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Ponies Falling to Earth (Looking for Pinkie Pie!)


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“Just make yourself at home here.” Colette said, “At least until my dad comes back...”


“You're a Lunar Guard??” Shawn asked a little too loudly, both stunned and earning the looks of several people in line. Noticing this, he blushed a little and lowered his voice. “But you look younger than we are!” “ANYWAY~! We don't have that interesting a story to tell... We both don't have that interesting a story to tell... We grew up hanging out with the nerdy crowd, and now we're going to college to make something of ourselves in this world...” Stephen answered. “Here, the more you know, the more chances you have of making it.” Stephen added. “


“She's in Racine, right?? With this HypnØtic person, right??” Seth added suddenly. “Is she okay? Even with the Queen around??”

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Colette looked to Rarity and nodded. “She's not the only one...” She said, pointing to Charles with her eyes. She then led her to the Chevelle and unlocked it. “Hop in, you two... We're going to the mall!”

((Anyone in here can play any background character in the mall... As well as people Colette knows. Also, I need someone who can play a female cashier that Stephen, Shawn, and Shadow are currently in.))

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[colour=#0000CD]"No... this is a car. Just uh...hurry and Get in." [/colour][colour=#000000]Alan said getting into his slightly used black mustang.[/colour]

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Apple Jack:

"Well, ah..I'm not too sure how to put this, but..I need help gettin' back to Equestia...Ya see, my friends and Ah were taking on...Oh, you wouldn't understand.."

What am i do? That, thing, won't believe me, and even if they did, how could they help me?

"So, i was wonderin' if ya could explain, well, where i am..Am i making any sense to ya partner?"

Shadow Flare

Shadow chuckled slightly [colour=#ff0000]"Well, i am the younger pony to make the position of captain, so i can't blame you if i'm better looking then you"[/colour]

[colour=#FF0000]"The more you know? Wow, your society kinda, well, sucks. How unfair is it that if you're not smart, you get screwed over? Humanity sucks"[/colour]

Shadow, again, was completely oblivious to the looks he was getting from the passers by.

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Apple Jack

"Well, it's where i live, used to at least..You know, Princess Celestia, Ponyville, surely you've...Oh, never mind partner. Ah'm probably just spouting off a bunch of hooey...Please, could you just help me? Ah Could use somewhere to sit down...If you don't mind...As i said, Ah'm Apple Jack, wha, Ah mean, who are ya?"

Apple Jack held her hand out akwardly, hoping that she hadn't screwed up interaction with whatever was at the door

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[colour=#FF0000]"Uh...my name is Matthew but you can call me Matt. Come in I guess." [/colour][colour=#000000]Matt took her hand and blushed a bit as he helped her inside and closed the door behind them. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"I've never heard of any Princess Celestia but I have heard of a ponyville."[/colour]

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Apple Jack smiled and tilted her hat slightly, a way of saying thanks. She looked around the house, trying to take in the strange view in front of her

"S-so you do know of Ponyville Matt? How do i get back there? I-i need to see Apple Bloom, make sure she's ok..."

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[colour=#FF0000]"Well yes, I've seen it in a show before. A-are you from Ponyville?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Matt said sitting her down on the couch.[/colour]

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"Y-yeah, ah am. I run the farm, Sweet Apple Acres..Oh, do you know how i can get back? Matt, i need your help here. Ma friends are probablty worried sick right about now..."

Apple Jack took her hat off, resting it against her knees

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Morning enters the passenger side of the Mustang, " This is quite some contraption. Hmm...If only RainbowDash was here to see it." RainbowDash and MorningDawn usually hang out, One reason is because they share the same interests, they both love to fly. The second is because Morning gets done with delivering letters pretty early, so he just chills with Rainbow. ( Nothing going on in between the two of them )


David shutters and almost screams into consciousness, " Huh! I swear somepony said my name." He passes out once more.


Josh gets on his computer and starts to tweet something, he has over a million followers. " Just met this guy who thinks he's a pony. LOL" He sends the tweet and waits for a while. He hops on his bed, starts up his New Prereleased 720, plays some destiny and falls asleep.


Jesse finishes breakfast, gets up and gets ready to go to work, " I need to go to work, so i think i might take Fluttershy with me. Here Fluttershy, take some working clothes," Jesse gives Fluttershy some boots and jeans, " Change in my room." Jesse gets her car started up, her job wasn't fun, but it had to be done.

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Time laid in the bed tossing and turning, not being able to sleep. He had fallen asleep before but had just recently woke up again. Eventually he sat up and threw a pillow into the wall. He opened his notebook but quickly shut it as it wasn't his dream journal. He put back on the nightstand and noticed a rectangle shape on it. It was covered in these grey buttons and a red button. Time pressed it and a light turned on in front of him. There was a blonde lady talking about something happening locally. While it shouldn't have pertained to him it was the latest bit of news he had gotten in a long time. He remained sitting up, listening to the blonde lady speak about...weather.


Alan started the car. It made a very loud sound as he shifted the gear to reverse. He drove out of the driveway and onto a road.

[colour=#0000cd]"Okay. So let me get this straight. Your from a town called ponyville. You have a family there and you used to be a pony?" [/colour]

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