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I am not a Parasprite!


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About Myself: Like the topic says, I am not a Parasprite. YAY ME. I guess since I'm a girl that makes me a Pegasister but I like the word 'Brony' better. xD I'm between the age of 1 and 100 (I'll give you a hint...early teens?) and...and..........nothing to add to that. Anyway my favorite animals are bats, ring tailed lemurs, and the majestic unicorns of the sea...NARWHALS. My favorite colour is dark blue and my hobbies are acoustic guitar, performing in Shakespeare plays, surfing the interwebs, drawing, sewing, and doing other artistic things. Out of all of those art is the only one I'm actually good at but I'd rather be really good at one thing and not so great at others than be okay at everything, so that's fine with me. Besides, I LOVE art! My most far-fetched dream job is to be a movie director. A few of my many reasons for wanting to be that is Tim Burton has been my idol ever since I saw Nightmare Before Christmas as a little kid(I realize that movie was directed by Henry Selick and not Tim Burton but hopefully you know what I mean.), the making of movies fascinates me-sometimes more than the movie itself, and there's hardly any well known female directors. So sad. Well, I'll stop blabbing about myself and get on with the freaking Intro.

How I found Canterlot.com: I saw it in the description of a picture on Deviantart. Yeah, I actually read the artist comments. Crazy, right?

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I kept seeing Derpy Hooves mentioned on the interwebs so I looked her up. When I discovered she was an actual character in a show-main or not-I knew I had to watch it.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy
Actually, Luna, Big Mac, and Derpy are my favorite ponies. So...yeah. xD

Not sure what to put here so I guess I'll talk about....my OC? Sure, let's go with that.


This is my newest (and hopefully permanent) OC. I tried to make look as much like myself as I could bear, so we share the same eye colour and hair (Except my hair is brown and a lot messier...close enough.) I also tried to make her look canon...I really did, but bright colour schemes just aren't my forte. So sorry. Her name is Inkamation. I know-It's a strange name but I wanted one that included both 'Ink' and her cutie mark(I'm probably gonna take the word 'Ink' off her Cutie Mark. I only put it there to add colour but I don't think Cutie Marks are supposed to have writing), sounded nice, and made at least a tiny bit of sense. (Ink+Animation=Inkamation. I really love stop motion animation-it's the best!) Her vest isn't something she always has to wear and her beret is something she usually wears but doesn't have to (Kind of like Applejack's hat I guess). I don't have a backstory for her yet and I don't know if she'll ever have one. xD

Before Inkamation I had two separate OCs named Ink Night and Eclipsed Fate. I probably won't use them anymore, but here they are in case you're curious.


Wow, okay...I had no idea I improved so much in my pony art. XD Gosh, Eclipse looks so angsty...

Alright, that should be all for now! I look forward to RPing with all of you! :D

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Good to hear that you aren't a parasprite, we don't want Canterlot being eaten now... ;)

Welcome! Hope you enjoy yourself here. And you are a rather talented artist :) You should use the gallery to showcase it!

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Welcome, awesome art! I wish I could draw like that :razz:

Good to hear that you aren't a parasprite, we don't want Canterlot being eaten now... ;)

Welcome! Hope you enjoy yourself here. And you are a rather talented artist :) You should use the gallery to showcase it!

Thank you so much! And I definitely plan on using the gallery! :)

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Hi, welcome to Canterlot. :)

Normally, I would direct you to the Creativity section, but I see you've already created an art thread there!

Oh, you know those narwhals-swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion, 'cause they are so awesome.

Do you take any sort of commissions for your artwork?

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YAY! Yes, finally a person who understands what an introduction IS!

Welcome to Canterlot.

In regards to your "far-fetched" future dreams. If you are in your early teens: do what you love and don't actively worry about making a career out of it yet. Read everything you can. Even right now you can be honing your skills and making little stop-motion movies (or not stop motion) even with a cellphone camera. . Just do it. Start doing it they way you think it should be done very slowly at first. Do it with toys, or patterns made out of beads and stuff like that. Do it all the time until it comes naturally to you. Don't worry that it's not exactly how you want it to be. You never even need to show it to people (but do not delete it), do all kinds of animation and photography tests, so things that you wouldn't ordinarily do for yourself with different materials and genres. Single out your favorites of these animations tests and hold on to them because eventually someone will want to see your creative process (which you should document). Just do it all the time until you are a senior in high school where you unveil a short(s) that you've been planning for the next few years, include it with you college application. That's the key to getting into school and a career for this. Persistence and the ability to clearly document your creative process. Talent gets you noticed, sure, but getting people to choose you over everyone else comes down to reliability, perseverance and the knowledge that you can HELP the process of making someone's vision come to life, not hinder it. Very very VERY few people come out of the gate just being handed funding for projects of their own, so if you keep your initial hopes for out of college to being willing to just work in the industry at all, you will be in much better shape than many of your contemporaries (and a WHOLE lot less disappointed). And intern, as soon as you can, in the field. Even if the interning position sucks. Even if it's just holding a mic. A positive attitude will gain you contacts.

And never, ever give up on making your own stuff, even if it's an hour a week. Eventually, someone will see what you are doing, and will show interest. It might take a long time, but if you're lucky it will not. But if you have contacts, make sure that once they know you. show it to them if you can make it seem natural. to put it out there.

If you do want to go the stop-motion animation route, look into works like William Kentridge's rear-projection works. Art Clokey's stuff, like Gumbasia or Mandala, for techniques you can use right now with very very little investment other than time.

I tell you this because if someone had told me the same thing at your age, when I had freedom and little responsibility, I would have been in better shape at 18 for art school than I was. There are loads of people out there who want to do this, many of whom will have advantages that you do not have like special camps and schools and overly-involved parents, so you have to be grounded in passion and perseverance to make it. But it is not far-fetched, at all. It just won't happen overnight.

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Oh gosh, that's a lot of replies XD I'll try to answer all of them!

Wow! Talk about art! do you do requests by any chance? Your drawing style is adorable. :3 Welcome to Canterlot! :)

Thank you! <3 Saddly I really don't have time for any requests at the moment, but I'll try to do a few in the future! :)

Welcome! That was quite an introduction. You have some interesting characters, and I simply adore your enthusiasm. I'll sure I will see more of you over in the RP areas of Canterlot soon! :)

Bah, thanks! :) I'm very excited to be a part of this RP site!

Hi, welcome to Canterlot. :)

Normally, I would direct you to the Creativity section, but I see you've already created an art thread there!

Oh, you know those narwhals-swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion, 'cause they are so awesome.

Do you take any sort of commissions for your artwork?

Of course! Narwhals invented the shish kebab as well! :D

I do! Commissions are closed at the moment, but the fastest way to see if they're open is to check either of my Deviantart Accounts!

My main account is InkxInk, my account for Chibis/Cartoons/Ponies/Etc is FirxFir.

Welcome to Canterlot! What assurance can you give us that you're not really a parasprite? :razz:

Oh no! I have none! D:

Welcome to Canterlot! Any friend of Derpy is a friend of mine!

Hope you have great successes!

Derpy is amazing! <3

Thank you so much!

WELCOME TO CANTERLOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha, thanks! xD

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Hello, and welcome to canterlot! :)

Thank you! <3

Haldo! Welcome to canterlot!


Nightmare before christmas is awesome!


It is, isn't it? It's been my favorite movie for so long <3 I even have Jack Skellington footie pajamas! I love them to death! XD

Whoa! Nice OC, you should keep Eclipsed Fate as well, I like the evil sort :evil:

And you sure do a lot of things, how good are you at directing?

Oh, and welcome to Canterlot :D

Call me Cat!

Haha xD Eclipse wasn't necessarily evil-more just pissed at everything and everyone. Characters like that tend to get tiring pretty fast. xD

I guess I do :) I have no idea how good I am at directing. xD I haven't had much of a legitimate chance to test myself on it.

I believe I'd do well, though. I consider myself very creative and good at putting my thoughts into action. The only problem is I'm very shy in real life but that's a barrier I'm more than willing to break.

Nice to meet you, Cat!

Welcome to Canterlot! :D

Glad to hear you're not a parasprite... we tend to send those to the moon regularly. :)

:lol: I'd love to visit the moon anyway! The universe sure is beautiful!

YAY! Yes, finally a person who understands what an introduction IS!

Welcome to Canterlot.

In regards to your "far-fetched" future dreams. If you are in your early teens: do what you love and don't actively worry about making a career out of it yet. Read everything you can. Even right now you can be honing your skills and making little stop-motion movies (or not stop motion) even with a cellphone camera. . Just do it. Start doing it they way you think it should be done very slowly at first. Do it with toys, or patterns made out of beads and stuff like that. Do it all the time until it comes naturally to you. Don't worry that it's not exactly how you want it to be. You never even need to show it to people (but do not delete it), do all kinds of animation and photography tests, so things that you wouldn't ordinarily do for yourself with different materials and genres. Single out your favorites of these animations tests and hold on to them because eventually someone will want to see your creative process (which you should document). Just do it all the time until you are a senior in high school where you unveil a short(s) that you've been planning for the next few years, include it with you college application. That's the key to getting into school and a career for this. Persistence and the ability to clearly document your creative process. Talent gets you noticed, sure, but getting people to choose you over everyone else comes down to reliability, perseverance and the knowledge that you can HELP the process of making someone's vision come to life, not hinder it. Very very VERY few people come out of the gate just being handed funding for projects of their own, so if you keep your initial hopes for out of college to being willing to just work in the industry at all, you will be in much better shape than many of your contemporaries (and a WHOLE lot less disappointed). And intern, as soon as you can, in the field. Even if the interning position sucks. Even if it's just holding a mic. A positive attitude will gain you contacts.

And never, ever give up on making your own stuff, even if it's an hour a week. Eventually, someone will see what you are doing, and will show interest. It might take a long time, but if you're lucky it will not. But if you have contacts, make sure that once they know you. show it to them if you can make it seem natural. to put it out there.

If you do want to go the stop-motion animation route, look into works like William Kentridge's rear-projection works. Art Clokey's stuff, like Gumbasia or Mandala, for techniques you can use right now with very very little investment other than time.

I tell you this because if someone had told me the same thing at your age, when I had freedom and little responsibility, I would have been in better shape at 18 for art school than I was. There are loads of people out there who want to do this, many of whom will have advantages that you do not have like special camps and schools and overly-involved parents, so you have to be grounded in passion and perseverance to make it. But it is not far-fetched, at all. It just won't happen overnight.

Wow, thank you for the speech. :'3 It makes me feel really good cause most the things you mentioned I've already made plans for! x3 Great to know I'm on the right track!

This summer(or early if schoolwork allows it) I have big plans to experiment with stopmotion. I'm hoping that by the end of the summer I can make at least a halfway decent fan music video or short film of some kind. If I like how it turns out well enough I'd love to send it to Tim Burton(If I can find a fanmail address, I know he's a pretty private person.) I've also started reading Tim's autobiography which I LOVE and is only making me more sure that directing is something I'd love to do. And thanks so much for the stop motion suggestion! I can't wait to look those up! :)

hello and welcome to canterlot

Thank you! :)

Hello! Howdy! Greetings! Salutations! Good day! Bonjour! Hola! Guten tag! Ni hao! Konichiwa! Welcome! How are you?

Boop! Beware the explosions.

Oh my xD Thank you!

I'll be sure to watch out for those. o.o

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Haha xD Eclipse wasn't necessarily evil-more just pissed at everything and everyone. Characters like that tend to get tiring pretty fast. xD

I guess I do :) I have no idea how good I am at directing. xD I haven't had much of a legitimate chance to test myself on it.

I believe I'd do well, though. I consider myself very creative and good at putting my thoughts into action. The only problem is I'm very shy in real life but that's a barrier I'm more than willing to break.

Nice to meet you, Cat!

I prefer evil to good, they're more fun :P

You should try and find a sort of drama group, and ask if you can test director skills on them, haha.

I'm sort of shy, but I definitely got stage fright - I can usually talk in front of people though.

And nice to meet you too :)

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