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A casual roleplay?

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Hello everypony! I'm sure some of you recognize that I just joined the forums rather recently. I've successfully had a character approved for WoE roleplay, and I've been spending some time reading through some of the older posts on the site (absolutely love them!).

But, on to the matter, I'll be the first to admit that I'm somewhat shy when it comes to diving into roleplay with a new crowd. Even ones that are labeled as Open intimidate me a little, just because of the fact I have yet to get to know anyone here very well. So the purpose of this thread is to ask if anyone would care to start an open roleplay with me, it doesn't need to be anything major, just something to get my hooves wet so to speak.

A link to Ember's character sheet is in my signature, since I'm sure you'd like to know the character before agreeing to anything. I would offer to start one myself as well, but it's been a long time since I used a forum regularly and I'm back to the newbie stage when it comes to formatting things.

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to eventually getting to know everypony enough that I feel comfortable! :) Also, my apologies if this isn't the appropriate forum for a topic along these lines.


The roleplay is made! Find it here, jump on in! http://www.canterlot.com/topic/16235-city-lights/

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I would love to join in with Aloe. I've been needing to get her into more topics recently as the ones I had her in before are starting to slow down since Lotus is no longer apped.

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I'm looking for an RP too... I'm not the best at starting, especially in a new place, but I could give it a shot if no one else wants to. > >

Also, is the only character I've got at the moment.

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I'd be more than happy to play with everyone! Shall we start deciding on a setting? I'm open to suggestions. Also, I'll make the thread if no one else wants to by the time we hash everything out, but like I said I'm pretty much a newbie when it comes to formatting and making things look nice. So if anypony wants to volunteer for that task, I'll happily oblige.

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Really sorry everypony, I've been really distracted with schoolwork lately (Whatever possesed me to take a foreign language class in the same semester as Biochemistry I will never know...), I haven't been on much.

Anyways, I'm going to go create the thread now. I'll edit the original post to contain a link to the Roleplay after I get it made, and we'll use this thread as the OOC thread.

Hopefully I'll be around more often now, again, really sorry about my little disappearance!

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I've got Cherry and Lilia both living in Canterlot...It's time to dust off the wings of my dear Detective and use her! If you'll welcome Cherry, that is?

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