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In Defence of Fort Book! [All welcome]


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Helios could see that Manzanita was growing angry, and he didn't have any time at all to convince this filly with a well structured argument. So instead he opted for the flagrant lies as they tended to work a lot faster. "She's not really a Princess! She's a witch who uses her magic to convince the whole kingdom that she is really a Princess! And uh... she's evil! Very evil! I am the true king, and therefore not susceptible to her magic! Yeah! Because of the... uh.... royal bloodline. I just want to save my kingdom, but the witch has convinced everypony that I am the true foe!" He said as quickly as he could.

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Moondust saw Manzanita carry Helios around a corner, addressing a new pony, and swiftly flew down to the group. [colour=#800080]"Now what's going on now? Helios, I thought you were done with your evil ways, I've defeated you already, and you're in no condition to combat me again, especially with Manzanita here with me."[/colour] she glanced at Manzanita, the two ponies exchanging a nod. [colour=#800080]"Your dark army has been defeated, why do you continue to plague us with your evil ways?" [/colour]She asked the beaten down pony. She looked at the newer pony.[colour=#800080] "I apologize for Helios' lies, he's been... not himself recently. I'm Moondust, what's your name?" [/colour]She said, smiling and holding out a hoof to the new pony.

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Manny shot a glare towards Helios. "Liar." she muttered under her breath. She would not have him slandering the good name of the princess! She turned back to the new Orange filly. "It's very nice to meet you. The princess would also like to meet you...when she returns of course."

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(Hm, I'll just throw you onto the ground and you can wake up. Also, King Helious ordered Overeasy to take you away, just to clear it up.)

Overeasy gladly accepted her king's order without any quips whatsoever, because it is quite hard to be clever when you are dragging the unconscious body of an enemy princess through the shadows of Bookination Valley, especially when you are almost out of energy anyway and all that running is making you close to being unconscious yourself.

Once she was a fair distance and several rows away, she laid her prisoner down with a huff and a puff, but was still able to see the irony of the situation[colour=#00ff00],"Hah! Magic once again sends stuff full circle! The prisoner imprisoning the imprisoner!"[/colour]She laughed with weary joy, oh boy was she tired! First carrying King Helios(whom was fairly heavy compared to her small frame.) and then dragging the dead weight of Princess Dawn on a mad dash back to their base, she was honestly surprised she could talk at this point and chalked it up to her totally awesome and not-fake magic.

With a yawn, she weighed her options: on one hoof she could keep going as best she could, but with the way she was heading now she would be unable to protect herself if she got caught. But if she took a nap she would be at full energy and ready to keep fighting! Of course there would be the chance of the prisoner waking up and well...that would be really embarrassing.

There was probably another, more logical way to handle this, but she was too tired to think of one, as such she decided to push her luck and go with the latter option. Thus she ever-so-gently placed her valuable cargo off her back and in the shadow of a large mountain, to the relief of her poor spine, and curled up in the opposing mountain's own shadow, keeping watch on the Princess until she herself succombed to sleep.

(I know you probably all know this, but just to make sure: The mountains are bookcases.)

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"King Helios..."-said Moonlight as she saw him who was carried by Manzanita. "That means we...lost our battle..."-she sighed. "No way! We cannot lose! We stronger than them!" She felt anger and her eyes started to glow again. "They will regret what they have done!"-she shouted and started to fly in the directoin where King Helios was. "Release him now!"-she shouted at them as she landed not far from them. Than she saw that Moondust was there too. "Moondust! You liar! How can you betray our king! I will finish you off!"-she shouted than flew to Moondust. "For the King!" Moonlight grabbed Moondust and they both landed on the ground.


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As soon as Moonlight lunged at Moondust, Allanon reappeared behind them, the Druid Triad he bore glowing darkly. "Enough of this!" He shouted angrily, grasping Moonlight by the neck and slinging her off of Moondust.

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Moondust stood back up, seeing Allanon standing there, and Moonlight getting up from being thrown off. [colour=#800080]"I am no traitor. Manzanita captured him and we are going to hold him until the princess returns. Is there a problem with that?"[/colour] She said, glaring at Moonlight. She walked over to where Helios and Manzanita were.[colour=#800080] "If you'd like to attempt to free him...."[/colour] She said, materializing her gleaming sword once more. [colour=#800080]"I'd just LOVE to stop you. You were the one who was possessed, who knows, maybe you still are." [/colour]She said fiercely, getting in a ready position to take any attack from anypony near them.

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Allanon drew Narsil, and shouted "SILENCE!!" He held up the Triad, and said "I am here in case the one called Helios resists capture, not to free him!"

He wheeled around to face Moonlight, the magic glass eye glowing menacingly/ "As for YOU... There will be no need for foolish accusations!"

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Moonlight recoiled. The enemy was stronger than her but she needed to save her King. "I...I'm sorry my King,...but...the enemy is too strong...I cannot defeat them alone..." She said when she felt tht horrible pain in her back again. She fell to the ground and heared a voice again. "Moonlight Dreadwhisperer...you will save the king...I will help you in your battle...NOTHING...can stop me...NOTHING....can stop you..now stand up and fight! My creatures here to help you out." As the voice faded the whole place around Moonlight turned into dark. Creepy shadows came out from the ground than turned into different creatures. Moonlight stood up and pointed to Moondust. "She mine. Defeat the others and bring King Helios to me."-she ordered to the creatures than she started to approach Moondust slowly. "We will leave this place...you cannot stop us...Moondust"-she said to her.

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Stardust backed up a bit. She could handle herself in a fight, sure, but she was very against having to do so. Still, she readied herself. In one last attempt to keep the peace she said

[colour=#ffa500]Must you fight? Surely there is another way that isn't so...violent[/colour]

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Allanon shook his head, and said nothing. He clicked his boots together, and a black triad appeared under his feet, surrounded by a red circle.He sheathed Narsil into the ground, and held the Triad that of which he bore, He said darkly "Combat is unavoidable. I may not be able to save these folks, but you can be **** sure I'll avenge them. You can bet my immortality on it." He then bowed his head, and withdrew the broadsword from its stone scabbard, and held it in front of him, the blade enshrouded in a dark energy. He did not flinch when met with an attack- he merely stepped aside out of harm's way, slashing the attackers as they came.

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The Druid stopped moving altogether after a while, and stood there. He sheathed the broadsword, and said "Enough of this.The battle is over. There is no need of more bloodshed."

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"This war isn't over yet!" Moonlight shouted at them as she took off from the ground and landed near Stardust. She grabbed her neck and looked into her eyes.

"You didn't see what I"-she said to her and threw her away. "If you don't want to fight...it will be easier to defeat you!"-she shouted again. She took off from the ground again and kicked Allanon in his back. "I saw the darkness. I spoke with him! He told me things about this cursed world...and he was right! Moonlight looked at Stardust. "I give you the chance to join. we will bring redemption to the world together. So...what do you say?"-she asked from Stardust as she landed near to her and created a small field with shadow so nopony can disturb them. "You...the King...and me...we will be unstopable. You don't know the whole story right..

The princess lied to everpony to follow her..they are all blind..just the King and me see the truth. THEY..just want to use you just like a puppet. But i know that you aren't a fool...Im i right? Stardust.."

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Moondust's eyes flashed with anger. Seeing Moonlight hit Allanon was enough. She brandished her sword once more, which she decided to deem Ragnarok. Focusing energy into it, she turned around, finding Helios pinned by Manzanita. She looked him in the eyes, seeing that there was still darkness in his heart, in his soul. Flipping her sword to face him, she brought the sword to his chest. Thrusting inwards, she pierced through his dark heart, sucking the darkness through her sword and into herself. Leaving the now good Helios on the floor, she trotted up and shattered Moonlight's barrier around her and Stardust.[colour=#4b0082] "Let us go. We have work to do." [/colour]She said in a deep, almost demonic voice. She grabbed Moonlight. Trotting towards Allanon, she helped him back to his feet once more. [colour=#4b0082]"I'm sorry for my companion's rage, and her ERROR will not go unpunished."[/colour] She nodded to Allanon, and turned her attention to Moonlight.[colour=#4b0082] "Let's go, fool."[/colour] She said, dragging Moonlight into the depths of the forest, leaving Allanon, Stardust, and Manzanita behind.

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"what was that?!"-asked Moonlight from Moondust. "I thought we are enemies! Than what the hell are you doing?!" She stopped and watched Moondust as she walked along the shelfes.

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Moondust glared daggers at Moonlight. Throwing her into a nearby shelf, she got up in Moonlight's face. [colour=#4b0082]"What was that? That was me saving you from a long and VERY painful torture room that you would have been put in. Do you wish for death? I can make that happen. You either listen to me, or i'll put you through such pain you'll wish you were on their side. Fort Book will fall, but not through recklessness. One must be swift and strong in their attack. Precise."[/colour] She let go of Moonlight. Turning to face Moonlight, she looked at her, deep inside her, making the darkness roar to life, and roar in pain, dropping Moonlight to her knees. [colour=#4b0082]"If you want to listen to me, I can make this go away, but if you don't..." [/colour]She twitched.[colour=#4b0082] "Things may not go so well for you."[/colour] She said, the darkness inside Moonlight causing her pain. She withdrew the dark power she was using on Moonlight, allowing her some relief. [colour=#4b0082]"If you are to attack someone, you do so nobly and with chivalry. Sneak attacks lead to nothing but useless war. Quarrels are between the ones who need to quarrel."[/colour] She said to Moonlight. [colour=#4b0082]"Attack only on command, and do so with grace. Now come, we have ponies who need to meet your new queen."[/colour] She said, grabbing Moonlight once more and dragging her back to where Overeasy and the captured princess was.

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