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Equestria Divided Rp (Check OCC for Signups)


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Elusis's ears rang gently as she relaxed. She was trying to get her body back to a more stable level. Her head still ached badly as did the claw marks byt she couldnt help but feel satisfaction in knowing that she had helped out. She was content on being alone for a while as the others all had worse wounds than she, well some of them.

Her ears perked a bit at the words of Accipiter as he came over and spoke to her. Her eyes opened to show how much tiredness she really had. She turned her gaze to the commander and Eclipse as they came hither. "Heh...y..you two look like Battered Sh.it" She chuckled before cringing at the pain in her skull. She smiled again weakly and cleared her throat. "N...no i dont think i have....maybe i strained them but....I think they are fine....." She said softly and closed her eyes.

"That was Bloody brilliant what you all did....Skyfire with her gullet diving, Phantasma with her acrobatics, Y....You with your wingblades, Eclipse with his dark magic ripping things apart and Noctrina And her uptight insanity." She giggled at the last part but stopped and flattened her ears giving a whimper.

"All of you...Bloody brilliant." She whispered. "Oh! And Obsidian with his light display and crossbow ability!" She added almost forgetting him and kicking herself for it. Her head gave another sharp pain and she gave a annoyed squeak. "It...its gonna take a long while for me to recover from this....being how my magi foci are weaker than most....B..but it will be alright....." she said closing her eyes and feeling her world spin with Dizziness.

"Go ahead and take care of the others......Skyfire needs help the most it seems....And...N...Noctrina will need help too....." she said with a small wince at her headache and Claw damage. She lay her head down on her hooves and watched the dirt infront of herself with half open eyelids.

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Eclipse let the mare and Accipiter have the little back and forth. What surprised him was the genuine concern for the White-Golder that permeated the pegasus's voice. A small smirk form on his lips; looks at what these griffons had done to them. Through their actions they were breaking down walls built up by trauma and warfare and allowing new bonds to be formed. The princesses would be proud of what they saw here. Through companionship, they overcame a great challenge.

"Right, we all need a good long rest after this," the unicorn grunted, fighting the weakness in his body. The moment he saw her rest her head he knew that she'd soon be out for the count. "Please... Give me a moment, Elusis. This is important to me." Eclipse bite the the latch on his harness that held the red sheathed curved sword to it. Before the weapon to land in the dirt, Eclipse grabbed it in his telekinesis. Sitting on his haunches, he held the sheathed blade delicately in his hooves.

Taking a breath, he steeled himself for what he was about to do. "Elusis, you are an amazing mare, you have despite, seeing nothing but the end, given your all to help us survive these trying times. You have looked passed allegiance and race and treated everypony with respect, no conditions attached. A trait so rare now among Equestrians. You are also an excellent warrior. I would be glad to have you as a commander, a subordinate, or squadmate. You have taken a skill so alien to me that i cannot even make use of it and not even a day later, applied it effectively in the field. And When you were thought you had nothing left, you pushed forward anyway."

Eclipse kneeled over until his chest touched the ground. His snout was inches from touching the ground, yet he held the blade as high as he could, presenting it to her. "It is with my great respect that I present you with the means to truly turn your lexicon into power and raise to knew heights. With the blessings of my dearly departed, I give unto you her legacy, Loreweaver." A small burst of telekinesis saw the weapon removed from its housing for the first time in years.

The grey blade reflected moonlight, easily catching Elusis's reflection in the polished metal. "Forged from her heart and imagination, but created with specially formulated alloy made from raw magic infusion and steel. With a martensite blade and a bainic core, this is her greatest creation. A blade with the ability to carve runes into any surface, even itself. Loreweaver is both a magical amplifier and a powerful foci. S-she told her stories through this blade until the end. It served her well, but it slept for long enough. P-please accept this gift, use my Illcaster's legacy to write yourself a happy ending..." Eclipse stayed in that position, waiting to see if she would accept his gift.


Water, what did water have to do with who wasn't dead? What did it have to do with anything right now? What did it-- "Aqua..." The mare who had been impaled by the manticore's scorpion stinger. She as alive? This group truly was a bunch of troopers. They had a magical powerhouse of a knight, prestigious commanders, a deadly mercenary, and one of the cult's greatest assassins. Phantasma guessed that if any group could hold it together through this mad house it was them.

Wiping the blood off of her chest, Phantasma leaned forward and pressed her lips against Sky's. The taste of saliva and changeling blood making an odd, but not wholly unpleasant flavor. Once she retracted, a thin green line hung between their mouths. "I'll be back," the mare said, extracting herself from her changeling companion. She could ask later about this "Chitty" character.

Her injuries from the fighting in ponyville were acting up and making it difficult to see straight. Each time her back hoof landed it sent lances pf agony through her body, causing her to winch, while her bruised ribs made it difficult to draw breath. But she powered one, determine to see if what Sky said was true. Once she was there, the horror of Aqua's wounds has apparent, the mare was not pretty to look at. Venom was splattered across her coat mingling like celebrities at a red carpet party. She spotted the hole where the stinger had hit her and recoiled slightly... Despite her love of violence and gore, she loved fresh meat. Since the fighting, Aqua's wound had turned purple and swollen, looking more like the beat up crush of a blackberry pie than an injury.

After seeing her body, she knew that the mare had either bled out and died by now or succumbed to the poison. Leaning down, she pressed an ear against Aqua's chest. This mare was a corpse. *Thump... Thump....................................Thump... Thump...* This mare was alive! If only barely. "We've played your games griffons, now get us some medical attention! This one still lives!" Phantasma shouted into the crowd.

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Scathe murred happily into the kiss, feeling her left eye come back into focus from Phanny's emotions. When the mare left Scathe sighed and tired to stand, getting halfway up before collapsing back into the dirt. She moaned and her eyes rolled up slightly in her head, but she didn't try to get up again, instead she simply rolled over onto her side and watched as best she could with her now good eye as Phantasma went to check on Aqua.

She caught sight of Obsidian nearby and rolled over onto her back, hissing in glee at the feeling of her partially melted gossamer wings as they ground against the dirt. She gave him a little smile and flopped her hoof once at him before speaking. " So...see something that you...like, bolt boy? *cough* " She wondered what the ponies would think of her when her body finally healed up and she didn't look like your run of the mill changeling. Everypony had this idea that all changelings looked like those from Queen Chrysalis's hive, but there were two other hives out there at least, though rumors existed of more. And Scathe was from Queen Chitinous's hive, where they didn't have holes in their mane and legs like some raggedy a$$ piece of cloth, but instead were covered in what looked like stab wounds, ovoid slits over her body. Also, her cheeks were...odd, to say the least. Each one was open and revealed her teeth.

And instead of the gasoline green of Chrysalis's hive, Scathe's colored bits were amethyst purple, the same color of her eyes when she was Skyfire. Her horn was also shaped less like a gnarled and wicked stick and more like a Sickle. if a pony knew anything about changelings, they could tell she was no ordinary drone, but neither was she a queen. ( http://37.media.tumb...nyyl8o1_500.jpg )

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Elusis had opened her eyes as Eclipse bowed before her. Her mouth opened to object but it was important to him so she closed her mouth. Her head pounded over and over, her mind was able to smooth over the pain and keep Him the center of Attention. She managed to push herself up with her forelegs, Her eyes never leaving the Moon and star knight. Her eyes widened a bit when he poured out words so kind that they would cause a lump in her throat that seemed to never want to leave.

Her eyes widened more as the blade he held was revieled to her. She blinked several times trying to see it in its full Glory. Her reflection looked back at her, Her blood coming from her muzzle in streams, Her pounding head caused the image to fog and come back in focus. She wasnt worthy to have her reflection upon the metal....at least not now.... She looked at the bowed stallion with disbelief. He held it up higher and asked her to take it. Her eyes widened more, "E...eclipse i...." She stammered then looking to Accipiter before moving her gaze to Loreweaver.

She didnt know what to say, this relic was very.....VERY Powerfull. She could feel the humming it was giving off with her magi nerves. It caused her head to ache harder as they were pulled a little more in their pained state. Her horn glew faintly and shrouded the blade just enough to lift it gently off of his hooves and before her. "Eclipse...." She squeaked flipping the blade slowly in her magical grasp. She wasnt a blade wielder...she wasnt. This blade could be used to amplify her spells...turn them into much stronger forms of power.

A moment or two passed and she quirked a small smile. "I...I accept this gift Eclipse....th..thank you.....It....its beautifull...You didnt have to do this...This is such a incredible blade!" she choked past her own tears of happiness.

She was just getting a feel for it before Phan's Voice echoed out. She turned her gaze to see her referring to Aqua.

"A....Aqua!? Sh..she is alive!?" She squeaked. She looked to the others, First the blade, the praise and now Aqua was still alive!? She smiled and cried at the same time. " I dont...I...." she said happily but gave a cry of pain as her head pounded hard from her overuse of Her nerves, Her nose bled more, dropping drops of Scarlet on the ground. She dropped the blade but scrambled to clutch it in her right hoof. She stopped it before it hit the dirt. She held her head and cried softly as the pain tore through her head. "Man...Im so happy!! But im in so much pain...." She giggled before coughing. She fell to her haunches and whimpered. She wanted to see Aqua so badly but by the looks of it she wasnt going to be able to muster it. And aqua would most likely be too out of it to say hi right now.

"You are all so kind to me.....why?" She asked looking to Eclipse and Accipiter with curious pain and happiness filled eyes. "I...Im just a Merc.....a nopony....Why?" She said swallowing and holding Loreweaver with both hooves, one hoof on the handle and one on the side of the blade.

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Obsidian briefly had pity for her, but then realized she was just like the cannon fodder he used to lead back in his bandit days, except twice as unstable and slightly more capable. She'd betray them all eventually, even he had tried not to backstab anyone, it served him just fine if they all went their separate ways after this was all over. After all, they'd barely seen him do anything, yet he'd seen them do so much, knowing information about commanders of the other houses was worth something to him, and he hardly cared if they went in with their lives after this little embarrassment. He decided it'd be a lot less suspicious if he actually responded rather than stared, "Can't say I prefer this to your facade, Sky was a looker, you look like a half boiled beetle. Not quite one of my turn ons."

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Accipiter was pleased to see Elusis was okay. She'd taken some hits, but so had they all. He stood back up when Elusis asked them to look to the others, insisting she was fine. She made the point that none of them looked great. Accipiter gave her a smile when she pushed that the whole thing was a team effort. She was right, without everyone working together they never would have felled the Ogre. His part may have been small, but even his was an important role. She reassured that she was going to be okay and Accipiter nodded slowly. "I'm glad to hear that, Elusis. Rest your eyes a moment," Accipiter said as he prepared to leave.

He stopped and turned back however when Eclipse requested a moment of her time. He watched from the side as the unicorn sat on his haunches and slowly presented the weapon that he had refused to draw the entire fight. Accipiter didn't know the significance of the weapon, but it's worth was shown in the reverence he held for it, refusing to let it touch the sand. He spoke slowly and powerfully. Words which Accipiter was very much inclined to agree with. She had treated everypony with uncompromising kindness, even when they deserved none. She had fought through the pain of loss without a single misstep. She had turned her weakness into a strength, mastering an obscure skill in mere hours. Eclipse lay himself before her and offered up the blade, revealing its name, its features, its history. A name was dropped that seemed to shake Eclipse just to mention it. Illcaster, his dearly departed. Accipiter looked to the knight in surprise. They had more in common than he thought. A shared sense of loss and misdirection. He wouldn't sour the moment however, this was all about Elusis. A just reward for all she had done.

Elusis accepted the blade, and Accipiter smiled broadly. If his hooves weren't riddled with burns then he would have applauded. Elusis was gaining that sense of self worth that she had seemed to lack so completely back in the cell. She would never give in now. Then he heard Phantasma's shouts to the hungry crowd, requesting medical aid for a pony he had written off. Aqua was alive. He didn't know how, that stinger went right through her abdomen, but if the griffon medics could save her. Then their victory would be all the sweeter. He turned back to Elusis to see her fall back into the sand with a huge smile on her face as she started to giggle. Everything was going right for her.

Then she asked them both a simple question. Why. Accipiter trotted closer again and took a seat next to her. He met her eyes for a eyes for a moment. "I can't speak for Eclipse, but I am only returning the favour. I stormed into this cell expecting ponies to flock to my banner... an arrogant and foolish assumption. When that didn't work I became a snake, trying to draw trust and promises when I gave none in return. I deserved what I got. Shunned by the others. The only pony to not get chosen for teams twice... but you... you accepted me, even as I rejected everypony else. You accepted a villainous and jaded fool who would only have stabbed you in the back... and it's because you looked past that. You peered into my soul, seeing that crust for what it was, a hard and callous shell that I thought encompassed me entirely... Somehow you found its weak point, and you made me remember who I really was... before... before..." Accipiter trailed off for a moment and looked away before finishing, "...before it all went wrong," He looked back to her again making a conscious effort to prevent tears from showing. "You, Elusis, are an inspiration. You're not just some merc. You're kind, you're trusting, you don't give up on ponies... you haven't let this world we live in ruin you. I don't have to peer into your soul to know you are a good pony, because you wear it proudly in the open, where so many would call it naive. But so many, like always, are wrong."

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The griffons in the audience applauded. What a fight! The emperor's prized pet taken out by a team of ponies! The noise got louder and louder, and the gates opened. Ali-Al Sachez sprinted out, along with several other griffons who were holding stretches for the wounded.

"Come on, hurry up you fools! They're in bad shape, grab 'em and lets get them to the doc's before they die"

The stretcher Griffons grabbed Aqua, and quickly spirited off with her, they weren't stupid. That mare was in a horrid state and they needed to do what they could for the mare. The other griffons picked up Noctrina, looking at her wing, not entirely sure how they'd fix it. The next ones looked at Skyfire, frowning at the Changeling, before Ali yelled at them "Pick her up you fools!"

They complied, picking her up and rushing off to the cell.

Ali looked at the ponies that seemed capable of walking "I cannot believe what i say..what you just did was amazing, come on, the cell is ready. Place your gear in the box outside out it, please don't smuggle anything in, i'd hate for anything to happen to you"


Inside the cell, it looked very different to when the ponies left.

The same place before where the griffon medics was, but this time they had more equipment, better equipment and more training to deal with the injured ponies. 3 of them were working on Aqua, near impossible to see what they were doing. But there was a lot of chatter, and a lot of movement.

Skyfire was on the next one, she was looking just as bad. 3 of them were trying to get the acid off, while trying to fix what they could, but they were more baffled then ever.

On the third, Midnight was lying there with 2 griffons trying to fix her wing, though given her wing was different to a Griffon's or a regular ponies.

Food was lying around on a table, but this was of higher quality, looked almost fresh from the market.

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Elusis listened to Accipiter's words. His kind words that explained why he chose to like her, not only just as a pony but a friend. She had some troubles with keeping her ears from ringing and her thought train from derailing due to her headache but managed to feel every trust filled, kind word he spoke to her. Was she really that nice? Was she such a nice soul that was worthy of this much praise and attention? She wasnt a warrior, she was a gifted mage yes but not a leader. She lowered her eyes as his words continued and stuck like a fly in treesap. She couldnt help but smile a bit and hold the blade with her faint magic just above the dirt below herself.

She wrapped a hoof around his back and pressed her side close to him in a kind embrace as she rested her aching, weary head against his shoulder. She looked to Eclipse and Accipiter in turn and smiled happily to them. Her tired eyes portraying so much thankfullness for it all. How could any of this go wrong here and now, If Aqua was alive then they didnt recive a mass loss. She felt a tear of joy streak down her face, Her eyes closed. "You know those words.....were the kindest words i have ever heard.....I..i dont know how to muster a response....all i can say is that i have been given hope by those who were all bitter enemies before.....We all learned that we can work as a team....It gives a small glimpse at what life was like before all this war....all this pain and these houses that constantly are at eachother's throats.....Ive grown so close to everypony, You all made me see that life can have its bright days....." She whispered as she adjusted her head on the Stormwing's Shoulder.

She cringed as her magic faultered again and had to take the blade in hoof again. She gave a few coughs and Used the last of her sputtering magic to bring out her Suicide key. She handed it over to Eclipse and smiled faintly. "Take this away from me..i dont want it anymore.....I want to begin living once more." She said as another headache overcame her.

The crowd cheered and caused Elusis's eyes to open slowly, She was prepared for the griffons to take her. She had Stood slowly and limped to the cell but not before looking over her shoulder and smiling to Eclipse and Accipiter in turn. She turned away and continued with her injuries screaming at her. She made sure to Seeth the blade in its scabbard before placing it in the box. She looked around quickly before grunting and Tagging the blade with a low key signature so she could always find it no matter where she was.

(Sorry, Im dumb,)

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Scathe laughed, a wheezing coughing laugh that made her hack up more blood onto the dirt. However, she didn't get a chance to respond as the medics came out and whisked her away. When they'd put her down she could see the puzzlement on their silly little beaky bird faces and she couldn't help but laugh again. It hurt, her skin beneath and between the plates cracking and popping from the acid as she moved, and she tried not to kick them with her back hooves as they twitched involuntarilly again.

She managed to calm down enough to try and direct the confused chickens as best she could, but what she really needed right now was love, or agony. She thrived on the battlefield because she could feed off pain and suffering just as easily as love, though it wasn't nearly as filling or restorative. But she doubted that either emotion could be or would be supplied to her, so instead she tried to direct them to care for her odd anatomy.

When it was all said and done, she was surprised how well they'd actually done. And over the next few days, her natural changeling healing would restore her back to full unless she could get a good dose of emotion before then. She spied Aqua still being worked on by the griffns and meandered over to them. " It you're confused as to how she's still alive, or as to why she wont wake up, I gave Aqua here a little love bite of my venom to keep her from bleeding out. When you three are done working on her, let me know okay? And I'll wake up sleeping berserker beauty. "

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Elusis lay on a fresh bed of hay, Her head pounded still as she lay with her eyes closed. She was breathing slowly trying to refuel her nerves but they were quite exerted. She found it odd that they didnt have any collars, She found it quite silly. If she was a guard she wouldnt want to have to risk a unicorn ripping her in two with dark tendrils, or the cell exploading into tiny giblits. She didnt mind however though, as she was able to keep her mana flow at a steady pace.

She had a plate of equine foods next to herself such as a apple slice and nuts. She ate a little here and there, but would eat more when she knew she wasnt likely to empty her stomach due to her Headache.

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Accipiter actually surprised himself with what he had said to Elusis. The words seemed to flow so naturally it was like they came right from his heart. He saw Elusis's bright smile once more before she brought him close, resting her head against his shoulder and Accipiter smiled right back. He felt happy, genuinely happy. Not the contentment he made do with at the success of every combat, not that hollow pride he felt whenever Rainbow spoke his name, but a pure sense of elation. Not even his burns could sour the mood right now. "Thank you, Elusis, for everything," The pegaus whispered softly into her ear. Elusis was so happy that he saw a tear streak down her face. Then she slowly replied. She spoke of friendship and camaraderie, words that ponies like Rainbow used so casually, but she spoke with heart. Accipiter waited for her to finish, just enjoying the closeness of a pony that he could call friend. He hadn't felt such warmth in a very long time.

Then came the icing on the already delicious cake. Elusis brought out that rock, her last resort, and gave it to Eclipse saying that she didn't want it any more. Accipiter had done his job. Elusis had realised that life was worth living, even if it was a struggle, just for the moments like these. He didn't give up on her, just like she didn't give up on him. He smiled warmly at her once more. "Elusis, I-" he began to say when Ali and his griffons all came rushing out into the pit. A group of them approached the three of them, and Accipiter bit his tongue. Two of them gently led Elusis back first, but not before the unicorn gave them a smile.

More griffons headed over to the two of them, but Accipiter jumped on the moment alone he had with Eclipse. "Eclipse... I feel I should apologise for how I've been treating you... You're a smart and skilled commander. You should take the lead from now on," Accipiter said slowly. A griffon then stopped beside the pegasus, and Accipiter glanced at him. "And... Noctrina... I.. I need to..." he began to say when the griffon gently poked him in the shoulder causing unintentional spasms of pain. "Okay... okay... I'm coming," Accipiter said to the griffon, following him away, but not before giving Eclipse a quick wave. "My spear is still out on the field. I'll need it recovered and placed in the box ready for the next fight, if that's not a problem?" Accipiter asked the griffon who merely grunted in response. When he arrived at the box he touched his wing with his injured hoof and yelped in sudden pain. "I... I need a hoof," he said and flared his wings out. The griffon rolled its eyes before yanking them off one at a time.

Once they were in the box he was escorted to the cell and to a cot where a doctor looked at his wounds. The griffon clicked its tongue against it's beak as it unwrapped the bandages Elusis had used to secure it. "You don't want to make my job easy, do you?" the doctor grumbled, "You know that cauterisation raises the risk of infection? And then you go and secure it with used bandages. You are just asking for disease. You are lucky that griffons actually practice medicine. Lay back and I will deal with this." Accipiter complied and laid back on the cot, closing his eyes in preparation for the inevitable pain as the doctor started work.

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Elusis's eyes opened once more, her headache seemed to have softened up and she was now able to move more freely without her head giving shooting pain. She sat up slowly and examined her surroundings. Everypony was getting worked on in one way or another. She examined herself and saw that her torso was thuroughly bandaged. She wondered when that happened. Perhaps it was when she fell into a Meditative sort of slumber. She did feel a little rested ever since she lay down.

Her eyes moved to Aqua who was still being worked on Furiously by the griffons. They had seemingly stabalized her and were still working when Skyfire moved over to speak to them, That mare was strange. Why was She still referring to her as Skyfire she didnt know, heck she wasnt even a Mare! Well maybe she was...changelings were odd to her. She hadnt really seen too many in her life time as she wasnt one to occupy herself with Politics, Rumors or other such things. She was one of those who lived in the now and had always focused on The task she was assigned for a Paycheck. She Sighed, such ignorant thinking. However as her mother always said, "Ignroance is bliss." she wondered how much of that was true.

Her eyes planed to Accipiter and she felt herself already hauling herself up from her resting spot to move to him. Why was she so drawn to him? Aqua was a wonderfull friend and one of the best things that had ever happened to her but Accipiter was on a different level, She subconciously seemed to be wanting to be in his presence.

She moved slowly nearby him and sat, she examined as the Doctors worked on her, Another moved close to her and frowned. "You should be resting....Those claw marks you have on your back need to be moved as LITTLE as possable." He grunted poking her in the chest.

Her horn glew faintly and pushed the talon off of her pelt and deactivated. "Im just watching...he is my friend...." She said softly.

The doctor raised an eyebrow and looked back to him. "You were the one who Carterized his Wounds yes? That was a idiotic thing to do..." he growled. " You should have cleaned his wounds before even attempting something like that! Now we have to reopen the burns and clean them out. You could have killed him."

Elusis gave a soft snort. "What else could i have done? Given him my dirty bandages and call it good? He would have bled out!" She snapped softly.

The griffon growled and clutched his talons, he would have struck her but Ali had forbade such acts. He gave a growl once more. "What do you want?"

Elusis pointed at Accipiter, "I just want to make sure he is okay." She said in a calm tone. her eyes portrayed a slight pleeding atmosphere to them.

The doctor sighed and shrugged, "I cant stop you...Just stay out of our way...." He said before turning and returning to Accipiter.

Elusis made a curve around the medical griffons and stopped at a open part where she could stand nearby Accipiter. "Hey." she said quietly and gave a calming smile to him. She sat on her haunches near him and watched the doctors work as they prepared to Open his wounds and treat them. "This is gonna hurt like Tarterus." she said with a small giggle. "Im sorry for putting you in a position like this." She appoligised. She shuffled a bit and kept her smile, "D...do you want some help coping with whats to come?" she asked offering her hoof for him to grasp if he so wanted.

The griffons gave her a glare and snorted, they continued their preperations.

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Accipiter steeled himself for what was about to come. Sorting out those burns was going to be hell, and they hadn't even given him any painkillers. The doctor blabbed on as he got his tools ready, but Accipiter wasn't listening. He was deep in thought, trying to distract himself from the pain that was to come. He cast his mind back a long way, grasping at faded memories. He had been so eager to do good, to be a just defender of the ponies of Cloudsdale. Where had thing gone wrong? Could he blame Rainbow? Moonrise? Noctrina? Or could he only blame himself? He had done so many bad things... all in the name of Rainbow and House Stormwing. There was no justice. He had become a sword, not a shield. He could still remember the burning-

Elusis's voice completely wiped his mind for a moment, and he opened his eyes. On the other side of the doctor he could see the unicorn, her stomach covered with bandages, but more importantly he saw her smile. He grinned back. "Hey, Elusis," he said softly. Really he was doing better than some of the others, although he wasn't fortunate enough to be unconscious. Elusis said it was going to hurt and Accipiter laughed back. "Yeah it is, but don't worry. I'm tough." he replied. Then came the apology and Accipiter shook his head "Don't listen to Doctor Doom and gloom. I'm pretty sure he just bet on the wrong ogre. If you hadn't have sealed them up I would have died out there," Accipiter said plainly, giving her another smile. "Thanks for that by the way."

Accipiter felt stronger with Elusis just stood by him, but then she offered her hoof. Accipiter looked at it for a second as he felt a crimson blush on his cheeks for a moment before it faded. "I... I'd like that," he said softly, lifting up one of his good hooves so that he could gently take her hoof into his. He smiled warmly, then the doctors started work. It was a long and gruelling process as they sliced open each tender wound, cleaned it out with some sort of stinging liquid, then set about redressing them. Whenever the pain felt like it might be too much, he gently squeezed Elusis's hoof, and it served to remind him that she was by his side. He could handle this.

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The mare cringed as the doctors went about cutting open, and disinfecting the Wounds. She squeezed his hoof in comfort as they continued to treat him. She even went about trying to hum something softly to calm him when his breathing became rapid. Her eyes went to Eclipse and the others. Their wounds were all severe as well, She would go to comfort him if she could but Accipiter needed her the most it seemed to her. It was personal preference although she didnt like playing that card.

Aqua still seemed out of it as the doctors worked vigilantly on her till they had finished with a firm binding and making sure they had thuroughly removed any and all traces of Venom. It would only be a small while before her natural bodily functuons started back up and she would come back to find that Skyfire was a Changeling. Elusis giggled at the thought of her face when she found out. She would be all like. "Skyfire!? Your a changeling!? No wonder your Tounge tasted like sweet Nectar!!"or something like that. She dismissed that thought as soon as it came, She had something with that female and it was her own to pursue.

She turned her attention back to Accipiter as they also moved to apply the same burning gel as they did to Aqua's bruised and broken bones. She was sure it was more for precaution and maitenence, It would make his bones stronger hopefully and revitalize them somewhat.

After they rebound his wounds with clean bandages they seemed to pack up and move to the next pony that needed it. Elusis saw something on Accipiter that made her raise an eyebrow. She used her magic to gently levitate a tear over to her face. She giggled and held it so he could see it. "Mr tough pony, is this a tear i see?" She giggled before flicking it away and squeezing his hoof a bit. She giggled a bit at the small gest before adverting her gaze and Blushing. Her giggles planed off and she hummed. "W...well i guess if you...Need some rest i guess i will head back to my Bed...Kinda a long night you know?" she offered looking to him. Her cheeks still warm.

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Accipiter did not enjoy surgery. It was a thoroughly unpleasant experience. The griffons worked fast to their credit. Though that was at the back of his mind owing to the blinding pain that occupied most of the rest... well occupied what wasn't trying it's best to focus on Elusis. The mare was infinitely better than pain. Infinitely better than most things actually. He tried his best not to yell out in pain every time the griffons dug in with their tools, but it steadily grew harder. Every breath slowly became faster, then he heard a gentle humming. He looked up, confused at Elusis for a moment. It was a very simple tune, but he felt himself calming. Accipiter wasn't sure why Elusis chose to hang around with him when Aqua was a short ways away, but he really appreciated the company. It distracted him not just from the pain, but the thoughts, the memories. He could be the pony he once was while Elusis was near, while her gentle smile served as a constant reminder that hope still existed.

Then came the burning gel. He had thought the worst was over as he stared into Elusis's eyes, listening to her reassuring hums, but this took it to another level. He caught a howl just before it burst from his muzzle, eyes widening and watering as he felt as if his flesh was being burnt a second time, but this time it was his bones. They positively seared, but then as soon as it started it was over. He took a deep breath, before releasing it. The griffons then went to wrapping the properly cleaned wounds in bandages. Accipiter looked to Elusis again as she removed a tear from his face with a giggle and giving a final hoof squeeze. "I'm... on... break," Accipiter replied breathlessly.

The pegasus slowly climbed off of the medical table as the griffons went back to resterilising their equipment. He still felt pretty sore, but ultimately in a lot less pain than when he'd gotten those burns. It'd probably wear off after a little rest. He then noticed the unicorn blushing and trying to avoid looking at him. What she said had Accipiter actually take a step back as his own cheeks flushed red. He didn't know what to say. Elusis had been so nice to him, she'd reminded him of what it was like to care again... she reminded him so much of Moonrise. They had the same emerald eyes, always filled with concern... and that brilliant smile that reminded him that everything would be okay. He thought of her as as best friend... but... but would this? He shook himself. He was over thinking it. She didn't feel that way about him... did she? She probably just wanted some company. Yeah. To fight off the loneliness. "I-I'd be happy... to join you," he concluded after a few seconds of awkward silence.

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Elusis's blush burned hotter than the sun. She blinked a couple times, her emerald gaze dialated a small amount. They flickered back to sapphire as her mana was done fluxing. "Y...You want to Join me?" she stammered a bit. She began to smile a bit and diverted her gaze. "Sure! You can." She said looking at him once more and blinking warmly. "If you want too of course." She added and looked back to her resting spot.

She trotted close to him at a slow pace, they hadnt anywhere to go right away and they were both beaten pretty badly so taking it slow was beneficial to both of them. She stepped onto the bedding and lay down gently, Her hooves tucking under her body and her Tail wrapping around her haunches. She waited for him to lay down as well before blinking warmly at him. "Today has been one hel,l of a ride huh?" She said softly, she winced and wondered if she had already said that before. She shook it of and smiled warmly.

To tell the truth this was the first time she got to really notice his looks. His Grey coat, His tarnished White mane. She was wondering why she hadnt really taken note of these traits back when they were enemies.

Without much left to say they were left in a Sort of Awkward silence. Not even the crickets wanted to chirp. That was when she got to have thoughts. How he was so kind to her, how he seemed to open up to her when she was around. She blinked thinking of how over time she saw him as more than just a Commander for the Stormwings and More of a Pony. How she began to look to him for comfort and understanding, And how he made her feel in general.

He made her feel accepted, Wanted, and overall good about herself. His kind side soothed her, made her feel like she could call somepony Friend.......Then it occured to her......Was he just a friend to her? The more and more she thought the more and more she seemed to realize. She found herself diverting her gaze to the other ponies here and there and Passively crawling closer and closet to him till their sides touched. She came too and Blushed furiously. Her eyes turned to his and blinked Appologetically. "S...Sorry....Its kinda cold in here....." She said softly and in a quick burst.

"If you think about it though the griffons are really picking things up on terms of Housing." She said. Really? Terms of housing? They were all slaves for entertainment. Nothing more to the Griffons, It didnt matter how much food they threw at them, they were still pawns for their game.

She sighed and lowered her gaze, Were they ever going to get out of here? She began to doubt once more, Feel that same familliar grip of Suicide that had buried itself in her. She blinked sadly and thought of what if they hadnt....What if they never were? To die in the arena infront of Ravenous birds? She didnt want that at all....

Her eyes closed and she pressed closer to Accipiter's Side, She felt his breath and his reassuring Pressence once more. Her eyes opened and blinked, He was here for her, Just like Eclipse and the others. They were all in this together.....The thing was....Accipiter seemed more concrete.....Eclipse gave her a blade and so much so.....But Accipiter.....

She found her gaze trailing up to his and locked with it. She blinked, taking in his Blue comforting eyes. Those eyes that said everything was fine, that everything right now was safe. Feeling like she was in a trance, She had moved closer and close to him. She lowered her gaze, He was Stormwing....This wouldnt and couldnt last forever...His comfort....They would be at eachother's throats out of here. She couldnt imagine it....she couldnt bring herself to Harm anypony that went through this with her. Expecially not him.

Their breathing was the only thing Breaking the silence, Calm, Collected. She looked to him once more, Her heart wrenched, She couldnt ever even think of hurting him....She wanted them to be friends for as long as they could, in a world that was so devoid of it all, So cruel that it even tore the Six mares who vowed never to part into pieces. She wanted to be friends......Maybe even more.

She leaned in and Kissed him softly, closing her eyes warmly and enjoying the moment, his lips against hers. Her horn glew Involuntarialy as she did this, And her tail wrapped around his quaintly. With a breath she broke it and opened her eyes halfway, They peered around before landing on his gaze once more. She gave a small smile and she blinked again. "I...im sorry...." She said softly and lowered her gaze again, "I just find so much in you....And i couldnt ever think of Something happening to that light that resides within." she said and flinched at her struggle to explain herself. "I....i am comfortable around you commander...More so than i would have thought....I....I just....I want to be there for you....Just like how you have for me...." she whispered and nuzzled him softly. "You and the others have made me realize that there is so much to live for..." She squeaked a bit keeping her gaze low. "Im sorry if i jumped on that the wrong way...Please dont hate me...."

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Eclipse wasn't sure what was going on. After Elusis had accepted his gift, he felt a heavy burden lift off of him right before everything went dark. Here and there he saw glimpses and flashes of his surroundings. Griffons rushed to and fro, trying to keep Aqua and Skyfire stabilized as well as tending to the other ponies in the room. He tried to look around, but his head was so heavy. A sound that he thought sounding like Accipiter howling in agony crossed his mind, but he couldn't be sure. Everything felt so washed out and surreal that he barely even registered the griffons binding his chest and checking the stitches on his gut. Every so often they'd smear a salve on his mana burns and his horn. It felt as if somepony were stabbing those areas of him with millions of needles, but his mind was too far gone that he couldn't reacted to anything.

He wondered were Midnight and Noctrina were. Their injury looked pretty bad and hoped that she'd be able to fly again... The stallion promised to be her shield and had utterly failed. Before his mind could continue down that path though, he felt himself being moved onto some soft hay bedding. It's inviting embrace called tempted him with revitalizing sleep. And he was unable to resist. His last thoughts before passing into dreamland were of everypony; he hoped that they'd all be alive when he woke.


Phantasma barely reacted to the griffons treating her. The scraped and peeled away burned skin, rebound her injured back leg, adding a splint this time, and stitched up the myriad of gashes across her body. Instead of wincing, she focused all of her attention what the doctors were doing to Skyfire, if that was even her actual name. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she wanted to be pissed at the mare for lying to her, but she was mostly just content with her being alive so that she could be pissed at her.

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The griffons worked on the batpony, using trial and error to finally fix the broken wing, or as much as they could. One of the bones in the middle had shattered like a twigs on her left wing, and there was nothing they could do but bandage it up tightly and wait for the bone to heal itself. Her other wing was in a similar state, a bone near the base was shattered, and would take a while to heal.

During that time, Midnight closed her eyes, trying to block out the pain. She wanted to be somewhere, anywhere else! That’s when she found herself somewhere she wasn’t, she was in a house, it was white. She was being lead somewhere, down a hallway, bright lights were blinding her as she walked. She saw a pony walking beside her, but they were too blurry.

“Are you sure its safe?” she heard herself ask

“Trust me, my little bird, you’ll be doing this city a great deed of service” came the reply, it was a deepish voice, but Midnight coudldn’t tell who was speaking. Who was it, what was this memory and why was she being called ‘little bird’?.

“Ok, Hawk” she heard herself reply.

Midnight understood a lot, but this baffled her. Who was Hawk? How did she know them, how could she not remember them at all? She’d never recalled this memory, and it was leaving her with more questions then ever. Everything blacked out, and Midnight was left alone.

Eventually, she found another memory. She couldn’t move, the light was so bright! She had her eyes shut tightly, her limbs held down tightly. She struggled, protested, but she felt a hoof on her shoulder.

“Shhhh, quiet, remember, this is for the best of everypony, you included. You’ll be a legend of this city, much like you were promised. You want this, never forget that” said another voice, it was different, but she couldn't’ even tell its gender this time. That’s when it started, the pain. Indescribable, something around her head and she felt something like lightning racing around her body, she screamed in pain, thrashing in her restricts, trying everything to get out of her prison.

“Please! Please, no! It hurts! It hurts!” She begged for release, she didn’t know what was happening to her, all Midnight knew was she was in pure agony, every cell on her body was burning, and she opened her eyes briefly. She couldn’t see anything, expect one pony, watching her pain. Everything was blurred, expect their mouth, and it was a giant smile, taking pleasure in her pain. That’s when Midnight blacked out, and she was left with nothing but blackness, confusion and questions.

After many more minutes, the griffons let the batpony go. Her injuries were bad, they had bandages her wings, but with broken bones in the middle of both wings, there was no way she’d be flying anytime soon.

Midnight limped away from the griffons, shaking. She sat down, trying to understand what that dream was. Was it a dream? A memory from the past she could never remember? Or something more, or maybe part of her imagination. She didn’t know, and part of her didn’t want to.

She looked around, spotting Accipiter and Elusis, but she spotted Eclipse on the ground. She limped towards him, lying down next to him.

"Hey, Eclipse? You ok?"

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Eclipse stirred weakly. "OK as a stallion who underwent a major surgery then was forced to fight monsters could be," he chuckled quietly to himself, but then an agonizing throb in his chest knocked away the haze that was clouding his mind.

In an instance he realized how his delirium induced sarcasm could be taken the wrong way. "Sorry... I used a lot of magic. My mind's not all here."

Cracking one of his tired, purple eyes open, he looked his friend over carefully. The sight of her wings made him cringe, but when he tried to sit up and get a better look, be found that his body was still quite weak.

"I'm sorry for letting you take such a nasty hit. I failed to keep my word," Eclipse said quietly, rolling on to his side.

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Accipiter swallowed loudly, before trying to give Elusis a fragile smile and a nod. He felt so nervous. The last time that had even come close was back at Flight School. He kept telling himself she just wanted to be friends, but those words steadily grew to seem more and more shallow as he watched her blush and look away. She had saved his life in more than one way in that last battle, even after he had sworn to protect hers. He felt his heart hammering in his chest as she invited him to follow her. "L-Lead the way," he tried to say smoothly, but failed.

The two of them hobbled over to where Elusis had been sleeping before, and she slowly laid down gently, then looked up to him with those warm, soft, eyes. Accipiter froze in place for a few seconds before he met her gaze, and he felt the tenseness die down a little. The pegasus carefully laid down beside her, his head facing hers so that he could watch her smile. He le out a single laugh at Elusis's last statement. "Yeah... we're lucky we all got out of there," he replied shortly. Then the conversation seemed to die as quickly as it started to give way to awkward silence.

Accipiter knew that he cared for Elusis... what he felt when she was near was incomparable. He just... he wasn't sure if he could let a pony into his heart again... or at least that's what his brain was telling him. In fact his brain had compiled a five page essay on why feeling anything for Elusis was a bad move, but Accipiter listened to his heart in this matter, and his heart was telling him to go for it. He felt her side touch against his for a moment, and he realised he'd been lost in thought. "It's... It's no problem... got to... got to stay warm," he said, stumbling over all his words.

Elusis then threw up another topic, with some rather weird terminology. "Uh, yeah... yeah. They were always so loyal to... to Stormwing, and Whitegold if they... uh... had the inclination," Accipiter replied, forcing himself to swallow twice as he spoke in an attempt to wet his dry throat. The griffons were only loyal to their Emperor in truth, but he had given Stormwing a few units which they had put to good use. "If they were to attack Equestria..." he added as the silence seemed to creep in again. He instantly regretted the thought though.

He could still feel Elusis's fur against his... and it felt good. Then he felt it a little more as the mare drew even closer. Accipiter closed his eyes and focused on the warm sensation before opening them again them again slowly. hen he met Elusis's gaze again. She was so warm and kind... so innocent and pure... so beautiful and amazing. She slowly shuffled over closer to him, and Accipiter regained a little confidence. He moved even closer as well, until their muzzles were practically touching. "Elusis, I-" Accipiter began to say when the mare kissed him. Her touch was so tender and soft, and Accipiter offered no resistance at all. In fact he felt his heart doing somersaults as her tail wrapped around his. He was taken by surprise and when the kiss broke he couldn't look at her for a moment as he blushed furiously. He regained his composure after a few seconds and met the mare's eyes once more.

Elusis slowly voiced an apology, and Accipiter wanted to instantly cut her off, and reassure it was all right, but something made him hold back. Was he ready to commit to something like this? His heart said yes, but then posed the question of was she? Elusis leant forwards and nuzzled him, and he forced a smile before nuzzling back. He couldn't keep these things holed up. He would have to tell her and see what happened. "I could never hate you, Elusis," he said staunchly before taking a deep breath. "I want that too, Elusis... more than you could imagine. You are so kind... so beautiful... you saved me... and I don't mean with the burning..." he said softly, forcing himself to blink a few times to hold back tears. "B-but... but... Elusis... I'm... I'm damaged goods. I have a history. The things I've done... the ponies I've hurt... I-I... I want to be there for you... but I can't ask the same of you... I... I broke, Elusis. I broke and I did so many terrible things... I deserve to be in this prison... and I definitely don't deserve you..." Tears ran down his face when he finished. He didn't want to scare her off. He didn't want to push her away. But she had to know. She had to know of the things he had done in the name of Rainbow. "I... I think I... I love you, Elusis... b-but... I... I also can't ask you to... to do the same for me."

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Elusis's ears fell when his words came forth. She felt a heavy weight on her heart as he lay his sadness and doubt on her. Her eyes paned away, Did she do something wrong?

She blinked and closed her eyes still listening to him, her ears were still glued to her skull. She felt like she was being pushed away, was that what this was? her eyes opened adorned with a few tears as he finnished and he looked at him, She might be a drama queen but his words acctually hurt like a stinger. "I...im sorry Accipiter....." She said softly and unwrapped their tails. She gave a sigh, what was she thinking? He was stormwing and he had done some terrible things. Things that he could never get rid of.

Elusis wiped away her tears and swallowed, She wanted to get up and leave, she felt like a fool for trying. But something inside her made her stay. Could she just up and leave? Leave him in this state of depression and anguish? After all they had been through and how much he opened up and improved? If she left he would just fall back into it again...go back to Rainbow and turn back to the way he once was....She didnt want to see that, Now was the time the real him surfaced. She didnt want that part of him to drown.

She readjusted and kept her gaze glued on the floor. "Accipiter.....i.....i didnt mean to cause you any harm... i...i wanted to see you hapy, different than what you once were....When i first saw you...you were a husk of what you are now....Your true side was buried under years of hardship.....Thats what war seems to do.....it turns you into a shell.....It just takes time to have wounds heal....." she said trying to explain. She looked to him, "Accipiter i see the god part of you right here....right now.....and i fear it is the last time that it will be here.....I cant control where you go or what you do....but i cant see you the way you were before.....I just....i cant handle seeing more ponies falling to the cruelty of this STUPID war!...." she said with the last words coming out like venom.

She gave a small squeak and got a grip. "I...I just....i feel so happy around you....and i just want you to be too....to put the past behind you.....I cant control you....i want to help you...." She said with a sniff, she looked to him after her rant, Her eyes filled with tears. "I....Im a fool.....After we are out of this we will go our seperate ways and everything will turn to Cud again....all because 6 STUPID Mares cant get over themselves and throw ponies like you and i into Useless battles that only prove that we are as ignorant as those who came before us.....I love you accipiter....i want to make you happy....before this dumb quarrel outside kills us."

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When the medics were done with her, Scathe cast a spell that would negate the effects of her bite and trotted over to stand in a corner, away from everypony, and watch as they recovered from the recent ordeal they'd all gone through. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply as she absorbed the small amounts of pain and anguish she could feel coming from her friends.

Her eyes shot open and she frowned, thinking about what she'd just...well, thought. Did she really think that? She hadn't known these ponies very long at all! But, she'd also never been in a situation like this before. It was always just her and Lightning, or her and some other singular pony that she'd feed off of, then go into battle and feed of the chaos while causing more, take some trophies, then rinse and repeat.

She thought about it for a few more moments and then shook her head. She had no idea where that thought had come from, so she chose not to dwell on it. Instead, she made her way towards Phantasma, who was still lying on her operating table. On the way though she got distracted by a feeling of love, not directed at her though so it wasn't fulfilling, more akin to smelling your food than actually eating it. She walked over to Elusis and Accipiter as they daww'ed everywhere and she smirked, then changed her form to look like a very famous princess from long ago, the princess of love, Mi Amore Cadenza, otherwise Known as Princess Cadence.

She put a hoof around both their shoulders and stuck her face in between them after hearing both their little speeches and spoke with a fake sweetness. " Aww, that's so cute you two! I think you make a lovely couple. When's the wedding? Will there be cake and ice cream? " She then changed back into her natural form with a purple flash and spoke condescendingly. " Look Ace, you think you're a monster? Please, look who all you're sitting in a cell, albeit a fancy cell, with. Do you know what I've done? What our friendly neighborhood harlequin has done? How's about good 'ol batsy babes? "

She leaned in close to him and snorted in his face, then changed into Twilight Sparkle. " Still think you're a monster? " She then changed back into her normal self again and left the two ponies to their lovers..whatever they were doing, and trotted to Phanny's bedside. She leaned casually against it and let out a little moan at the pain it caused her tender, recently acid bathed skin beneath her chitinous plates. She gave the mare a cocky smile. " Knock Knock, " She then morphed into a copy of Phantasma and spoke in her voice. " Who's there? ' Then back to her changeling form to finish her lame joke. " Anypony you want it to be...how you feeling toots? "

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(Changed the end of my last post.)

Elusis squeaked when Skyfire came close, She went through her usual process. She changed into Twilight which surprised her. Her eyes blinking a few times before she left and left them alone once more. The silence was heavy....so heavy it was uncomfortable. Elusis was thinking, She was in a state of dissapointment and mixed emotion.

Her eyes fell on Accipiter with a set mind. "Accipiter........ Im sorry....I shouldnt have gone off like that, it wasnt you....its the world that we have to live in....This war....these petty quarrels. I just want it all to stop.....It doesnt seem like it will in my lifetime..I dont like what it does to Everyone..."

She blinked with sadness and the loving care she had before. She gave a small sniff and Nuzzled under his chin. "Our time together Has been the most beneficial and happy moments i have had in years..... I dont know how much longer we will have with one another till we are tearing eachother apart....I couldnt bring myself to fight you or anypony outside of here...i...i love you.....I know its not Misguided and your Past is terrible....whos isnt? None of that matters....I only care about the Pegasus i know now....A kind, Compassionate and brave soul."

Her tail had rewrapped with his. "Please enjoy this peace we have....with no quarrel." She whispered giving a sort of Purr as she rested next to him.

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Phantasma looked to one of her burned hooves then to her body, scanning the stitching of her injuries. All in all she looked a little like a charred patch work pony doll. She hummed quietly at Skyfire's question. How did she feel right now? She'd been acting irrational around these ponies, more like herself back when she was living her old life. And the changeling had wormed her way into a warm place in her heart. She was sure those parts of her were dead, but apparantly, they weren't. All it took was a little spark to reawaken them. She'd been fighting alone for so long that she had forgotten what it was like to share something with somepony.

"I don't really know," she answered honestly. "As far as injuries go, I've survived much, much worse..." the mare bit her bottom lip, thinking about what to say next. Holding her thoughts in wouldn't help anyone; the thoughts would just fester and slowly poison her.

With that in mind, she decided to speak again. "My actions, my thoughts, even my identity have been in question since this entire thing started... you and Hagane are a part of it. I don't know how to continue with the conflicting aspects of myself." It all came out a bit more serious than she planned.

She gave Skyfire a weak smile to try to lighten the mood. "I apologize... you don't want to hear about that." The mare patted at the space next to her, asking Skyfire to join her. "I have a question: were you going to tell us?" She assumed that Sky would know she was referring to her being a changeling. The answer wouldnt matter, but she just wanted to know.

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Accipiter could feel his heart breaking as Elusis slowly uncoiled her tail. It was for the best. She was so pure, and gentle, and kind... and he... he was a bigger monster than Noctrina ever was. She stuttered a soft apology and Accipiter had to look away, he couldn't even look at her tear stricken face. Elusis deserved a stallion as virtuous and wonderful as she, not some duff old soldier whose spear had tasted the blood of allies more than enemies. Accipiter slowly shuffled away from her so their coats no longer touched, but he couldn't gather the willpower to stand up, to walk away from the mare his heart now ached for. He screwed his eyes shut.

Without his protective crust, he could see the atrocities and horrors he had committed as what they truly were. There was no triumph in sending legions of ponies purposefully to their deaths. There was no glory in killing innocents. There was no righteousness in butchering those you once called friends. There was no happiness for a monster. He deserved to be loathed, hated by all. He deserved to be imprisoned here by the griffons, forced to risk life and limb again and again in a constant cycle of violence until one day he became nourishment for some wild beast. Why should he think any less?

Elusis slowly began to speak again, and Accipiter gently opened his eyes once more as he looked back to her. Why hadn't she left him? He listened to her words that rang a melody of truth. He hadn't been happy with how he was. Elusis had brought out a side of him that had laid dormant for decades, encased in a vile coat of hatred and lies. He saw her eyes well up with tears again as she continued. He felt happy around her too, it was true. All of these mistakes that plagued him, they all happened out there, in the twisted Equestria that had fallen into ruin thanks to the Elements. In here... there was just the two of them. And the love they held for one another. "E-Elusis... I-" Accipiter began to stutter when the two of them were suddenly split by none other than Cadance.

Accipiter did a double take.... until the tone of the voice revealed who it was. "S-Skyfire?" On cue she changed back to her usual form as she called him Ace, and berated him as if he were a childish foal. His mouth flapped open and closed uselessly as he tried to muster a response when the pegasus vanished to be replaced with Twilight. One look at the mare and the words coming out of her mouth and his muzzle clamped shut again. He looked down at the ground, hanging his head in shame. Almost everypony in this cell had committed some kind of horrible action in their time, why was he letting his own stand between him and happiness? Especially if that happiness also made the only pony he truly cared for happy too?

Elusis nuzzled him and relocked their tails together as she reiterated the lesson he was learning. She laid down to rest, and Accipiter laid next to her, his eyes staring into hers for a few seconds. Then without warning his he jolted forward with his muzzle and locked it with hers in a deep and passionate kiss. He held it for a good few seconds, before reluctantly letting it break. His sadness was replaced with a confident and warm smile. His eyes soft with affection. "I love you, Elusis. You're right. Skyfire's right. That love should be all that matters. Screw Rainbow, screw Rarity, screw Equestria! I'm not going back to Stormwing after this. I'll go wherever you go. You make my heart swell with happiness, and I don't want to ever not be at your side!" He kissed her again before she could properly respond. A tiny thought niggled in the back of his head that he'd actually have to thank Skyfire for that.

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