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Animated Movie Club! This Week Pinocchio!


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Hello and welcome friends to the second part of the Animation club! The animated MOVIES club! Once a week we will discuss (and watch through your own legal means) a animated movie! Be it stop motion, cgi or hand drawn!

As it is Monday it's tine for a NEW MOVIE!


This is a list of all the Disney Movies , at the end of the list we will start taking a vote on what new movies to discuss, I will be posting a topic once a week on Saturday to discuss the newest club pic!

Snow White






Alice in Wonderland

Peter Pan

Lady and the Tramp

Sleeping Beauty

101 Dalmations

The Sword in the Stone

The Jungle Book

The Aristocats

Robin Hood

The Rescuers

The Fox and the Hound

The Black Caudron

The Great Mouse Detective

Oliver and Company

The Little Mermaid

The Rescuers Down Under

Beauty and the Beast


The Lion King


The Hunchback of Notre Dame




Fantasia 2000

The Emperor's New Groove

Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Lilo and Stitch

Treasure Planet

Brother Bear

The Princess and the Frog

Snow White was never a favorite of mine save for song wise, the villain gets very little screen time and the fact that SnowWhite acted like a child but had the body of a grown woman bothered me! But the animation is simply gorgeous...little known fact! Hitler drew fan art of the Dwarves and actually adored the movie! Probably due to the original story being a German creation :)

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A few notes while I watch:

  • The Magic Mirror is still an awesome character, and I love how well he is animated even back during this time period with all the smoke and faded face and stuff.
  • Snow White, while she's running into the forest, really should've listened to "Giggle at the Ghostie" before leaving the castle.
  • Why would Snow White think that a pickaxe is a perfectly acceptable children's toy?!
  • I really do wish I could sing and make animals do my bidding.
  • ...why lock the door if you're just gonna hang the key on the outside of the door?!
  • I want to listen to Doc give an entire speech someday. It is bound to be hilarious.
  • He's gonna sneeze! Jump him! No sneezing allowed!
  • The pots and pans monster should have been the true villain. I would enjoy the hilarity.
  • Grumpy is way too genre savvy for a Disney movie.
  • I really do love the idea that in her blind hatred and jealousy, the Queen becomes that which she hates most.
  • I want Grumpy's organ, so bad. Not because I can play it, but because it looks awesome.
  • The Queen had to climb up the cliff so that she could have the proper first Disney Death. Many more to come!
  • I dunno about you, but I wouldn't kiss a corpse. Gotta love fairytales though.
  • Alright, get that they're happy she's alive, but does nobody find it odd that she just WOKE UP FROM DEATH?! The Prince just picks up a zombie and everyone dances!
  • And into the sunset they ride. Happily ever after.

And so concludes my running commentary of Snow White. Hope you guys had as much fun watching as me. :3

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I actually re-watched this and a number of other Disney movies not too long ago, so I'm doing this by memory, but it's at least by (relatively) recent memory.

As a kid, I found Snow White kinda... eh. I never hated the movie, but it just didn't really engage me. Watching it more recently, I found a lot more to appreciate, especially in the animation. Most of the film still looks beautiful almost 80 years later. I'm not so crazy about the songs in the film; the only one that's really memorable for me is the Dwarves' song--generally it's kind of bland, yet inoffensive stuff. Snow White herself is probably the worst part of the movie (well, next to the non-character prince); her voice and mannerisms get somewhat grating and she definitely feels like the most dated thing in what for the most part is a film that has held up surprisingly well given its age. The other characters are better. The dwarves kinda make the movie for me; there's some good, simple characterization on a few of them and they produce some rather inventive, inspired slapstick. Similarly, the queen is nicely menacing and has a striking design; she's a fairly engaging villain.

Overall, I'd say that Disney's first animated feature isn't one of their most memorable for me but I have a lot of respect for. It got most things very right, which is quite the feat, especially given there was nothing else like this at the time. Doesn't hurt that parts of it are genuinely amusing and memorable. If this is where it started, it's not really too hard to understand how Disney built up what it ultimately did. It's a good, solid animated movie.

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Did you know that In one of their shows at DisneyLand they have the witch explain that she didn't die from the rock crushing her?

Heh. That's kind of ridiculous... but it doesn't really surprise me since it's Disney... :blush:

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I agree with Phil for the most part, I really think the animation has really stood the test of time and still looks amazing even after all these years. The characters in the movie however :/ they just seemed really flat to me and it was Grumpy that showed the most development. Snow White annoyed me to no end because she was like a shining light of incorruptible goodness, you would think living as a servant girl would have made here a bit more cynical. But hey This was the first time a movie like this was ever made and fairy tails themselves doesn't give much for character development. Even still its still a good movie to watch if you watch it for the fairy tail and not a mental stimulus. I did however like the witch when she was doing her witchcraft thing, and I think it was less of her wanting to be the most beautiful, and more of her wanting to more beautiful then everyone else, anyway she did show some genre savvy-ness when she looked up the antidote for the curse, which leads me to my last point. If it was a sleeping death why did it preserve Snow Whites body? Did it kill her or did it just put her to sleep? I mean if I'm understanding the ending right it looked like she was In a coma for at least a year, Did the dwarfs come up with some sorta Middle age life support system?

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I agree with Phil for the most part, I really think the animation has really stood the test of time and still looks amazing even after all these years. The characters in the movie however :/ they just seemed really flat to me and it was Grumpy that showed the most development. Snow White annoyed me to no end because she was like a shining light of incorruptible goodness, you would think living as a servant girl would have made here a bit more cynical. But hey This was the first time a movie like this was ever made and fairy tails themselves doesn't give much for character development. Even still its still a good movie to watch if you watch it for the fairy tail and not a mental stimulus. I did however like the witch when she was doing her witchcraft thing, and I think it was less of her wanting to be the most beautiful, and more of her wanting to more beautiful then everyone else, anyway she did show some genre savvy-ness when she looked up the antidote for the curse, which leads me to my last point. If it was a sleeping death why did it preserve Snow Whites body? Did it kill her or did it just put her to sleep? I mean if I'm understanding the ending right it looked like she was In a coma for at least a year, Did the dwarfs come up with some sorta Middle age life support system?


It was simply to put her to sleep, but she hoped the dwarves would bury her still alive and finish the job.

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Animation-wise, I think they did spectacularly at the time. Given their practice for the movie.


There is a whole lot of late 30s values dissonance going on with the movie that is hard for us to wrap our heads around.

#1 is Snow White's sweetness. In a time of Kewpie Dolls (which for some reason were STILL in vogue at the time) , Shirley Temple and all kind of other ridiculously saccharine things, Snow White is actually LESS sweet and perfect than she could have been given the time, especially given the down spirits provided by the Great Depression. Sure it's annoying to us now because female empowerment happened and our modern society needs to be a little edgier. But she could be much much worse. Maybe not more shrill, but definitely worse. Even just a few years later, MGM's Dorothy was somewhat identifiable, and considered a strong heroine for the people of the time. And she's a little too much of a goody-goody for us these days too.

It took me a long time to warm up to Snow White as a child. My grandmother loved it. It was her favorite movie EVER. But for me she was just too sweet and perky and annoying, not to mention the whole creepy true love at 14 with a full grown prince angle always squicked me out. (for the record, I felt completely the same way about Sleeping Beauty as well)

But then I learned to love it for what it was. A very specific product of its time that was beautifully done and changed the face of animation forever.

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My final thoughts on the Movie:

Snow White is an okay movie but it isn't one of my favorites, but was probably the first disney movie I ever saw.

Now onto THIS week's movie!

I know it hasn't been a week but I want a schedual so I figured starting the New movie on a Monday would be a great idea!

So this week everybody it's all about our favorite little wooden head!

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As a kid, I never really cared for Pinocchio. I found it kind of unsettling to watch. Looking at it now, I figure that was kinda the whole point. It has a certain dark, kind of unforgiving atmosphere to it which is something I can now appreciate a little more.

There's a lot to like in the film overall, I think, but I'd still hesitate to really call it any kind of favorite. Again, the animation is the highlight. The sequence with the giant whale in particular is rater impressive to look at. It's all pretty nice to look at though. The music in the film is kind of charming too. The film strikes me as just a little disjointed watching it now. Most plot elements aren't revisited, which lends to a lack in cohesion. It's charming and entertaining enough though, and most of the set pieces are fairly engaging, in part due to the overall atmosphere. The one thing that really doesn't work in the film for me now is the Jiminy Cricket character, who kinda dates the film and is also kinda rather annoying and distracting. It rather seems that he was inserted into the story fun and bright for the kids, even as it goes to some pretty dark places.

The rest of it holds up pretty well for me though and I'd still call it a good movie, even if it's not a favorite. With their second film, I think the Disney people still got more right than wrong though. It's a memorable piece, and if not as important as Snow White was, it's still a solid effort on its own. :blush:

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Before I watch Pinocchio. My thoughts on Snow White are it is down right gorgeous. It is still one of the prettiest animated films in my opinion. As for the plot and everything else, well the songs are on the whole forgettable. Magic Mirror is still the best character. The plot... well jealous queen wants to destroy Snow White because beauty, and naturally doesn't do it herself. This leads to her being put to sleep only to be awoken by prince's kiss... Wait... Did they reuse this plot for Sleeping Beauty?! Oh well... On the whole it was a good movie, and most certainly a classic, just not one of my favorites...

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Before I watch Pinocchio. My thoughts on Snow White are it is down right gorgeous. It is still one of the prettiest animated films in my opinion. As for the plot and everything else, well the songs are on the whole forgettable. Magic Mirror is still the best character. The plot... well jealous queen wants to destroy Snow White because beauty, and naturally doesn't do it herself. This leads to her being put to sleep only to be awoken by prince's kiss... Wait... Did they reuse this plot for Sleeping Beauty?! Oh well... On the whole it was a good movie, and most certainly a classic, just not one of my favorites...


It's not reusing the plot if two fairy tales have similar plot points XD

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