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Hello ther I am MrBrony


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About Myself: I am a 19 year old man that likes my little pony. I am a arties so there I love to draw a lot. I am very protectof of my family and my friends. And I like to have a good fight here and there sometimes. And I have a mohawk. And I am a nice person to be around I like to have fun and a good time like Pinkie Pie does.

How I found Canterlot.com: My friend

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: There wasn't any thing on my TV that so I was looking and I saw a show called My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic and I started whaching it and that how I became a fan of My Little Pony.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash,Pinkamina Diane Pie
And I tack drawing request from anyone if you want me to draw something for you just let me know and show me a pic of a drawing of what you want me to draw for you.

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Hey there MB. Are you going to upload your pieces here? You've seen the gallery they have? Much better than the other place, and a much more tight knit community that doesn't move anywhere near as fast, which I think you'll like. In any case, if you need anything, just PM me and I'll help you out.

Also guys, I know his spelling and grammar isn't stellar. But he does excellent hand drawn pictures quickly and for free.

Oh, and MB, I restate that you should totally do commisions.

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Welcome to Canterlot! I'm Lovin'(Laveen) Moonlight, it's a pleasure to have more artist on board here at the site! :D

I hope you enjoy your stay here. I usually hang around the Gallery section of the site, drawing is more my speed than RPing or creative writing.. If you ever need anything just drop me a few lines in that chat thingy below or PM me. I'll be happy to help!

I'm assuming your friends with Frenzy? I'm shocked you didn't join when he did. Anyway, welcome to the club! The Canterlot Club! :D

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