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My Little Pony: Fighting is Magic

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I'm not touching the leak. I have enough on my plate as it is. I have Melee to complete, Super Punch-Out!, Gunstar Heroes, and many more games to play right now that will make the wait shorter.

I will freely admit though, a part of me wants to play the leak from my experience with the Streets of Rage Remake, which had the original download link for the V5 build of the game taken down by SEGA. I found a copy but one of the tracks was buggy and didn't play, which forced me to find another copy of the song file that wasn't corrupted. I guess my point is, they might have it shut down and the leak may be all we will see of the game itself.

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OK! Time to put my 2 cents in rant again!

On the matter of is it respectful or disrespectful to play the game. I have to agree with Rosie with it being "disrespectful." Though this is strictly to the developers. Why? They took every precaution to keep the alpha version out of the hands of the general public. And honestly, I don't blame them (I'll explain why in a bit). By playing it, you are directly going against their wishes to play the unfinished product which they never intended you to see. Now lets take a real world example of this... Say you are an artist and have a WiP piece and asked for feed back for select friends whom you trust. One of them shows it around, disrespecting your wishes. Now each person that shows it subsequently is disrespecting the wishes of the creator to keep it quiet. You can TELL its not finished, so why spread it around further knowing that the creator doesn't want it. It is disrespectful to them because it is against their wishes for their work. Granted the originator is the one that is the most at fault, but those whom continue to spread it, regardless of who showed it to them, are still disrespecting the express wishes of the creator. [i have NO IDEA if any of that made sense]. Basically, you are still at fault by playing it, and disrespecting their wishes to keep it closed off to the public.

Why do I think this is the correct assessment? Well it ties back into why they didn't want it in the hands of the general public in the first place, which ties into their subsequent response. They basically said 'Yes, the leak happened. No, there is nothing we can do about it. Therefore we do not care if you play it... BUT if there is anything wrong with it, we do not care and you are on your own.' Why is that bold part important? Because if they REALLY wanted you to play it, they would have said "feedback welcome! Let us know what we can fix!" Now why didn't they do that? Well for the same reason any major game developer doesn't do that. Most gamers are idiots when it comes to glitches and bugs. Most of the time, people don't know how to report bugs, survey the cause or even the circumstances in which the bug or glitch occurred. This results in most bug reports (hundreds, if not, thousands of emails) being too vague to be of any use to the programmers to fix! I again ask you to consider that there are maybe 5 programmers on this game. Do you REALLY think they can handle HUNDREDS of emails about a bug that maybe only 5% will be clear enough to actually do something about the glitch? That is ridiculous to think! Is the QA team elitest? No, they aren't, they are likely experienced in QA and can identify the source of the bug or glitch in the way it is presented in game or how it was encountered and report it in a way that a programmer or designer can go in and fix the glitch or bug. And they probably HATE their job, because they are probably bronies (or not, depending on if they are help from outside the fandom) whom can't enjoy this game because all they can think about is "where are the glitches and bugs? How are they triggered? And where are they coming from?" Doing that is not fun.

And that actually ties into why I refuse to play the alpha... If I DO encounter a bug or glitch, there is jack squat I can do about it, because Mane6 doesn't want to hear of it. If an alpha or beta build is endorsed by the dev, they will have a bug report form, and I could actually help. That isn't the case here, and anything regarding a bug in their contact box will probably be deleted. So I think, why frustrate myself playing something that I know I'll likely encounter problems with, but can do nothing about?

So please don't kid yourselves thinking this is all well and good because it happened and it is out there. They took the steps they did, because they are not happy it happened and this is the only course of action they can take that won't greatly negatively affect them. If you want to play it, fine. It isn't morally wrong at all. It was going to be a free game anyway. But it is still disrespectful because it is against their wishes for the general public to play it. And last I checked going against someone's wishes is disrespectful, no matter the self-justification. They don't care if you play it because there is simply nothing they can do about it.


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In the end what a leak does is make people want that much more to play the full version of the game. There are many other games that have suffered leaking before development was finished that turned out fine. Mass Effect 3 is just one just to name a few.

Giving information about a game just makes people want to play the game more. And now that it has been leaked it can't be unleaked, so people are just going to have to play the unfinished product until a more concrete version of the game does come out. :(

I do feel bad for these guys though. They tried to make something that everyone could love, trusted the wrong person, and got screwed. Now a pre-version of the game is going to be out there until the finished version comes out and people forget about the old one and play the new one. :)

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