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Hearts and Hooves Day (Open till Valetines Day)

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[colour=#0000cd]"Finished!" [/colour]Rarity held up her new creation to the light to truly see all of her work. [colour=#800080]"Flashmob is going to LOVE IT!" [/colour]She carefully folded the suit, to avoid wrinkles, or the worst possible scenario, ripping it, then packed it carefully into a gift box. She opened the door to the boutique. [colour=#800080]"Now, where can I find Flashmob? Was he with Applejack? Hopefully, he too isn't taking a train to the Crystal Empire." [/colour]Rarity noticed she was talking to herself in front of the crowds of ponies. [colour=#800080]"Let's just find Flash." [/colour]Rarity began wandering around, asking ponies about Flashbomb, with the gift on her back.

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Puzzlebeat was walking through ponyville when he saw a Pink pony with way to much energy. 'she probably likes to party.' he walked up to her "Hi I'm Puzzlebeat, and i'm new here. i'm not staying in town long just till after the party. But any way I keep hearing things about a pony being crushed by a boulder. What exactly happened?" he asked her. Just as he finished a weird creature that looked like patchwork appeared. "whoa" the creature spoke to the pink pony then looked at him. 'Hold on. aren't you DJ B.E.A.T? The pony who's going to be playing at the party?' Puzzlebeat looked at the creature surprised some pony or in this matter something kenw who he was. "umm yeah thats me, and who are you?"


"Ok see you there." he said closing the door. He snapped his fingers and was next to Pinkie Pie "ok i'm back. What did I miss?" he Stared at the new face that was with them. "hold on. aren't you DJ B.E.A.T? the pony who's going to be playing at the party?" he asked the teal coloured pony.

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Light was getting closer to the Crystal Palace. 'Maybe Cadance or Shining Armor will help me find her.' He thought to himself. He began to get scared though because he realized that neither Princess Cadance or Shining Armor knew of his existence. Plus they were probably busy ruling of the Crystal empire and what not. He sighed and then walked under the Palace.

He stopped and stared at the Palace for a bit. "This place is huge!" He said to himself out loud by accident. He covered his mouth with his hoof and looked around. Luckily nopony was watching him.

He then found out how to get into the Palace to see Cadance and Armor. He didn't knock on the door but he went on in. He noticed that there were no gaurds around. "[colour=#000080]I guess that they haven't got that many gaurds yet. I suppose I'll just try to find the throne room and then find Cadance or Shining Armor."[/colour]

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"Well, Ah guess Ah was just wondering... Why'd you pick me?" Applejack felt very awkward asking that. She was usually so confident with herself. She guessed there was just something about love that makes you second guess yourself...

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" I see more in you than any other mare, You continuously go out of your way to be kind to others.You are the nicest mare i ever knew." "You lighten everything everywhere you go. You make others smile when your around." He paused " You are ver down to earth unlike any pony, you cantake the bad in any situation and see the good in it." And your honest, You never lie." He smiled slightly. " When i was small before the accedent that gave me my first scars i had a Crush on Rainbow dash, I tried everything to impress her." After the accident i got a second look about her and saw that even though i liked her saw her as just a friend." He looked down. " i chose you because you make me feel Happy. I love you for your personallity and who you are." He looked up and waited for her response.

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Royal Palace


"...This, this can't be good." Celestia said as she paced up and down the palace. Celestia wrote up a letter of warning to twilight and sent it to her via. Spike.




As Pinkie and Razor go off to continue their deliveries, they come up to Applejack.

"Hi yall, what's goin down on the farm for both of yous?"

Pinkie looked up from Razor to Applejack and smiled. "Hey Applejack! How is Flashbomb doing? I'd figured you would go back to the hospital with him. Also where did Big Mac go, there was a runaway cart earlier! I think somepony might need help with it, it seemed like it went really far!"


Puzzlebeat was walking through ponyville when he saw a Pink pony with way to much energy. 'she probably likes to party.' he walked up to her "Hi I'm Puzzlebeat, and i'm new here. i'm not staying in town long just till after the party. But any way I keep hearing things about a pony being crushed by a boulder. What exactly happened?" he asked her. Just as he finished a weird creature that looked like patchwork appeared. "whoa" the creature spoke to the pink pony then looked at him. 'Hold on. aren't you DJ B.E.A.T? The pony who's going to be playing at the party?' Puzzlebeat looked at the creature surprised some pony or in this matter something kenw who he was. "umm yeah thats me, and who are you?"


"Ok see you there." he said closing the door. He snapped his fingers and was next to Pinkie Pie "ok i'm back. What did I miss?" he Stared at the new face that was with them. "hold on. aren't you DJ B.E.A.T? the pony who's going to be playing at the party?" he asked the teal coloured pony.

Pinkie caught sight of a new pony approach them as she was talking to Applejack. There were so many new ponies in town, things were getting crazy! She was going to have to take several weeks off of work just to catch up on all the parties she was missing out on throwing.

Pinkie was turned as Discord appeared next to her. She grinned as say he was a DJ. She didn't give the DJ a chance to respond.

"Helllo Puzzlebeat! Its nice to meet you. It's always nice to meet new ponies and I've meet so many today! Happy Hearts and Hooves day! It must be so awesome being a DJ, I played with DJ Pon3 once, but that was a while ago. But yeah a pony named Flashbomb crashed his house into Canterlot mountain!" She pantomimed an explosion as she said mountain." Well he want back there after the accident and was crushed by a boulder! I'm not too sure on the details..." She frowned.

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Applejack stared at Flashbomb. She was stunned. Did she really brighten a room? She couldnt with beauty, the same way Rarity does. She couldnt with laughter, the same way Pinkie Pie does. But she trusted him, so there must have been something about her that other ponies saw... She looked into Flashbombs eyes, a tear rolling down her cheek.

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"I am Discord, King of Chaos." Discord said to the pony excited that he got to meet some pony famous.


"Hi Pinkie, well met your majesty, nice to meet you two." Puzzlebeat replied. "so, um you two want to hang out? I got nothing else to do, and it's not every day you met a cute party pony."

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"I am Discord, King of Chaos." Discord said to the pony excited that he got to meet some pony famous.


"Hi Pinkie, well met your majesty, nice to meet you two." Puzzlebeat replied. "so, um you two want to hang out? I got nothing else to do, and it's not every day you met a cute party pony."

Pinkie Grins at Puzzlebeat and a slight blush creeped on her face, its not everyday that ponies called her cute. "I would loooove to hang out with a with a fellow party pony! But, Im on a mission!" She nods her head back towards the griffin. "That's Razor and hes a delivery Griffin! I'm trying to help him with his deliveries ... but we keep getting side tracked... Crazy day!" She bounced up and down several times. "But, we need to finish." She stopped mid air, before floating back to the ground. "Oh before I forget!" She pulled out a cupcake and held it out to Puzzlebeat.

"And for you to Discord!" She pulled out a second with her other hoof, some how managing to balance on two hind hooves, while not leaning back.

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Puzzlebeat took the cupcake. "thanks" he said kinda sad he didn't get to have a day with her. He left off and Discord followed him. "So Discord, King of Chaos, know anything fun we can do?" he asked him with a mischievous grin.


Discord took his cup cake "Why thank you Pinkie" he told her and left with Puzzlebeat. 'so Discord, King of Chaos, Know anything fun we can do?' Discord saw the grin on his face. "why yes I think I do."

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