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Ponies Falling to Earth (Looking for Pinkie Pie!)


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“HURRY IT UP, THEN! I GOTTA GET YOUR PICTURE BEFORE WE GO OUT!” Colette shouted back before turning away from the door, muttering a quick “Morticia.” under her breath. “David, I'll ask Connor to take you out tomorrow after you've got some rest, so rest up!” She then turned to Rarity and smiled “Ready to deal with Queenie??”

((David can still post))


“That should be good for now,” Shawn said, looking over Shadow's haul. We'll get you more clothes when we get paid again... Now we have the lovely joy of waiting in line to buy your clothes...” He added sarcastically, groaning at the sight of the long lines. “Whilst we're here, maybe we can get to know a little more about you... What did you do before you came here??” Stephen asked.

((Anyone mind playing the cashier?? She can be someone the twins know from school, and Stephen has a secret crush on. No need to apply, just take it!))


“But... But how?? And is there any way you can get alla the ponies back home??” Seth asked, hoping there could be a silver lining to Discord's visit.

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( David posted.....Like i said David is always being ignored. )


David was up and awake looking out the window of the small room he was in, just then a knock on the door startled him. He looked at Chrysalis, who was sleeping on the floor, so beautiful. David sat down next to her and started to rouse her gently. He overheard Colette wanting Chrysalis to go clothes shopping, whatever that is, but it must be important to require Queen. He got up and pulled his hood on; he opened the door. He walked down the hall and bumped into Colette, he grabbed her shoulders to avoid and damage from the bump. David looked down and saw Colette, " She's in the room, and I think she might be asleep still. Would you mind having me come along, I could carry something."

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Colette looked up at David with genuine concern in her eyes. “But you JUST got out of the hospital... I think it's better that you rest, at least for today.” She then placed a hand on David's shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. “Besides, I think I can handle Mortic—Queenie!”

((Sorry about that, Morning!))


Seth's hopes fell at that. “What brings ya by, then?? Are you looking for the other Ponies like everyone else??”

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Harvey saw the reply email and smiled, "Hey Twilight, I got the location of your friend Rarity, but we have to go clothes shopping, th..this may be awkward for me," he sighed and smiled, "But just rest a bit more, stores don't open till the morning"

Queen came out and glared at Colette before giving David a quick kiss on the cheek, "Yes, stay here honey, we won't be long, I promise," she said with a warm smile

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" Alright...." David looks down at the two women before him, " I'll stay, but don't make me wait to long.....I still have some questions." David turns and walks back into the room, getting under the covers and nodding off to sleep.

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Queen sighed as she watched David, it seemed that he was a bit distant, she turned to them, "now let's hurry along before i snap something," she said, "I hate this place and i just wanna go home again," she looked back, "hopefully with him"

Rarity looked at the Queen, she seemed to be very out of it, it worried Rarity a bit, she shrugged, "Dunno if she can be fashioned!"

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Colette also noticed that the Queen seemed out of it as well... She best go easy on the vampire jabs... Or at least try to~! “Okay, before we go out, I'll need your picture, Queenie, so smile for the camera!” Colette said, holding up her phone at the Queen.

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Queen just stared blankly as she looked at the odd device, "Just make it quick," she said, "oh and lucky you, I..." she looked down quick, "..don't have a Cutie mark," she shook her head and looked back up.

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“...Yes! No butt shot for me!” Colette said, pumping a fist. She then turned the phone to its side and took a picture of the still blank faced Queen. She snapped the photo, then took a look at her handiwork. “It'll do. Now let's go!” She said before heading to the bathroom and knocking on the door. “Charles? We're heading out, but feel free to make yourself at home here, and be sure to get Connor up in an hour or so. Don't want him to sleep in all day! That's MY” She then led the two women out to the front door. “Ready to try and look like a somewhat normal human being??” She asked Queenie.

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(I guess the post was so awesome that I have to post it again just too make sure my partners see it...)

[colour=#282828]Time- [/colour][colour=#696969]"Who?"[/colour]


[colour=#0000CD]"We need to go. I...need to ask you a few questions before we my parents know your here."[/colour]


[colour=#000000]Matt had changed the channel on the TV. He was flipping through everything when Something made him freeze. On the screen were a white unicorn and a small purple dragon. It looked like the two were walking around in a big field and the conversation they were having pointed to them hunting for jewels. (Bonus points for those who know the episode. XD) He stared at the TV screen in a bit of awe when the phone rang. He snapped back to reality and muted the TV. He answered the phone.[/colour]


[colour=#696969]"Hey there Matt!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Said a very cheery voice.[/colour]

[colour=#FF0000]"Oh hey Alison. What's up?"[/colour]

[colour=#696969]"Have you heard about the storm going on up there?"[/colour]

[colour=#FF0000]"Alison I live here. It's going on right now."[/colour]

[colour=#696969]"Oh I jus-" [/colour][colour=#000000]The phone had died suddenly. Matt looked at it.[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]"Great..." [/colour][colour=#000000]He said putting the phone on it's charger. He then heard a knock on the door. He changed the channel on TV back to the News so no one would know that he was actually watching a show for little kids. He opened the door and found a woman staring at him.[/colour]

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Shadow Flare

[colour=#FF0000]"Not much to tell, grew up as that strange colt. Joined the Royal Guard, work for Princess Luna. Worked my way up, got a position of Captain before i got sent here. Changeling's decided they wouldn't give up, so i was dealing with them, then...Well, you know the rest. What about you? What's your story?"[/colour]

Apple Jack

Apple Jack saw something open the door. They kinda looked like her, but she was still slightly scared. What if they were crazy? What if they couldn't understand her?

"H-hello? My name's Apple Jack..And, err..I need a little help....Mind to help me out Partner?"

Apple Jack didn't really like asking for help, even during the incident at the farm and Twi's help, she still liked to handle things on her own.

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( Sorry peoples, i was gone, but now I'm back)


" Lets see, there's Twilight, RainbowDash, Fluttershy, Pinkiepie, Rarity, and Applejack. The show mainly focuses on those 6, but you might see Derpy once and a while."


" What is it you want to ask?"

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(Is okay. XD)


[colour=#696969]"...I know Twilight, and Pinkie pie! I also know derpy too! D- do you think any other pony came to...here too or am I all alone..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Time said a bit depressed[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Alan- [/colour]

[colour=#0000CD]"I'll tel you when we're out of the house, now let's get into the car."[/colour]

[colour=#000000](Applejack...where are you?)[/colour]

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"I'm as human as you except I breath fire." Spike said

(im reposting this since ShadowFlare missed it)


Charles Looked at Colette "sure i will make sure he is up." he told her

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" I don't really know. I'll try and find out later or something. I'll let you have my bed, its down that corridor, by the way, i own this floor of the apartment complex. You can actually go looking around, there's lots of things that we can do." Josh escorted his new friend to his master bedroom, it has tons of videogames framed on the wall, " Well, goodnight."


" Uh, whats a car?"

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(sorry guess who didnt have her laptop for a few days. :( ) Fluttershy nodded "still you should be wary about going into someponies house uninvited...its rude" she looked over at jesse and seth "whats the news about Rarity then?" she asked hope in her eyes.

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[colour=#696969]"Alright." [/colour][colour=#000000]Time said walking into the room and sitting on the bed. He pulled out his notebook and reviewed his notes. He still hadn't made much sense about where he was other than the city name and why he was a...what was it called again? A human? He grabbed the writing device and wrote on the page.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Day 1- I seem to have ended up in a tree of sorts. I am now some weird creature and i have met Josh. He has requested for me to play some minequest. I have no idea if I am the only pony who has came here or not. I have also noticed my magic doesn't seem to work here. I have tried to slow down time but I was met with nothing. Deity also seems to remain quiet. As for the reason I have yet to find out. I will continue to study the origins of why I am here and discover what I can.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]He closed the note book and lied down on the bed to pass out instantly.[/colour]


[colour=#0000cd]"Ugh...I'll show you let's just go." [/colour][colour=#000000]He grabbed his keys and opened the front door. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"...you coming?"[/colour]

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