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Ponies Falling to Earth (Looking for Pinkie Pie!)


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[colour=#282828]Seth turned to Jesse and sighed a little bit. “I know you don't know much about her, but the guy who sent the message found Queen Chrysalis, and she's up there with Rarity as well... She's the leader of changelings, and--” He began to explain as he turned to Fluttershy, only to jump out his seat and onto his feet, as there was a strange, tall man right next to her. “Who da heck're ya, and what're ya doin' here?!?” [/colour]


“WAUGH-HAH~!!” Colette jumped upon getting a look at the now topless former Unicorn, and turned around, her face so red it could've glowed. “Tell me Charles got you bras...” she asked, unable to turn herself back around. The Queen wasn't the only one who came to Earth with... “I'm gonna see if I can get you and the Queen properly fitted for bras. The both of you are bigger than me!”

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[colour=#282828]Barely fitting into the B-cup range, Colette did not have that problem, and was jealous of the girls who did. “Guys just like 'em, now cover 'em up, please!” Colette said, turning her head just enough to spot the shirt she offered the Queen. Going over to it, she picked it up and offered it to Rarity. “This should be comfortable...” [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Hearing the knock on the door, Colette went to answer it. “Yeah, we're fine!” she chirped. “Just saw something I didn't think I'd see!” [/colour]

[colour=#282828]((Connor already went to bed)) [/colour]

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Charles went back to his room and laid down. He thought of what he said to Rarity earlier.

[colour=#282828]"I have been looking for a perfect stallion, erm, male for like ever" she sighed, "And I'm just trying to know what's wrong with me?"[/colour]

[colour=#282828]"It's usaully not whats wrong with you its the fact you havn't met the right male yet." Charles said lifting her chin "He will come he said" he finished flicking her nose playfully.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]She smiled, "Yeah, but like...how do you know?" she asked him, "I mean how can I be sure there is a stallion just like you....." she went beat red.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Charles stoped walking "What did you just say?" Starting blush himself. He turned around and started to aproach her.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]"I..um it's just...I said...un," she stammered as he turned to her, "I wa asking...how you were sure...there was a stallion...like...you"[/colour]

[colour=#282828]"I can't be sure there is a stallion like me." Charles said putting his arms around her waist. "But you came to my world. Who said I can't go to yours?"[/colour]

'yeah right. like i'm going to go with some one who just toyed with me. How do I even know if she isn't lying?' he thought before going to sleep.

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Shadow Flare

Shadow couldn't help but laugh slightly, and answered a lot louder then the Twins would have liked

[colour=#FF0000]"Well, i might be an alien from a different dimension in a Human body, but somehow, i think i'll survive"[/colour]

A large number of people were simply staring at either the Twins or Shadow, all looking really confused.

Several minutes later, Shadow walked out

[colour=#FF0000]"Ok, that was...different, not what i'm used too..Anyway, so, with Clothes..What do Humans' wear them?"[/colour]

Apple Jack (Sorry bout the delay on AJ)

Apple Jack slowly stood up, she'd changed into, something else, that's all she knew. Gingerly standing on her legs, she took a slow step forwards, nearly falling over in the process.

"Great...Just great.." she muttered to herself, before looking around. Where ever she was, it reminded her of Canterlot, kinda. Lots of buildings and roads, while she did prefer the country, she needed to know where she was, what had happened, and where her friends and family were.

"H-Hello?! Anypony out there?" She yelled out, while half of her didn't want something to find her, she needed help.

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[colour=#282828]Colette smiled as she did the same, happy to finally get some sleep.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]– [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Several hours later, in the early afternoon, Colette was back up, dressed, and knocking at the guest room door. “[/colour]Morticia~! Time to go get some normal looking clothes!

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Fluttershy recognized the voice and smiled a little, she turned round "dischord!" she gave a grin "you look all wierd." she smiles and noses at him giving him a hug before turning back round, it was him right, it sounded like him. he had that undeniable....chaos to him. she looked at jesse and smiled, its ok eggs is great. she grinned. she looked at seth and Jesse and seth holding discords hand...it was wierd it wasnt a claw. "you guys?"

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David was up and awake looking out the window of the small room he was in, just then a knock on the door startled him. He looked at Chrysalis, who was sleeping on the floor, so beautiful. David sat down next to her and started to rouse her gently. He overheard Colette wanting Chrysalis to go clothes shopping, whatever that is, but it must be important to require Queen. He got up and pulled his hood on; he opened the door. He walked down the hall and bumped into Colette, he grabbed her shoulders to avoid and damage from the bump. David looked down and saw Colette, " She's in the room, and I think she might be asleep still. Would you mind having me come along, I could carry something."


Jesse has never seen the entire show before, but if Fluttershy and this- Discord trust eachother then its fine with Jesse, " Come, and uh...Eat with us." Jesse pulled out a chair for him.

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"why thank you." He snapped his fingers and was sitting in the open chair "that's very kind of you."


"so wait why can't i be a dragon here exactly?" Spike asked Jim


Charles got up. He knew it was his time to go since things seemed to be taken care of here. He took out a shirt and a pair of pant and walked out into the hall way. "hey Colette do you mind that I use your showe?" he asked her

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Fluttershy rubbed her eyes and checked herself. "so um discord how did you get here. you cant just walk into anypony's house you like you know. you should have knocked." she looked at jesse with an a pologetic smile. "im sorry about him....hes ...learning" she gave a wider smile and looked at seth who had reacted in a pretty standard way, most ponies reacted like that to dischord.

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The boys blushed as Shadow said, but waited for the former Pegasus as he did his business. When he emerged, they began to lead Shadow to the boys' section. “We're not exactly the most fashionable,” Shawn admitted, which earned a snide “Speak for yourself,” from Stephen. “Anyway, we can just start with jeans and t-shirts, 'cause it's too warm for coats now...”


“But... How can you be here on Earth?? Were you caught up in the Queen's spell, too??” He said after what seemed like an eternity. He saw Keep Calm and Flutter On, but he still couldn't believe that Discord was good... After all, he just appeared out of nowhere. He sat back down at the table, but was wary of what Discord might do next...

“Sure. You can use the master bathroom.” Colette answered before turning back to the guest room door and knocked again. “Morticia! Time to rise from your coffin!”

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Jim Cook

"Spike..You can't be a dragon because they simply arn't real. Sure, histories filled with the stories, but its' a load of dingo dump. I'll so ya when we get back to my castle. Also, look at ya! You're as human as i am!"

Shadow Flare

Something tells me this is going to be a lot harder then it seem.

Shadow looked at all the different clothing, listening the the twins explain what each thing was. While he would pretest he didn't need anything, but he was in an alien society.

After looking around with the twins, he finds several items of clothing, a shirt, jeans, socks and boxers.

[colour=#FF0000]"I think this is everything...Did i miss something? Some Human thing i didn't get?"[/colour]

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