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OOC: "Where were you when Equestria split in two" Discution and sign ups

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This is going to be an equestria wide event. I'm only take 6 people on the main story. I am allowing background ponies to post however you will not be permitted to affect the events of the 6 main characters.

There are currently three slots open.

I'm saving at least one part for a griffon and one for a unicorn.

I don't want the cast to be One species. It wouldn't be as fun if we could all fly now would it.

The beginning description of the initial damage is as fallows


Ground zero:

Stalliongrad was the first to feel the thundering roll of the first snap of the main fault line. Beakbreak city was the second.

Buildings fell to pieces as debris scattered along the ground. Everypony ran for the best cover they could find, only to discover that there was no true shelter from this catastrophe.

Cracks riddle the ground only about 2 to 4 feet deep. There were hardly words to describe it; nothing like this had ever occurred in Equestria

before, and certainly not a disaster so widespread. When the dust settles the extent of the damage soon becomes evident.

Beakbreak was totally gone, swallowed up by the earth. Luckily, most of its winged inhabitants had managed to escape to the hills with only a few minor scratches. A gaping hole is all that remains of this once-illustrious city.

The split coursed through the Roughrider Ridge Along the river; the ponies in Bareback Gultch all managed to make it out as well.

By this time Pegasi and unicorns were rushed to the scene to assist with the evacuation. An attempt was being made to assess the situation, all the while

the gap was, like a blade, cutting the land in two. Las Pegasus, too, felt the damaging effects of the seismic activity; the city was met with violent upshoots of magma. This lava soon joined with the flowing water and gushed out of the gaping gorge, most of it turning into steam as it travelled into the air. Dodge Junction, like Beakbreak, was swallowed whole by earth and covered over by the same steamy water that had hit Las Pegasus. Finally, in Fillydelphia, the flowing water had careened through the forming crevices to meet with the ocean on the other side, causing widespread flooding throughout the city.


I leave what happens in each area to each individual character's starter entry. Meaning, when you reply to this. You'll be giving a first had experience on what happened to you, what you saw, how you reacted, ect.

The 6 cast memebers will be meeting first in canterlot. Not before, From there the long journy begins to find Celestia and Luna, not to mention to find safty from the ever shifting land.

NO HEROES! I cannot stress this enough. No creating heroic moments in which your character saves the day. Trying to protect somepony else is a noble feet and is allowed. But you can't build the events in your favour. There are no heroes in this tale. Only survivors.

I'll be accpeting any questions and sign ups as of now. Have something you'd like to add? or Ideas you'd like to see employed? I welcome those too.

Bare in mind that I will be looking for quality AND quantity. 1 to 2 Paragraphs MINIMUM. I want the RP to be long and full. No one-lining. If your having trouble with Ideas. PM me and I'll help you out.

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I'll play my Moonlite Frost (Link on my page) Except she will have been in Las Pegasus, oh fun haha

Welcome aboard. Finally a unicorn. And willing to start in ground zero. I look forward to working with you.

That leaves One Non-Pony and one pony position left.

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I guess Razor, my griffon, can join this. He is a survival expert. Not sure where I can go. Anyone that wants a griffon guess :razz:

That's great news. Welcome aboard. You'll probably be set to the west beyond the pony settlements so we can get a look at what happened out there. A griffon would be the only one who can do that. I want this to be corner to corner.

Remember if you have trouble or more questions contact me through PM and I'll be more than happy to help you out.

Well That leaves one more spot to be filled and then we can begin placement and then the rp can begin!. :3

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GUISE, this thread is gonna be so awesome! Like...all of my favourite RPers are here! :P

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I will snag the last spot with my character Flashbomb, He is a Pegasus.

Bio on my profile.

Welcome aboard! I can't wait to see how this all plays out. We got a full cast.

That closes the character sign ups. This thread will also serve as the discussion panel for all things related to the rp.

With that said let me fill you all in on the details and how this is going to begin.

For starters here's a basic map on the damage. I'm not an artist soooo please bare with me. xD


Yes it is a modified version of the one currently on the forms. It is only an example.

Now then. the colours should speak for themselves but just in case.

Black: the main fissure and it's path through Equestria

Blue: the flooding that occurs as the water flows trough the fissure.

Red: The newly created volcanoes torn open do to the massive tremor that rolled through all of Equestria.

White: the steam and ash spread about by the new eruptions.

I don't have an accurate tectonic map of Equestia so I used the natural borders as guidelines.


ThePhoenix: Firebolt - Staliongrad

Jane: Stormwing - Whitetail Woods

RegalSteel: Professor Cantrip - Las Pegasus

ShadowWalking18: Razor - Talonpolis

Dabom444: Flashbomb - Ponyville

Highroller: Still waiting on contact.

If you have questions about your placement please voice them. : )

A quick go over on the rules.

1. No heroes - no leaders

2. Minimum of 1 to 2 full paragraph posts. There is no limit to how much you can write though for "ease of read" try to keep it at about 2000 words.

3. No other ponies besides the cast may advance the plot line.

4. Be kind and curtious to your fell crew. If you have a comment on a post or are having troubles, please voice them. it's up to us to lend a hand to one another.

For a decent flow there WILL be a posting order.

1. ThePhoenix

2. Jane

3. RegalSteel

4. ShadowWalking18

5. Dabom444

6. Highroller

if something is going on in OOC and it is preventing you from posting, such as a vacation or something of the sort, please post that here so we can discuss what to do in your absence.

For the first week I won't post a time limit. I want to see how quickly the thread will move on it's own. Considering it only took four days for everypony to reply to this one I'd say the outlook is pretty good and we won't need any time limits.

Any Questions?

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And I hate to say I'm gonna have to drop out now, didn't notice the paragraph minimum, I can't do that, sorry, I can never come up with enough to say

Awww. Never say never. I read your character app all the way through. Your a very capable writer. ^ ^ If you still have doubts I can help you out. :3

It would be a shame to have come this far and see you go. : (

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Okay I finally remembered i was personally invited to join this by Phoenix. :oops: Sorry for taking longer than I meant to.

I'll be playing as this wonderfully fresh OC I'm making right now! :20:

here's a quick summary of the character.

Professor Cantrip. An older unicorn stallion who lives in Canterlot but was on vacation in Cloudsdale(Was visiting the weather factories to study how they work using the cloud walking spell) at the time of the rending. He is a magic theory professor at Celestia's magic school. He has a greying short mane and tail and a beige coat. His eyes are blue. He is average size for a stallion but has less muscle than most from a life behind a desk. Was visiting Las Pegasus on vacation.

if there are any problems with this idea please let me know. :)

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