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Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks


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Meh, doesn't sound too bad. I mean, if we're honest, aside from the fact that every girl seemingly wore a skirt except for Celestia and Luna, did Equestria Girls really have any problems? I mean, I somewhat enjoyed it, it certainly wasn't all that bad. Also, let's be honest here guys, 12 songs! I mean, even if you don't like the movie, 12 songs is enough to let the movie be similair to a musical!

I also enjoyed it, but there was definitely more problems than every girl wearing a skirt. The plot was a mess, the ending was stupid and the romance was nauseating. But like I said, I enjoyed it nonetheless.

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  • 4 weeks later...

More appealing than the last one as people hoped, and plus, if Flash Sentry wants to stay, have his personality enhanced to have some negativity as well, that should neutralize the whole Gary Stu controversy.

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I'm wondering if this will turn into a completely different series. I'll give it a look when it comes out, mostly out of curiosity but that's it. I'll make my judgment on it after I see it.

Still that cover art looks cool. Rainbows KISS like shirt collar is cool

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the fact that she doesn't speak just adds to the overall mystique of the character...I see that as a boon, personally.

Given the amount of arguments in the video uploads of the short over 'OH GOD, WHY DUBSTEP?!' and the like, it's clear that ANY attempt Hasbro do to characterise her will never be 'accepted' easily by fandom, so what would be the point at this stage when it's easier to leave it to the imagination?

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ok lets do this *cracks knuckles.*

here's my opinions of this movie as i see it.

1. rainbow rocks is a movie about the human main six forming a band for some yet to be known reason. probably something cliche like a contest or talent show.

2. the movie is obviously a musical. the 2 obvious reasons gave that away but it also appears to mainly be about music so that's going to a massive focus.

3. from the clips i have seen, aside from the very first they revealed, thus far there is no Twilight probably hinting towards something like the portal isnt ready till the night of said contest or talent show.

My expectations:

1. me watching it. only to see if my hypothesizes are correct and for the music

2. twilight arrives later on in the movie to be in the main music number and to visit the other human 5.

3. the story wont be that good... but Dat music thou.

4. music lots and lots of ok to awesome music.

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Check out the Vinyl Scratch short, aka, you might like what you see even more. :P

{ the 2 shorts of Vinyl and Dash are seperate from the film, but likely representative of what you can expect! }

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