardening, and of course, My Little Pony.

How I found Canterlot.com: Well, I was really just aimlessly wandering about the worldwide web when I stumbled across Canterlot.com. XD

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My sister first introduced My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic to me, and told me it was an awesome show. I'd liked MLP when I was younger, and loved playing with my little toys. At first I pondered whether or not to watch this series aimed towards younger children, but hey, one episode wouldn't hurt. So, as I watched MLP:FIM, I found myself becoming intrigued and interested in it. Before long I had watched all of season one, and waited in anticipation for season two. I suppose this show appeals to me since it's cute, funny, and creative.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack
I look forward to meeting many new friends on here! ^_^

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Welcome to Canterlot! :D

You certainly sound intelligent and thoughtful based on your mini-rant about flaws, and I completely agree with you. Staying true to who you are really is the only way to be happy with yourself, imo

Anyways, hope to see you around in roleplay some time!

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Welcome to Canterlot! I'm Lovin' (Laveen) Moonlight, nice to meet'cha!

Its cool that there are more people joining who liked the old MLP, not many do...sadly enough. :wail:

So you're a photography, huh? Have you ever tried MLP in real life photo's?

I don't RP much(or at all :roll:, even though I have a lot of characters)I just usually hang around the Gallery section of the site, that's my forte.

If you ever need anything just drop me a few lines in that chat thingy below or PM me. I'll be happy to help!

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Of all the introductions I've read, your one put one huge, huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge smile on my face, Inky.

It's a rarity (No pun intended) that you see somebody who's willing to admit their flaws and or otherwise embrace 'em.

Good for you! :)

Enjoy yourself here, we'll enjoy having you! :D

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Thanks again for the welcomes!

Rosewind, Yes I am an a writer. :3 Also that video was quite... unique. XD

Have you SEEN Labyrinth? David Bowie throwing babies is possibly the least weird thing about that movie.

Welcome to Canterlot! Perhaps you can show us some of your writing some time ;)

Also.... I too am insane... so much in fact that some call me mad! A mad science pony if you will! Kinda like Twilight is in my avatar! But don't worry, I already have all the subjects that I need for my experiments...for now. :mad:

I do so hope you enjoy yourself here! :D

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Have you SEEN Labyrinth? David Bowie throwing babies is possibly the least weird thing about that movie.

Welcome to Canterlot! Perhaps you can show us some of your writing some time ;-)

Also.... I too am insane... so much in fact that some call me mad! A mad science pony if you will! Kinda like Twilight is in my avatar! But don't worry, I already have all the subjects that I need for my experiments...for now. :mad:

I do so hope you enjoy yourself here! :D

No, I've never seen Labyrinth, but I have heard of it.

Nothin' wrong with being a little insane, insanity makes your life more interesting and spontaneous. ^_^

Thanks again!

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