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Ponies Falling to Earth (Looking for Pinkie Pie!)


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((I'm back! I have internet again after charter had a nice little black out in my neighborhood. Apparently it was one of 2 things 1) a witch hunt for someone who's running a torrent server or 2)They just didn't feel like fixing **** YET AGAIN))

"Colette, get their contact information, I'll go and get them if they're near by." Connor began checking his own posts for comments.

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“Sure thing...” Colette said. “I just needs photos of the Ponies ready for when I email them back...” She then turned to Rarity. “If you don't mind, I also need to take a picture of your cutie mark... Just to show you are who you say you are,” Colette then turned to Connor and Charles. “After that, I may need your guys' help to drag out the queen and David, 'cause she's being all emo.”

“Oh, it's okay, Fluttershy! We'll make sure you get home in one piece, but first we gotta take your picture so we can show it to the guy who says he found two others.... Jessie, did the message say anything else??”

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Rarity smiled, "Well a picture isn't so bad, let me just..." she froze, "Um well me cutie mark...where is it....Colette you may need to help me find it..in private," she said as she looked over herself but was still so unused to the body

Queen just stared out the window to the yard, realizing she wasn't wanted here, beside david

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“It's not a modelling picture! It's just to show the person that you are who you say you are! Honest~!” Serth said, holding his hands out in front of him in an attempt to placate the former Pegasus. Seth remembered Fluttershy's brief career as a model, and didn't want her to think that this was going to be another photoshoot...

After Shawn got a good look at HypnØticD's actual forum post, he paled a little. “We gotta take a picture of Shadow's cutie mark...” Stephen, on the other hand, had no idea what a cutie mark was, and didn't see what the big deal was. “That doesn't sound too bad,” he said with a shrug. Shawn looked over at Shadow, and then to his brother. “The big deal is where the cutie mark is located! Every pony has a cutie mark on either side of their, uh... flanks. Which, in human terms, means their butts.” There was a brief moment of silence before Stephen spoke, turning to face Shadow. “congratulations, you're going to learn how to use a digital camera! And YOU'RE gonna be the one to take a picture of your cutie mark!”

“Um... where are cutie marks usually located??” Colette asked, completely clueless. 'I think I'm about to regret asking, somehow, aren't I??' “Well we can take the pictures in my room. After that, I will need to get the queen out here and take her photo. As much as you don't like her, she's your ticket home...” she then turned to the guest room and shouted “Stop being the queen of Emos and come on out, before we drag you out!”

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After Shawn got a good look at HypnØticD's actual forum post, he paled a little. “We gotta take a picture of Shadow's cutie mark...” Stephen, on the other hand, had no idea what a cutie mark was, and didn't see what the big deal was. “That doesn't sound too bad,” he said with a shrug. Shawn looked over at Shadow, and then to his brother. “The big deal is where the cutie mark is located! Every pony has a cutie mark on either side of their, uh... flanks. Which, in human terms, means their butts.” There was a brief moment of silence before Stephen spoke, turning to face Shadow. “congratulations, you're going to learn how to use a digital camera! And YOU'RE gonna be the one to take a picture of your cutie mark!”

Shadow frowned slightly at hearing they need to take a picture of his mark. Looking away when Shawn said 'Cutie mark'. He didn't like it being called Cutie mark, nothing was 'cute' about his mark. His mark was him suffering for the one he cared most, his sister....

His face darkened as memories of his foalhood flashed before him, he remembered himself smiling more, admiring the sun..Until that day....

He shook his head, and returned to the world around him. Spephen adressed him, something about a camera, and his mark. Suddering at the work 'cutie' again, he nodded.

"[colour=#FF0000]I'll assume it's in the same place as back home..And that means that, wearing.. this thing" [/colour][colour=#000000]He indicated to his coat [/colour][colour=#FF0000]"Is social ethicate or something? And...ohhh, i see" [/colour][colour=#000000]His mind finally put all the pieces together [/colour][colour=#FF0000]"Just past a camera or something, surely it can't be that hard to use, right?" [/colour]

[colour=#000000]He blew hard, making the hair that had overlapped his eye move slightly, revealing something that looked like a old scar[/colour]

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[colour=#000000]((*groan* C'mon! Chill out with the tragic backgrounds!)) [/colour]

[colour=#000000]“Nope, not hard at all! It's a lot like the cameras you have in Ponyville!” Shawn answered. “All you have to do is point and shoot.” “And yeah, it's social etiquette to wear clothing at all times in the human, though you don't really need the jacket.” Stephen added. “You can take it off if you want.” [/colour]

Oh... Oh, darn!” Seth said, facepalming. “Well, ya see...” he began, racking his mind as to how he was going to best answer this question. Going with the truth could very well drop a bomb onto all she believes and holds dear, but lying to FLUTTERSY?? That had to be some sort of mortal sin, Seth was sure of it! As much as he hated to do so, he decided to come out and tell this poor little pony the truth. “Well, there's this show in our world, that shows us your world, especially what happens in and around Ponyville... Humans can see it either on TV or on these things, called computers,” he said, pointing toward his laptop. “And, well, I saw when you were a model for a spell, and saw you didn't like it too much.”

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Rarity smiled, "On our flanks...." she looked over Colette's body and pointed to her rear, "I wanna say about there!" she said, "So yeah...." she looked over toward the room, "help?" she smiled warmly.

Chrysalis clenched a fist, "Don't rush me!" she yelled back, "I ain't comin out till those others leave, I would like to live!"

Rarity froze, "live?" she said softly, "Is chrysalis dearful of us now?" she was so lost at the statement the queen had just yelled

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(Sorry bout that, but i'm cruel to every character i create, plus it isn't that bad, trust me)

Shadow Flare

[colour=#ff0000]"I kinda like it, suits me...Anyway, just pass me a camera, and i'll get the picture...Don't see why you need it though..."[/colour] He said the last part most to himself than the brothers.

Shadow picked up the camera and walked into a room, looking at the camera. He closed the door before sighing[colour=#ff0000]"Well, this world Could be worse...still could be better...."[/colour]

Apple Jack

Apple Jack slowly opened her eyes, her memory quickly went back to what had happened. She and her friends had confronted Chrysalies, the Changeling just didn't know when to quit...Then something happend, magic? And now she was lying on the ground, her head throabbing a bit.

She reached up, but felt...differetent. She quickly sat up and saw her hoof had been replaced by...something. I was fleshy, and had 5 thing sticking out. She moved them, panick filling her up when she saw that they were her's

[colour=#DAA520]"Twilight! Where are ya?!"[/colour]she yelled out, only for her face to feel different.

She felt her hat on top of her head, and quickly grasped it, pulling it in front of her.

[colour=#DAA520]"Where am i? Where are my Friends?.........What if i'm alone??? What if nopony will find me again......What'll happen to Apple Bloom? And Big Machintosh, and Granny smith?! What'll happen to my friends!???" [/colour]

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Jesse looks to Seth, " Look what you did now!" Jesse runs down the stairs and sprints to Fluttershy, she grabs hold of her in a hug, " Don't worry, don't worry at all....People love you Fluttershy, you're amazing!"

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Connor wasn't looking forward to the task of having to drag the queen and David out to take pictures but he knew it was necessary. "Colette, their cutie marks are on their flanks...you know..." He said before going to knock on the door.

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" Sugar cube-" Jesse coughs a bit, " people watch you all the time." Jesse spoke more before she reacted, " They maybe watching you right now, i can't really explain it, but....Ugh....we need to get you home." Jesse hugs Fluttershy.


David gets up and exits the room with his t-shirt. On his t-shirt was his cutiemark, " I overheard everything, that is just gross, my cutie is on my shirt right here!" David pulls off his shirt and hands it to Connor, " Just take a picture of it and get it over with." David puts on a hood he just found on the couch, surprisingly is fits him. He pulls up the hood that hides his eyes. " The story behind that cutiemark is amazing, I am a miner and all. My family was rich, they really hated me. So they sent me off to never see my brother MorningDawn ever again. I wasn't that young back then, but....Still its just wrong for them to do that...I lived all alone, my occupation was mining. I did it just for the money, but it turns out i am a pro at mining...." David narrows his eyes and looks around, " Ugh....."

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“Say WHAT?? Colette asked, stunned “I have to take a picture of your BUTT?!” Colette was really regretting asking other people to do this... She sighed, rolled her eyes, and led Rarity to her bedroom. She'll deal with the paranoid queen in a minute! Right now, she had to take a picture of Rarity and of her cutie mark, which was seemingly getting more and more perverted the more she thought about it. "Connor, leave her alone!" She called as she heard Connor knock on the guest room door. "We'll get to Queenie in a minute!" Turning to Rarity, she picked up her camera and turned it on. "Let's get a proper picture of your face first, then we can work on getting your cutie mark…"


As the twins waited for Shadow Flare to take the picture, they whispered amongst themselves. "What're we going to do about clothes??" Stephen suddenly asked. "What do you mean??" Shawn asked back, unsure of what his brother wad getting at. "You know, for him?? He's not exactly our size, just by looking at him. And while we're at it, what about food? We're getting low on that." Shawn made a face at that. "Both good points." He then raised his voice so that Shadow could hear. "There's no telling how long you're going to be here, so after you get a good picture, we need to go shopping."


Seth sighed deeply, expecting such a reaction. Perhaps it would've been better to have stretched the truth a bit… He followed the two girls outside, and approached slower, not wanting to scare Fluttershy any more than he did. "Ahm sorry Fluttershy, I didn't mean ta scare ya. We only see bits and peices of your world; we don't see everything, if it makes you feel any better." Seth shuffled his foot in the ground. He wasn't sure of what to say next, as anything he could say next could furher damage the former pony even more… Taking a chance, he added. "We're gonna help you, but ya gotta help us help you…"

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A brown haired young male dressed in casual wear with a t-shirt from a new video game that released recently which had a intricate symbol of an eagle on the fron with the letters "UNSC" emblazoned near the middle with it's meaning arced below, he was outside in the sun sitting by a table listening to rock music on a small handheld device while drawing sketches on a large notepad. There was nothing special about him apart from the fact that he was an enthusiastic gamer and a upcoming popular animator on the internet under the alias "Nova Arkwing", he was shading in a certain section of a picture that he was working on for the last several days, his attention to detail to his own artworks was impressive bordering on the obsessive as he tried to perfect it but much to his frustration it always lacked something important...Something which he couldn't figure out yet.

He looked up slowly easing his stiffened neck out of it's seemingly locked posture for what seemed like a long time he stretched for a moment breathing deeply and relaxed as he took a glance at his surroundings and smiled a little while finding the atmosphere calming and stress-relieving, he needed this after spending the last two years of his life in a recluse state while studying constantly in order to complete assignments and meet deadlines set by the course he attended in college. Not that it mattered since prior to college he didn't really get out much.

However before he could continue he was yanked out of his absent mindset after a bolt of lightning struck the earth not far from him, picking up all his gear and putting it into a backpack which he slung onto his back he ran over to where the lightning struck unsure of what he'd find there but something as extraordinary as that must be worth checking out...

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As the twins waited for Shadow Flare to take the picture, they whispered amongst themselves. "What're we going to do about clothes??" Stephen suddenly asked. "What do you mean??" Shawn asked back, unsure of what his brother wad getting at. "You know, for him?? He's not exactly our size, just by looking at him. And while we're at it, what about food? We're getting low on that." Shawn made a face at that. "Both good points." He then raised his voice so that Shadow could hear. "There's no telling how long you're going to be here, so after you get a good picture, we need to go shopping."


Shadow walked out a few minutes after the twins had spoken to him. He handed them the camera, which had several pictures of a lightningbolt, his mark.

[colour=#FF0000]"There you go, my Mark, my special talent. Ok, shopping? I've never really gone shopping before, not when i was a pony, so you'll have to understand my lack of knowledge in this..area...Still, an experience non-the less. Lead on Shawn and Stephan, because i have no idea where the shopping place is"[/colour]

Shadow smiled as sincerly as he could, he knew the brothers were going out their way to help him, so he knew somehow, he's have to help them back.

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Alas, Colette's room was, for the most part, a typical teenager's room, complete with posters, pictures of herself with her friends, and although the room was clean, there were a few items of lingerie here and there. "I'm gonna take your picture with this," Colette said, holding up a digital camera. "Just need one good picture of your face, then one of your cutie mark. Then I have the lovely joy of taking David and Queenie's pictures.” Colette added, her voice laced with sarcasm.


((Harvey'll find Twilight wherever he resides!))


Stephen and Shawn looked over to Shadow, Stephen grabbing the camera. “Alright, we'll go clothes shopping first, then hit up the grocery store. From there, we'll hit the grocery store.”

“Oh, our acksents?? They're just how we talk, and all that.” Seth answered simply before taking notice of Fluttershy staggering. “You okay there, Fluttershy?? You're looking a tad dizzy, there...”

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