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MLP to Pokemon fandom comparison


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its just suddenly dawned on me that mlp is the biggest fandom that i have ever encountered and joined in with since Pokemon waaaaaay back in in early 2000's when it came around.

And i thought that the Pokemon fanbase was humungous back then,,,, hahaha :D

really i have not seen anything bigger since MLP FIM: came about, since years after Pokemon kinda died down, this fandom has completely taken me off the rails with how incredible awesome it is and that its still growing ever so much . !

I was a huge Pokemon fan was a child growing up through school trading cards and going to conventions, collecting all the shiny's and memorabilia

I certainly feel proud to be a brony,

Were you guys a Pokemon addicted back in the day in the early 2000's.?

i used to collect so much for it back then, now this fandom is like exploding with new things everyday. amazes me greatly

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"Early 2000s".

I was addicted to Pokemon since December the 25th, 1998. The main reason I didn't do a berserk amount of collecting back in the day is mainly because all my favorite 'Mons were rarely if never represented in plushy form. This still holds true today, though I have always had something to hang on my wall. I also did the card game.

But yeah, the two fandoms share plenty. The complex subtleties masked behind colorful blobs of children's character. The moral of trust and love. The furries.

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I'm a huge fan of both. C:

I freaking LOVE umbreon and espeon.. I'm not sure why. Sometimes they'll be my profile background, and when I first started here, I had a profile picture of the two in love<3 I remember when playing with people from pokemon sites, there were rarely any good sports.. They would either hack, or accuse it, then get all grrface at meh if I won. xD But then again, it's almost not fair to make that comparison, as MLP isn't competitive in the least. Here it's all just having fun creating characters and sharing them through playing them with others who are playing theirs!

I've done some pokemon role plays in the past as well, however, which I could compare to. The one's that I was a part of were pretty grand, actually. I must say, however, that I enjoy it here just a bit more than I did there ^^ Besides, I got banned for a silly reason over there.. I was accused of racism.. But we were all playing as pokemon!! Pokemon are all sorts of crazy colors!! Lol, I never once had even thought of them having races until I was banned for it :P So yeah..

Also, I did stumble my way into the furry fandom for a time.. But I just could never find any people in it who weren't.. How to put it.. A bit ridiculous? I suppose that I just failed to find any well constructed characters from rp'ers during my stay, but I did create a few of my lovable characters over there. If anyone has rp'ed with me over here when I was playing either Bonez or Mackell, Bonez started off as a wolf and Mackell was a genderless little fox.. Lol :P

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My boys are big fans of both. They've been watching Pokemon since they were too young to talk! They've come and gone with it over the years, but it's always there. I liked it early on, but at some point in there I started to feel like it got ridiculous. Or I got old. Not sure there...

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..I couldn't tell you which! Lol. It has gotten sort of ridiculous with all of the new ones.. *Used to play in tournaments in fourth gen* I dislike all of the black and white ones because they are all either ridiculously fast, or crazy slow, and as a competitive player (at the time) it really threw me for a loop.. I tried to get into it, but I just couldn't. And what's with the new Black and White 2? Was it just because the first was such a disappointment? I mean.. In Heart Gold I really enjoyed the battle frontier, because after you beat the game it keeps it fun, but the subway in black and white is NOTHING compared to it!! Plus, it's just annoying how it takes you to a new room where you decide to go back or not after each set of 7, rather than just taking you to the original room. I used to love pokemon, but my parents were those SUPER over protective hardcore religious types who thought of it as evil, so I had to be a little rebel and trade with my friends for the games. Haha.. Good times, good times..

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its just suddenly dawned on me that mlp is the biggest fandom that i have ever encountered and joined in with since Pokemon waaaaaay back in in early 2000's when it came around.

And i thought that the Pokemon fanbase was humungous back then,,,, hahaha :D

really i have not seen anything bigger since MLP FIM: came about, since years after Pokemon kinda died down, this fandom has completely taken me off the rails with how incredible awesome it is and that its still growing ever so much . !

I was a huge Pokemon fan was a child growing up through school trading cards and going to conventions, collecting all the shiny's and memorabilia

I certainly feel proud to be a brony,

Were you guys a Pokemon addicted back in the day in the early 2000's.?

i used to collect so much for it back then, now this fandom is like exploding with new things everyday. amazes me greatly

I was younger in the early 2000's of course, but i still did just about nothing else but play pokemon.

Now I only do pony stuff.

Perhaps I need a life? :/

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