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The History of Canterlot

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I noticed that a ton of people joined on March 9 2011. But Artax joined later?

I guess I'm wondering- when did Canterlot start? Who are the founding members? Dessa? Skye? Ginger Mint? BrambleRose? Riverhippo? MyLittlePonyTales?

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Tales will probably be able to answer this in depth, but yeah. The site was founded and at first run by entirely different people, pretty much all of which aren't around now. It was only after the first few months that Artax and Mane took things over and made the site like it is now.

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Now let me see here...

*Digs up a dusty old tome and blows the dirt off it.*

Long ago, about March 2011... well, exactly in March of 2011... The 8th of March, to be exactly exact... *ahem* There were two ponies, Ashi (or Mocha Delight, as you may see her) and Tam, that decided to start a website. It was called equestria.electronook.com. Why, back then, EquestriaDaily even gave forums their own post, so we had a nice little advertisement from them. But on May 23 (or was it 22?), it was announced that the board would be closing-no if's, and's, or but's! The members, of course, pleaded for a solution...

That was when the mighty Manestream worked her magic.

Well, wait... there are things that went on much sooner than that...

Lesseee.... Alright, so I joined on March 9th, just a day after the doors had opened! I had seen the ad on EquestriaDaily, as news was much easier to follow then nowadays. Why, they hadn't even hit 100,000 hits yet! Anyways, I ignored it, until I saw the ad pop up on my Tumblr Dashboard, and decided to give the forum a go. The rest is history!

Which I shall now indulge to you. The staff was originally made up of Ashi and Tam's friends, most of which did nothing to help run the board. Just a couple weeks after the board opened, Manestream and WillowWisp were promoted to Moderators. I think Meow was already a Moderator by that time, but it was nearly two years ago and it's hard to recall. Around that time, Tam also made a post asking for volunteers for the Helpstaff position. Myself and several others volunteered, some of which are still around, but many that are not. Skye and myself were chosen to be added to the group. Yep, all the staff except Manestream and Artax started as regular users. I volunteered on a whim. I mean, the forum had, what, 80 members? No biggie.

Less than a month after becoming a Moderator, Manestream was promoted to (Co-)Admin status... which was why she was handling things while Ashi and Tam were away. Ashi and Tam... kind of disappeared. They were gone more and more frequently, and since most of the original staff didn't do anything (never did, many have less than 10 posts), that left most staff decisions to Manestream, myself, and Skye. But making board decisions was difficult without an 'official' Admin to give the okay. Things were starting to fall apart, and we were doing what we could to keep things together and help users out... while we were basically users ourselves.

One fateful day, something... happened. Tam made a post saying that the forum was closing. Users suggested just letting Manestream or somepony else take over. Something to keep the board up. A reasonable suggestion, right? But Tam would hear none of it. He'd left the announcement topic open, and people had commented and pleaded, but remained civil overall. A bit surprising, considering the circumstances. But instead of listening to the userbase, he deleted all comments and locked the topic (which probably would have been a good idea in the first place).

That was when the mighty Manestream worked her magic. She talked to Ashi and Tam, and they gave her the board. Summoning her old business partner Artax, it was decided that the entire board would be moved to a new site. However, there was no guarantee that everything would make it in one piece, evidenced if you look at threads from before the move over. Some of the text in places got a little borked, but all the topics and users made it over safely!

But, during the time when there was doubt the board would make it, myself and several other user volunteers did our best to save everything currently on the board. I remember I had gone to bed, only sleeping for two hours... and when I awoke was when the announcement had come. I spent around 32-34 hours awake, with just that two hour interval in between. But I spearheaded the group that was working to save every page of the board, every topic, every post. Myself and some others who were online and in the chatroom began making backups of the board, so we'd at least have things in text form if something went wrong. I organized different people to back up different parts of the board; whoever was willing and online. It was a fantastic effort by all involved.

So, we ended up at Canterlot! Myself and Skye retained our Helpstaff positions, and WillowWisp ended up demoted to Helpstaff for reasons I am not aware of. Any of the staff Ashi and Tam had hired were welcome to stay on the staff force, and even Ashi and Tam were welcome to come and enjoy the board as non-Admins.

Over the past year and a half, the staff have changed a lot. As mentioned, Artax didn't become an Admin until we moved to Canterlot. Skye has since stepped down from his Moderator position, which he worked up to just as I have. The Helpstaff (or RP Helpers, as they now are), have come and gone. The hiring process has changed a bit, Dessa being hired straight to Moderator. Diomedes also used to be Helpstaff, though he was promoted in February. I was promoted in October of 2011, and Skye sometime before that.

So, suffice to say, the founding members of equestria.electronook have not returned since the board closed, but the founding Admins of Canterlot are still very much around. Many of the founding members are as well, whether they hold staff positions or not. I have lots of stories from the old days, but it's time for me to rest these old bones...

*Sits, rocking in a rocking chair, as the camera pans out and fades to black.*

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March 9th was when the following members joined:

Bramble Rose





Ginger Mint


- All of whom have gone on, in many ways, to define this forum!

Heh. Seven of the best ponies there. The forum was awesome from day one! :D

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