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The Grey Wardens[Dragon Age Crossover][APPLY HERE][OPEN]

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I have no idea, all i know is that Grim's been told to knock me out, again. Seriously, has Midnihgt got something against Shadow?

He's pinned him forcefully down with magic, got Razor to knock him out, ordered Grim to kill him and now orders grim to restrain him, with the threat of a take-down.

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I have no idea, all i know is that Grim's been told to knock me out, again. Seriously, has Midnihgt got something against Shadow?

He's pinned him forcefully down with magic, got Razor to knock him out, ordered Grim to kill him and now orders grim to restrain him, with the threat of a take-down.

If he tries anything, I'll blast him. Don't worry. :)

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If he tries anything, I'll blast him. Don't worry. :)

That makes me feel safer, he also shot Shadow when he arrived at their camp, and has pinned him down multiple times (first meeting, and then the bandits)

I was considering having Grim say something about it.

Since he's had time to think and assess the situation

Yeah, he's been standing in front of them, listening to Midniight and watching Hoax keep Shadow under control. Also, just a quick thing.

How has none of the Wardens noticed the glowing eyes yet? I mean, i'd think glowing red eyes was something you might notice as unusual. But apprently none have noticed, apart from Pin (But Shadow told him about the eyes) and Nexer (Who isn't a Warden)

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That makes me feel safer, he also shot Shadow when he arrived at their camp, and has pinned him down multiple times (first meeting, and then the bandits)

Yeah, he's been standing in front of them, listening to Midniight and watching Hoax keep Shadow under control. Also, just a quick thing.

How has none of the Wardens noticed the glowing eyes yet? I mean, i'd think glowing red eyes was something you might notice as unusual. But apprently none have noticed, apart from Pin (But Shadow told him about the eyes) and Nexer (Who isn't a Warden)

I have an excuse.

Grim only saw Shadow once before and that was when Midnight had him pinned, that was only for a little bit. At the moment he was talking to Hoax, then Nexar came up to Grim and Pinprick while Shadow prepared to charge. So Grim just hasn't even looked at Shadow for real.

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wait, didn't shadow claim to be stalking the bandits that attack us wardens? Because Shadow went bonkers and attacked those bandits one of midnight's OC's KOed him...then everyone just appeared there with me and Drakky's Oc's Icicle and Snow.

IC I can't go against Midnight wanting Shadow restrained...but I can go against him threatening Hoax.

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Would it really be in Hoax's or Shadow's best interest to attack a pony who is simply going to restrain Shadow? Might as well just have your sister throw bricks at police when they cuff you.

doesn't help the situation at all

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Would it really be in Hoax's or Shadow's best interest to attack a pony who is simply going to restrain Shadow? Might as well just have your sister throw bricks at police when they cuff you.

doesn't help the situation at all

Who said I was going to attack...?

I prefer passive aggressive charm and common sense.

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You realize if Midnight wanted to he could've let the Templars attack you two? His stance is basically "Don't be stupid, come with me if you want to live"

Could do with putting his thought process in if that's the case. Only glean so much from dialogue.

I don't want Hoax to be a warden by the way. She can help out though.

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Could do with putting his thought process in if that's the case. Only glean so much from dialogue.

I don't want Hoax to be a warden by the way. She can help out though.

At this point, that's the only solution the Templars will accept from us. Midnight's bluffing: He doesn't need more wardens. But if he just says "Let her go, even though I have no authority over her" They would ignore him. However, if he conscripts you, they have to obey

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Neither did I wanted Nexar to be a warden. I only wanted him to help them, not join them and become a warden. Just btw...

Also Midnight: it's nice that you have such a plan for all this. Just maybe explain it in the post (not as spoken text of course) or in OOC BEFORE you try to get your plan going...

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There. Awkward mexican standoff over with

Congratulations on the most ridiculous post I've ever seen during my days doing RPs.

I did not give you permission to attack my character.

I doubt Shadow gave you permission to do that to him.

You can not simply kill/petrify every single character in the vicinity and expect no retaliation.

And with that, I'm leaving this RP. I'm done. Ciao.

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Congratulations on the most ridiculous post I've ever seen during my days doing RPs.

I did not give you permission to attack my character.

I doubt Shadow gave you permission to do that to him.

You can not simply kill/petrify every single character in the vicinity and expect no retaliation.

And with that, I'm leaving this RP. I'm done. Ciao.

You made a problem.

I fixed it.

You're gone.

I'm okay with this.

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Awkward mexican standoff?

I'm sorry, but the only awkward thing about this all, is you Midnight.

To be completely honest, this doesn't seem like a "let's get this over with, I have a story in my mind I finally want to attempt to." This seems more like a "Things are not going the way I want them to be, and because I am the OP (original poster), I am allowed to be OP (overpowered) and do whatever I like to do to get my urgent need of controlling everything."

So, yeah... You've just made the Chantry be totally mad at the Grey Wardens, fully ignored the fact, that those were Templars, and not bandits, and therefore are able (and specialised) to dispell magic and such. And, oh yes... I've got the feeling, that you've finally ruined the whole rpg.

I have to fully agree with Spaced, you did many things wrong, on so many levels (OOC as well as IC), and I'm not fine with you wanting everything happening only your way. Also I'm not willed to play in a rpg with someone like you as a Gamemaster, because: you've effectively ignored your players and their opinions, ingame as well as outgame, and your responce to Spaced quit the rpg only shows, how much you care for that. Every normal Gamemaster tries to have fun, as well as let his players have fun. I've Gamemastered/Dungeonmastered for 4 years now in total, and during this time I have learned, that being a Gamemaster is never a free ticket to have an overpowered char. If you want to celebrate yourself by playing an overpowered char without faults or weakness, then you might be better of with a single player game.

I already know, how your response will be looking like, but hereby I say, that I quit too. The Dragon Age universe is a nice and potential universe to play in, but you managed to ruin this experience for me. So here I say: ciao, bye bye, whatever, have a nice day, and have fun in fulfilling your control needs. But not with me in the same topic, never ever again.

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I didn't want this whole "break into the chantry" thing, that was Hoax's doing. Originaly I wanted little to no fighting at all, and just have the passive "while we are in camp not fighting stuff, this is how it is". I was okay with a couple of bandits, but random angry mage rebelling against Chantry, then everyone getting mad at me because I want no part of it? Fine. Leave. I don't care. It's not a matter of me being "overcontrolling", it's a matter of you completly veering off the intended path of the RP, and getting upset because nobody wants to respond to it.

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