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Ponies Falling to Earth (Looking for Pinkie Pie!)


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[colour=#696969]"Sure but Can I ask you a few question?"[/colour]


[colour=#000000] [/colour][colour=#000080]"Me? I'm a human. Haven't you heard of a human before?"[/colour]

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Time- [colour=#696969]"Where am I? And further more what am I?"[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Alan- [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"Night." [/colour][colour=#000000]Alan said walking down the hall into his room.[/colour]

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" You're on planet earth buddy, and currently you are in a human form....Exactly how did you get here?" Josh posts the youtube video online ( anyone want to watch it? Just saying it might help with trying to find them.)


Morning closes his eyes and falls asleep.

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Time- Time pulled out his notebook and opened to the page which read:

Mystery: Where am I?

Mystery: What am I?

Time wrote more into it.

Mystery: Where am I? Earth

Mystery: What am I? Human

Mystery: Why am I here and How did I get here?

Mystery: Am I the only one who is here or are other ponies here?

He turned to the next page and wrote:

People of interest:

Josh: Seems to have no idea that Equestria is real and is something called a brony. Ally

Time closed the notebook and put it back in his pocket. [colour=#696969]"That's what i want to know." [/colour][colour=#000000]He told Josh.[/colour]

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"no i can only make a spacial rip big enough for one and hold it open with enough tine to get my self through and it's very draining." Discord explained to Connor.


"you believe what you want to believe, but i'm telling you i'm a dragon." Spike told Jim

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" Uh....I have no idea how to answer that, but in the meantime i can give you a place to live." Josh looked at his watch it read 12:00 P.M, " Its pretty early to go to sleep, so you want to record some more?"

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" Alright!" Josh flips on the recorder and does his newest intro, then he starts to record. The video that was posted not 2 hours ago has its views bumped up, hundreds of thousands of people are watching him, maybe even some bronies.

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(i think i can jump in again now maybe?) Fluttershy blushed "oh im sorry...they just sort of appeared" she gave a weak smile stroking one of the rabbits on the head "but i can't possibly make them leave before i've taken care of them can i? these poor little animals aren't going to fend for themselves!" she gave a stronger smile her pale features brightening as she looked across at the cowboy hat wearing girl.

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Jesse looked into Fluttershy's eyes, she couldn't possibly say no to her, it was like having a little sister again, " Alright, but don't let them make a mess in here, oh yeah, your breakfast is ready." Jesse tipped her hat and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

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Discord waited for Connor to register his sentence in his mind when he heard another voice. "look I will return. there's something I have to check." He vanished again, hoping he was wrong. He reappeared next to Fluttershy "Fluttershy what are you doing here?"

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Jim Cook

"Spike..It's not a matter of believing you..It's just not possible, There is no way you are a...Oh, never mind.."

Jim didn't know what to do. Spike was different, and claimed to be a dragon, but he was so sure of it

"Ok Spike, let's say that you were a dragon, and got turned into a human..How? What happened to you before? I don't understand"

Shadow Flare

Shadow clicked his tongue several times

[colour=#FF0000]"H-hey,,,I was going to ask this before,, but it didn't seem right...Human's use toilets right? Cause, i kinda need to use one now...."[/colour]

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Colette notice the sigh, and smiled reassuringly at Rarity. "I know she's evil in Equestria, but I don't think we have to worry about that whilst you're all here on earth... But please help me make Queenie look more... Like a human being and less like the kimono clad Lady Dracula?? After we get some sleep of course!”


Connor blinked as Discord told him that he could rip into this world for himself, then vanish. Great. Just great. He was going to ask if he could help Chrysalis, but it looked like it was going to have to wait until next time... Connor closed the door and headed to bed, with the intentions of telling everyone about Discord once both he and eveyone else got some sleep...


“Sure. This way...” Shawn said, leading Shadow to the automatic doors and to the bathrooms. “We don't... We don't have to show you how to do it, do we??” Stephen asked, keeping his voice low so no one coud hear.


[colour=#282828]Seth took one last good look at all of the animals before following Jesse down the stairs. “Hey, Jessie... I just checked my email, and the dude who found Rarity is now in Wisconsin... There's more, but I want to wait until Fluttershy comes down...” [/colour]

[colour=#282828]((I am BACK~! W00T! Looking forward to getting this thread nice and active again! By the way, where are [/colour][colour=#282828]Matthew Thompson, Applejack, Lance and Spin Art??[/colour][colour=#282828]))[/colour]

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Rarity looked at colette nervously, "m..may we...cuddle?" she asked shyly, "I..i just like holding something in my sleep..." she was beat red and stared at the floor, sort of shocked at what she just asked this girl she barely knew!

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Fluttershy smiled and trotted down the stairs her eyes tracing over the humble abode. she felt her toes curl into the soft carpet at the bottom of the stairs and couldnt help but stare at them, she was still a little shaky on her feet but she was getting used to it.

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Jesse looked at Seth and tipped her hat. She waited for Fluttershy to come and when she did she looked distressed, " You alright, sugar cube." As a child, Jesse's mother continuously called her that name, and so the habit has been passed on. Jesse helped Fluttershy to the table and set her down in a chair, " I made some eggs and toast, I'm sorry i don't have anything else at the moment."

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[colour=#282828]Seth sat at the table as Fluttershy came down, watching her a bit as she looked at her feet. “We're in here, Fluttershy darlin'.” he called out to her. “I got an email from the friend of the guy who found Rarity...”[/colour]


[colour=#282828]Colette blushed even brighter at that. “They're not going to be the most comfortable, but you can if you want...” she said as she went to her dresser. “We're going to have to get you some comfortable pajamas when we go out...” she grabbed a t-shirt and shorts for herself and went to the door. “I'm gonna go out for a moment and change. I'll be right back!” with that, she stepped out and went back out into the living room, and having discovered she didn't shut off her laptop, she decided to send the guy who found Twilight a quick message:[/colour]

[colour=#282828]>>I'm in Racine, Wisconsin, in the U.S. It's good to hear that you can fly over here, but before you do, you might want to take Twilight clothes shopping if you can. I have the lovely task of taking the Queen out clothes shopping, as well as get Rarity some PJs. I'm gonna be broke after that, so that would really help me out. I'll send you and everyone else another message later, but it's been an eventful night, and I could really use some sleep!<<[/colour]

[colour=#282828]With that, she sent the message and powered down her laptop. Realizing she had taken a little longer than she would have liked, she went into the bathroom, quickly changed into her PJs, and headed back into her bedroom. “Sorry about that, but I'm ready now.” [/colour]

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(I'm back and I have no idea where Matthew Thompson is. I'm waiting no his partner...)

Time Spinner-

[colour=#696969]"...So you watch a show called... what was it again? My little pony, yes? Anyway so you watch...us. Are their like specific ones or do you watch all of us?" [/colour]

[colour=#000000]Time said. He was very confused and really wanted this question answered.[/colour]


[colour=#000000]Alan had woken up a bit earlier then normal. He had to make sure he found his...friend to be fine and get the two of them out of the house for a bit. He pulled the covers off and dressed himself in a red polo and jeans. It was Saturday so he didn't have school but he did want to have a look around the mall and see what he could find. He looked over at his black alienware computer. He hesitated at first but sat down at the chair near it and opened google chrome. He typed in the search bar[/colour]

ponies from ponyville

The computer responded by giving him a few pictures of ponies with a label that read my little pony friendship is magic. Alan stopped and stared at the screen for a few seconds. This was absurd. He searched threw the pages of google and the same things just turned up. He eventually got sick of it and turned th computer off. He opened the door and walked to the living room to see the strange person he met last night passed out on the couch.

[colour=#000080]"Hey wake up." [/colour][colour=#000000]He whispered[/colour]

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