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Also, Korkiplaani is one band in a very neat genre called Scandinavian power metal (really just power metal, but Scandinavians have their own way of doing it so yeah--music spergpurists come at me bro).

Also known colloquially as VIKING METAAAAAAL.

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Also known colloquially as VIKING METAAAAAAL.

You guys know that Sturmmann totally metal-screamed that in his head when he wrote that, right?

I personally find that the best way to get into any genre is to find something funny first. That is what actually got me into a LOT of music. A chuckle at the novelty ( or in the case of Ronnie James Dio straight up making fun of him) then once the novelty of the joke wears off sometimes you find yourself actively enjoying something for itself.

So, really, this is an endorsement for Metalocalypse, which made stuff like Fintroll at least listenable to me.

Also, Inkwell, thank you for bringing up Todd in the Shadows. Very good call, because he is fantastic and fits in with my point that humor is a great gateway to at least getting someone to at least listen.

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Templar, the last two videos don't work here in germany and the first one... meh, nothing I would listen to when I have a choice.

I didn't say, but I am always open for new things. It's just that people need to know how I feel about pop music. If they don't know they show me some rubbish from the charts that is exactly what I hate - and they think because its new and in the charts its cool and I might like it. If they know though, they might show me something older, something that was really different - and then I can more often than not say that I liked that song.

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  • 2 months later...

Uhm, there's Rap, or how I call it : " The hatchling of a "Culture" about lacking culture" songs about murder or beating women aren't my thing.

I know right? All rap songs seems to be about these days are about Women and Money... it's annoying! But, there are a few good rap out there about more respectable topics. I'm not going to link them here... Site Rules.

Here's a few.

911 - Gorrilaz... A song about the tragedy of the World Trade Center.

I Need a Doctor - Dr Dre ft. Eminem... Eminem is rapping about how Dr Dre (His Mentor) is depressed about losing his son, and he wants him back.

I'll Mind of Hopsin 5 - Hopsin... Hopsin is rapping on how pathetic the "swag" culture is, and that it should stop.

When I'm Gone - Eminem... Eminem is trying to make his daughter feel better about his constant travelling and his recent divorce. Mockingbird is also similar to this.

One Trick Pony - MictheMicropone... A song about how society is always following their same cliques, and how you need to be yourself!

Be warned, all these songs have cursing... But they are great and goes really deep.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two musical genres I don't care for is Country (or Country/Western) and Gangsta Rap. I would love to see some videos from these genres that would give me a reason to give either more of a look.

What exactly do you find not worth it about country music? I have several video recommendations from the same group.

"I wish" by Point of Grace:

"How You Live [Turn up the Music] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDRufwLKdgU

I hope that you enjoy and that you think they are worth the look!

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