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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open: OOC Discussion)

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Alright, everyone. The results are in. Those who have been selected for the continuation of Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark are...







Thank you all once again for cooperating with us, and we appreciate everything you have done. While it was a difficult decision, it was one that had to be made. Please know that any selections or absense of selections has nothing to do with personal judgement, but for the sake of the RP and its player's alone. Those of you who were accepted, know that new OOC and RP threads will be made tomorrow, and it will be officially restarted.

- Val

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Will it be "restarted" or continued?

Definitely continued...however, a few changes will be made, and it will probably begin two or three days after the attack on Equinia, with the city being rebuilt and members of the GEF and RLF and etc. resting and regaining their strength. Here are a few examples:

*Twilight has had Herald's influence extracted from her body, returning her to her original physical state (a.k.a. colour and tattooless) before the Revolution

*Rainbow Dash in a coma for having exerted too much energy in the spell she used to wipe out all the fires in Equinia

*Temporary neutrality between the GEF and RLF...may change later, though

*Frost remaining by Twilight's side, while Shining Armor made Chronarch and Trixie swear to keeping his existence a secret from Twilight

Keep in mind that these are only a few changes, and more will be listed in the new Thread.

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i want to say sorry for my negitive outlook from before... i tend to do that... its a quirk of my personality... :/

so what do you suggest draco do?... he will be a little mad at whoever did this.. and will probably speak out against both factions if the go back to fighting when a bigger threat is out there.

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I see an issue with Nova and his Freelancer group not being in since he has had a significant impact on our story to be honest. Either we should let him in or address the absence of the group, Freelancers, in the introductorary post. Either way, this needs to be addressed.

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I see an issue with Nova and his Freelancer group not being in since he has had a significant impact on our story to be honest. Either we should let him in or address the absence of the group, Freelancers, in the introductorary post. Either way, this needs to be addressed.

I tried, but due to a lack of decent feedback other then saying Freelancer is overpowered, they're not and if maybe someone could've address this to me by giving out helpful advice and suggestions I would added them inn Freelancer itself. They are just a group concerned of the course of Ponykind and despite their highly advanced tech and such are still just ponies and even they have limits. (I was going to delve into them on different levels and addressing some issues that could've helped detail Freelancer more potentially making them even more interesting.)

but if you insist on throwing Freelancer out then say they disappeared instead of handwaving it. However if the OP is willing I'm sure we can come to some agreement or negotiation providing if my request is acknowledged, it has potential but give it a chance.

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I tried, but due to a lack of decent feedback other then saying Freelancer is overpowered, they're not and if maybe someone could've address this to me by giving out helpful advice and suggestions I would added them inn Freelancer itself. They are just a group concerned of the course of Ponykind and despite their highly advanced tech and such are still just ponies and even they have limits. (I was going to delve into them on different levels and addressing some issues that could've helped detail Freelancer more potentially making them even more interesting.)

but if you insist on throwing Freelancer out then say they disappeared instead of handwaving it. However if the OP is willing I'm sure we can come to some agreement or negotiation providing if my request is acknowledged, it has potential but give it a chance.

Unfortunately, I am not the one you have to convince here. You were excluded by popular vote, and so if you want to continue to be a part of the story, as well as keep the Freelancers...you will have to get the support of the other RPers. Convince them, and I will reconsider the matter of the Freelancers. This is no longer a situation that I can solve with just a call from myself.

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Well you asked for it, so here it is unbridled.

Freelancers are annoying. They are like a fly Id rip my own buttcheek off to get rid of. They know everything, they are everywhere, they have an answer for everything.

The Freelancers spread an aura of incompetence everywhere they go. When they are involved all NPCs and even in that one slip up, a player character, become nothing more than bumbling idiots.

Undeserved superiority complex. The director talks like the things he know, no pony else knows, or that other characters would even care. He speaks from a high horse. "Im right, youre a fool." that's basically the grand summary of his dialogue. He talks like he knows things that he shouldn't possibly know. I know I'm not the only one to look at when the director funny when told Twilight that equinia being destroyed was her faulty. Really? you play him so objectively...what pieces did he put together to come to that conclusion?

Their resources. nuff said.

Freelancers are just disruptive. How is Val suppose to plan a story when the threat something omniscient is looming in the background? Freelancers are so good that they can take GEF by themselves.

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I get how Knowledge is not humorous in the way applicable to the RP, but being badly executed idea is the part I don't get. All he has truly done is told trixie about Twilight, made some stuff such as a fish and club stuff appear, and been in on things he shouldn't be involved in. If you can tell me something OP he has acutally done, I could agree with you, which i know you don't care about, but I honestly can't tell how Knowledge is a badly executed idea.

Can someone other than Ferm also give me their opinion please?

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From Knowledge's app.

Name: Knowledge

*Age: "Well, lets put it this way. I'm knowledge. Knowledge is power. Power is a form of energy. Energy cannot be destroyed. So I've been around since the beggining of what you ponies call time."

There's the part on being powerful. Maybe Trixie could fill out some paperwork an limit him to a physical form? :P

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I am willing to allow Nova and the Freelancers into the RP again if we can work together and make the changes required to allow them to fit into the RP's main setting, and that everyone is willing to put some effort into it. I myself have a few misconceptions about it...but I can open up a little bit more. What I am mainly concerned about at this point is the sheer amount of RPers. So, what do you guys think...? Bring in Nova and the Freelancers?

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