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Canterlot Prep! (closed)


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Quiet Sapphire finished and closed the book and put it away but left out one piece of paper and began to try and write a note so he could give it to pepperjack, but he kept erasing and writing but nothing he wrote, he thought to himself, she would like and he sighed sadly.

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((Srsly, where is our timelord substitute teacher? Lol))

Silver faced the font of class at the sound of of someone clearing their throat quite loudly. He was slightly disapointed to see a yet another student, which was followed by another two.

He quietly listened to their names as he began making a list of the students. As a way to keep track of everyone and learn names.

Sighing lightly and impatiently, he finished writing then loudly and abruptly slammed his notebook against his desk, becoming a bit frustrated at the fact class hasn't really even started yet. Also at the fact the teacher was awfully quiet...

[colour=#696968]"Excuse me! Everyone, if I could have your eyes and ears for a moment....Are we going to start class or not? Not trying to be rude, but If this senseless conversing continues, we will have wasted a perfectly good hour or so that could've been spent learning....Thank you for those who listened to my plea"[/colour]

He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, attempting to calm himself.

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Quiet Sapphire was not prepeared for the sudden slam from Silver and when he did slam his notebook on his desk, he jumped not expecting that and the paper that was on his desk flew off to who knows where. he then looked at Silver. [colour=#000080]"y-y-you st-startled me!"[/colour]

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((Srsly, where is our timelord substitute teacher? Lol))

Silver faced the font of class at the sound of of someone clearing their throat quite loudly. He was slightly disapointed to see a yet another student, which was followed by another two.

He quietly listened to their names as he began making a list of the students. As a way to keep track of everyone and learn names.

Sighing lightly and impatiently, he finished writing then loudly and abruptly slammed his notebook against his desk, becoming a bit frustrated at the fact class hasn't really even started yet. Also at the fact the teacher was awfully quiet...

[colour=#696968]"Excuse me! Everyone, if I could have your eyes and ears for a moment....Are we going to start class or not? Not trying to be rude, but If this senseless conversing continues, we will have wasted a perfectly good hour or so that could've been spent learning....Thank you for those who listened to my plea"[/colour]

He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, attempting to calm himself.

[colour=#4b0082]"Er... While I DO agree that class should have started already, do you not think that the slamming of your notebook was a bit... uncalled for?"[/colour] Rarity asked, her heart still beating fast from the shock.

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(I'm right here. Its just that people have desided that my computor is the best thing in the world, so instead of using there computor they just keep stealing mine. -_- the bascurds)

[colour=#0000CD]BLUEMOON:[/colour] Bluemoons eye was a bright yellow... and on show for everyone to see <<yeah...right...his cutie mark>>

[colour=#8B4513]TIMETURNER: <<*grabs a pencil and hits MorningDawn and Bluemoon on the head*<< thats for lying now go sit down>.Timeturner sat down and watch the new students walk in <<Day one and you're already all late. Marvelous. Anyway I do believe Quicksilver is right its about time we start the lesson. Starting with* scribble on the board at lightning speeds** the creation of the Roman Empire-er -oh right they dont exist here-. I mean the founding of Equestria (Now take note that I will be making most of this up as I go along XD)[/colour]

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Twilight smiled wide. This was it. The moment she had been waiting for. She was so excited she even forgot to say hello to Rarity, whom she was glad had made it to class, and kind of wondered where Fluttershy had gone. Anyway back on track. A chance to learn from a person! She was interested to see how much she knew against how much the teacher was about to ...well teach. She sat there with a very goofy smile on, quickly pulled out her books and quill and in lighting like speed her once clean and clear desk was now a whirlwind of organized disaster full of nothing but the history of Equestria and of the big names that played the largest part in founding it. IN fact her books were stacked so high from certain angles she was barely visible behind her desk.

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Quiet Sapphire gave his heart a chance to relax and heard the teacher begin to talk. He pulled everything he needed out to get ready for the teacher's lesson, though Twilight Sparkle was creeping him out due to how her desk once was, to what it is now, and was afraid that the books could fall and hurt her or someone else.

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Silver shrugged slightly. Was his actions uncalled for? He didn't really know another way to quiet a room, nor has he ever tried. Never actually having the spine to even attempt something like that at his recent school.

[colour=#696969]"Was it uncalled for? Seriously, tell me. I'll find more subtle way if you'd like...Oh, and sorry if I startled you… Sapphire, and, uh..."[/colour]

He opened his eyes for a moment, now looking at at Rarity. He realized she hadn't yet stated her name. Though the way he drew out the end if his sentence, she may just tell him

[colour=#8B4513]TIMETURNER: <<*grabs a pencil and hits MorningDawn and Bluemoon on the head*<< thats for lying now go sit down>.Timeturner sat down and watch the new students walk in <<Day one and you're already all late. Marvelous. Anyway I do believe Quicksilver is right its about time we start the lesson. >>[/colour]

Silver raised a hand quickly, attempting to correct the teacher.

[colour=#696969]"My name is SilverWisp, not Qu-"[/colour]

[colour=#8B4513]<<Starting with* scribble on the board at lightning speeds** the creation of the Roman Empire-er -oh right they dont exist here-. I mean the founding of Equestria.>>[/colour]

He let out a slightly frustrated groan. He hopped the others wouldn't call him Quicksilver...

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Pepperjack watched as sapphire began to write in his journal (oh no! He's writing about how I had my book upside-down!) She then saw twilight and him talking and how nice he was to her (no... He's too nice to write mean things about Anypony...) Pepper then watched as puzzle strode in, sat down and solved the cube several times over before introducing himself (hmm... He's good with that thing... Glad to have so many smart ponies in this class and none of those preppy, stuck up-) rarity stepped inside (I stand corrected...) "So..." She nudged shade "what do you think about the noobies?" She said with a wink

Shade immediately facehoofed. [colour=#800080]"Pepperjack.." [/colour]she began, then looked back up at her friend [colour=#800080]"Today is the first day of school. EVERYPONY is new.."[/colour] She heard Silver, causing her words to be lost in the slamming of his book. [colour=#800080]What a NERD BUCKET![/colour] The little unicorn watched lazily as the teacher began. [colour=#800080]The what?...... Oh, I guess the founding of equestria doesn't sound so bad or whatever..[/colour] She raised her hoof. [colour=#800080]"Hey, teach..? What was that first thing you mentioned or whatever?"[/colour]

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Shade immediately facehoofed. "Pepperjack.." she began, then looked back up at her friend "Today is the first day of school. EVERYPONY is new.." She heard Silver, causing her words to be lost in the slamming of his book.
pepperjack "no, That was a-" pepper shrieked when silver slammed the desk "n... Nevermind..." Trying to draw attention away from herself hoping no one noticed her shrill cry, she pulled out her notebook and pencil and got ready


Fluttershy slowly opened the door as quietly as she could and crept to the back of the room, seeing as everypony was preoccupied this was a fairly simple task. She glanced around and saw two of her old friends sitting up towards the front of the class but was far too nervous to try and approach them. so she took an empty seat and pulled out her history book

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Twilight smiled wide. This was it. The moment she had been waiting for. She was so excited she even forgot to say hello to Rarity, whom she was glad had made it to class, and kind of wondered where Fluttershy had gone. Anyway back on track. A chance to learn from a person! She was interested to see how much she knew against how much the teacher was about to ...well teach. She sat there with a very goofy smile on, quickly pulled out her books and quill and in lighting like speed her once clean and clear desk was now a whirlwind of organized disaster full of nothing but the history of Equestria and of the big names that played the largest part in founding it. IN fact her books were stacked so high from certain angles she was barely visible behind her desk.

[colour=#4b0082]Classic Twilight.[/colour] Rarity thought. [colour=#4b0082]So immersed in her learning.[/colour] Rarity laughed, and turned to look at the front of the room, where she saw Fluttershy, who avoided them entirely, taking an empty seat somewhat far away. Rarity was confused. [colour=#4b0082]"Fluttershy, darling, is something the matter?" [/colour]She asked.

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Fluttershy jumped at hearing her name, (oh! Rarity!) Fluttershy quickly and quietly snuck up to rarity hoping that no one saw her especially the teacher "I... I'm sorry... N... Nothing's wrong... I just didn't see you at first..." She looked at the pile of books "hi twilight..."

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Puzzlebeat looked back when the girl called Rarity started to talk to some one towards the back. That is when he saw a girl that had bright pink hair and looked a little shy walk up to Rarity and Twilight he thought he heard was her name was. [colour=#000080]hmmm every one is late today. [/colour]but he realized then that maybe he should try and make some friends.I [colour=#000080]mean if the shy girl has 2 already on the first day maybe I should talk to some one after class and make a friend.[/colour]

(is there by chance a seating chart)

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From behind her books Twilight leaned back in her chair and saw Fluttershy standing as shyly as ever and using such a soft voice that only one who had trained their ears could hear her.[colour=#4b0082] "Oh Fluttershy! Glad you made it!"[/colour] Twilight stopped one of her books from falling over and positioned it perfectly, not only in flushness but according to gravity as well. She had a thing for perfection, sometimes, sorta....maybe. [colour=#4b0082]"Did you want to sit up here in the front with us?"[/colour] Twilight also had a talent for being very naive. Anyone else would have known the answer to that question. She noticed a few of the others as well, some were talking, others writing, solving puzzles, it was quite the lively bunch really. Maybe coming out here wasnt such a bad idea after all?

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Fluttershy couldn't see through the books so she gently flew up high enough to see over the hard backed obstacles then shyly replied "oh... Well... Y... You look really busy... I... I wouldn't want to distract you..." She would like to sit with ponies she knew but being overwhelmed by Fear of sitting up towards the front where all the other students eyes would surely be locked onto her

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(15 minutes to school? I can blitz this!)

[colour=#8B4513]TIMETURNER TimeTurner began scribbling on the board many different map formations, arrows and maps that read "Eurable(EuropeXstable), Equestria <<now as I'm sure you all now the first settlers came Equestria (lets pretend thats real XD) to avoid the harsh, sudden and unending winters of Eurable that were acually caused by Windigos which were believed to be some kind of snow demon of hate. But now through modern advances of both resorces and technology, and not to mention knowledge, we can acuratly disern that they were infact aliens that were disturbed and ...uh...brought here...I would also like to add that it was an accident!>> Timeturner then began scribbling a little planet on the board with a little caption reading "Aliens" <<any questions so far?>>[/colour]

[colour=#0000cd]BLUEMOON Bluemoon sat in her seat (infront of twily), slightly embarassed and face crammed in her test book she contemplated what had just happened that is until she heard the mention of Aliens << **raises head in intense curiousity** Aliens! **left eye goers multicoloured**>>[/colour]

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Twilight had been preoccupied with Fluttershy until her attention was broken by the mention of Aliens. Her head snapped to the front, eyes narrowing and almost at the top of her lungs exclaimed [colour=#4b0082]"What!?"[/colour] Twilight had always been a girl of proof. the thought of Aliens was laughable and just plain wrong! Besides it was never in any of her books![colour=#4b0082] "Really?! The thought of Aliens that....there is just no such thing! Its impossible actually! Wendigos are NOT Aliens."[/colour] Twilight's face was red from embarrassment due to her little outburst but she couldn't help it.

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sapphire looked at everyone in the classroom and then over at Twilight, Rarity, and a girl called Fluttershy, from the looks of things, that girl was even more shy than she was. He then sighed seeing that despite how shy she was, she already had friends. That didn't bother him too much though as he would work hard to make some, shyness or not. He then looked at Timeturner as he began to talk about the founding of Equestria. [colour=#000080]"Aliens?"[/colour] Sapphire thought raising an eyebrow thinking that was just ridiculous, and apparently, Twilight thought the same thing, but she said it out loud. He didn't say anything else but went back to his notebook.

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Pepper looked up to the board and rolled her eyes (you've got to be kidding... aliens? Yeah right...) She heard the voice of puzzlebeat (oh no... It's that wall eyed, muffin munching, mail lady from my old town...) "umm... Mr time turner... Sir? I... Well I agree with twilight... The Windigo's aren't aliens... And there is no evidence of any aliens... At least not in any history books I've read...

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Twilight, whom was still rather huffy, horn glowed and her thing made their way back into her bag and laced itself shut. She stood up and looked at Pepper and smiled, [colour=#4b0082]Glad im not the only one who thought that was strange.[/colour] She looked to Rarity and Fluttershy [colour=#4b0082]"So what do we do now girls?"[/colour]

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"I don't know, but I really like this year's history teacher! He really knows how to make things interesting or whatever. I just wonder if it's some sort of metaphor.. Like, how the windigos were said to feed on anger and hate, and Equestria was made by being saved from them with love and tolerance.. So by alinating the windigos, along with the feelings related to them, it really does stick better in my mind, and allow for such a deeper understanding.. Don't you think? And just straight up calling them aliens or whatever.. Hes just gonna be fun I guess" Shade let her nerdier side show a little. "I guess we could step out for a minute and get a drink or something." She smiled at Lightning. "How long is break this year?"

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