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Favourite Stuff

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So, this is about your favourite stuff.

1. Favourite Television Show/s - It's a mixture between Fairy Tale, Doctor Who and anything with Dani Harmer. Oh, and obviously My Little Pony.

2. Favourite Movie/s - I don't really watch movies, but the Scary Movie series.

3. Favourite Game/s - Forza, Skyrim, Tom Clancy and GTAIV

4. Favourite Food/s - Anything with fish in it, hands down.

5. Favourite YouTuber/s - PeanutButterGamer, JonTron, Vsauce, Markiplier and Rooster Teeth.

6. Favourite Pony/s - Princess Luna

7. Favourite Place To Be - In Bed

So, that's all I can think of. Try to answer the ones I did, and add your own. Thanks. :)

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  1. TV Show- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, of course. My favorite TV anime, Puella Magi Madoka Magica deserves a mention as well.
  2. Movie- The Room.
  3. Game- Persona 4: Golden.
  4. Food- Probably say most kinds of seafood. Sushi is often a meal of choice for me. I also have a pretty big sweet tooth.
  5. Youtuber- Ashens
  6. Pony- The fabulous Miss Rarity.
  7. Place- gonna have to say in my bed as well. :sleep:

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1. Favourite Television Show/s mlp of course .

2. Favourite Movie/s - duel (made in 1971)

3. Favourite Game/s - any of the AC series

4. Favourite Food/s - eggs, chocolate chip muffins(because im a derpy fan :P), and beef jerky

5. Favourite YouTuber/s - FreddieW

6. Favourite Pony/s - Princess Luna

7. Favourite Place To Be - at home :razz:

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1. Favourite Television Show/s - Doctor Who, Gravity Falls, MLP, etc.

2. Favourite Movie/s - Gah, too hard to pick. Disney movies are good.

3. Favourite Game/s - Portal (1 and 2), pokemon, Super Smash Bros Brawl, etc.

4. Favourite Food/s - Tacos, steak, shrimp

5. Favourite YouTuber/s - PeanutButterGamer, Tobuscus, etc.

6. Favourite Pony/s - Derpy, Pinkie

7. Favourite Place To Be - Disney World

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Favourite Television Show/s - besides MLP probably both avatar series. and ultimate spiderman.

2. Favourite Movie/s - I don't really watch movies, but the Scary Movie series. i dont think i have a fav... probably Frozen.

3. Favourite Game/s - anything that isn't crazy 8s. i was babysitting my cousin and she made me play 20 games of crazy 8s in a row!!!!

4. Favourite Food/s - hmm... anything that aint disgusting or im allergic to XD i'll eat just about anything!

5. Favourite YouTuber/s - Thinknoodles, and SevenSuperGirls

6. Favourite Pony/s - RD and AJ and Pinkie. i'm a mix of all three

7. Favourite Place To Be - anywhere that has internet service, or Disney world

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Favorite Television Show/s - My little Pony, Friendship is Magic, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Avatar the Last Airbender, Doctor Who, Death Note, Adventure Time, and The Amazing World of Gumball.

2. Favorite Movie/s - The Iron Giant, Lord of the Rings trilogy and Princess Bride

3. Favorite Game/s - All the Nintendo! Pokemon, Zelda, Kirby, Mario ect.

4. Favorite Food/s - Sushi, cereal, sandwiches, fruits.

5. Favorite YouTuber/s - PeanutButterGamer, JonTron, Rooster Teeth, DYK gaming, Game Theroists, Game Grumps and 2Snacks.

6. Favorite Pony/s - Applejack and Rarity.

7. Favorite Place To Be - On the computer.

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