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About Myself: A 20 - something NYC brony who is, as his name states, not a DJ.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google is a hell of a drug.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Through a series of awesomely fortunate events. More at 11.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Pinkamina Diane Pie
Hello! I'm not entirely sure what the distinction between the "About myself" portion and this body of text, but I figure I'll get creative and make use of it. As a roleplaying community, I throw my preferences out there right off the bat. I'm enjoy strutting my stuff as either Octavia or Vinyl Scratch. Complete opposites, I know (or ARE they?!). Generally speaking, I feel I can fudge just about any character somewhat convincingly with the possible exception of Pinkie Pie who is, rather contradictorily, my absolute favorite of the mane 6, closely followed by Rarity.

My name is not ironic, heh. I don't consider myself a DJ, but I love to produce music of a variety of genres and I like to tell myself I do it well. I listen to a variety of musics as well and try and embrace just about every genre, with some very....exceptional exceptions.

Also, just for the record, when it comes to roleplay, I love detail, detail, detail! Single line responses can get a bit tedious though I am willing to be flexible enough. I love painting scenes with words and look forward to sharing this with those like-minded. That's not to say I'm a BRILLIANT writer by any stretch of the imagination and I've plenty to learn.

I think that just about does it. Here's to seeing you all around in the future!

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Any of those exceptions rap? Also, Mane RP has almost all canon characters taken, including every character you just said you like to play as. You could play on FFA if ya'll wanna play canon characters like Vinyl.

Welcome to Canterlot, boi.

First off, hello and thanks for dropping in! I wasn't aware that a character could be "taken" as such. If we're going with OCs exclusively, allow me to amend my list. I just figured we were supposed to start off with our canon preferences. Thanks for the heads up. Also, what exactly is "FFA?"

And finally, no, heh. Rap is certainly not one of those exceptions.

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Free for all. Sounds...wild. Wild and crazy. I'm okay with this, but for now, I'll set Allegretto and the astute IdeaMare loose on the place and see what sort of trouble they get into.

As for the exceptional exceptions, you are getting exceptionally warmer.

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That I did, in fact. And I've the lovely lovely Rarity promo card to prove it. It was a great time! So I suppose that means we can say we've practically met...sort of, heh. And what more, we survived a fire! Ah, that was quite a fiasco...

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That I did, in fact. And I've the lovely lovely Rarity promo card to prove it. It was a great time! So I suppose that means we can say we've practically met...sort of, heh. And what more, we survived a fire! Ah, that was quite a fiasco...

I talked to a lot of ponies those two days... so it is possible that we did meet. You can find my picture in the Brony Behind the Computer thread. You can see if you recognize me. ;)

If not! Well again, perhaps we'll run into each other ;)

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Ooooh. To be fair, I could have had any number of guesses, like Nicki Minaj or The Wanted (I dislike these guys, personally, The Wanted I mean). I guess that means ya don't like Party Rock Anthem or it's innumerable copies?

Also, be very careful not to friend me, you'll regret it later.

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Oo! Your from NYC, that's cool! I see what you did there Rick James. :smirk:

I'm Lovin(Laveen) Moonlight. Its a pleasure to meet you. :) I would love to here some of your music.

I usually hang around the gallery section of the site, if you ever need anything, just let me know. I'll be happy to help. ;-)

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Phew, so many greetings, so little time! Thanks for the warm welcomes, everyone. I'll likely make the rounds in free for all before committing to anything of lengthier continuity or whatnot, if I do at all.

As for my music, I'll consider posting some of it on here as I have already scoped out your section for uploads. I originally intended to keep it separate, but I suppose there's no harm in a little sharing, eh? :/ It's quite the eclectic collection, anyhow.

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About Myself: A 20 - something NYC brony who is, as his name states, not a DJ.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google is a hell of a drug.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Through a series of awesomely fortunate events. More at 11.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Pinkamina Diane Pie

Hello! I'm not entirely sure what the distinction between the "About myself" portion and this body of text, but I figure I'll get creative and make use of it. As a roleplaying community, I throw my preferences out there right off the bat. I'm enjoy strutting my stuff as either Octavia or Vinyl Scratch. Complete opposites, I know (or ARE they?!). Generally speaking, I feel I can fudge just about any character somewhat convincingly with the possible exception of Pinkie Pie who is, rather contradictorily, my absolute favorite of the mane 6, closely followed by Rarity.

My name is not ironic, heh. I don't consider myself a DJ, but I love to produce music of a variety of genres and I like to tell myself I do it well. I listen to a variety of musics as well and try and embrace just about every genre, with some very....exceptional exceptions.

Also, just for the record, when it comes to roleplay, I love detail, detail, detail! Single line responses can get a bit tedious though I am willing to be flexible enough. I love painting scenes with words and look forward to sharing this with those like-minded. That's not to say I'm a BRILLIANT writer by any stretch of the imagination and I've plenty to learn.

I think that just about does it. Here's to seeing you all around in the future!

This is a really nice introduction post! I'm not sure how the well the community is inclined to literary endeavors, but I imagine they're pretty good about it considering the amount of roleplay.

Considering you like to write, can I assume that you like to read just as much?

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This is a really nice introduction post! I'm not sure how the well the community is inclined to literary endeavors, but I imagine they're pretty good about it considering the amount of roleplay.

Considering you like to write, can I assume that you like to read just as much?

It's a safe bet, yup! What better way to bone up on one's writing skills than reading everything you can get your hooves on? And if you think about it, the joy of reading sort of goes hand in hand with the joy of writing as far as roleplay is concerned. I imagine you sort of have to enjoy both in turn to enjoy what this place has to offer. At least that's my take on it.

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..I always just do free for alls, so odds are, you'll see me around a bit if you hang out in there C: If you're looking for any good ones to just hop into lemme know!

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