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The Adventures of Noedig and Ponies! [Shut Down for Inactivity!]


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((I still haven't gotten a response from Pricness Luna lol

I'll wait for that, meanwhile, I'll just make it that she is following me.))

So Princess Luna guided him to an appropriate area to think quietly, she wasn't sure what Noedig meant about the palace, but she guessed there may have been some relevance of this place in his home world.

Now they were in a garden, with the evening dimming of the orange glow, turning into the dark blue night sky.

He sat down on a bench-- somewhat comfortable for two-legs and four-legs apparently, and began to ponder.

He was thinking...

Mysterious abduction, unaffiliated mysterious attacker, constant relevance of things from his life being here, and an uneasy feeling of trouble brewing.

Princess Luna sat parallel to him as he was thinking, curious of what he's going to say.

Noedig removed his shades and put them in his pockets with his eyes closed, rubbing them with his spare hand.

He sighed... Luna was a bit more concerned now of what he might say.

"Alright..." He said, finally breaking the silence, "Princess Luna, from everything that has been happening to me, I think I was taken from my home world to yours for this purpose-- though it is hypothetical; To stop an evil that is coming."

"I never had the time to really think hard on this until now, and I have a very bad, assuring feeling that someone-- or somepony wants you either dead or enslaved."

"My profession is to stop terrorism in my world as discreetly as possible, with the expertise of tactical strategies and enforcement, weapons, and with powers of my own. Super powers.

I invent and design my own things from scratch, because I rarely deal with worldly traded goods...

It may sounds far-fetched of why I'm here, but everything has a reason. And my reason coming here could be that I may be of some use...

But, I'm not sure if its a good idea to help, because whoever took me here may also be evil.

However, I believe it is for the good..." He finished, he finally opened his eyes that were shining brightly white, "what do you think of this possible situation?"

Luna nodded, listening intently as the human spoke. In the back of her mind was the last thing her sister had said before retiring for the evening and leaving her in charge. How was she to broach that subject? To give them a choice to stay or go? She sighed and shook her head, inwardly chuckling to herself. All beings had free will to do as they chose, so long as they were happy. Still what he had to say was a little concerning, especially the part about being killed and/or enslaved along with the rest of her subjects. She shivered, recalling what her sister had said of the Changeling invasion. "Well, Noedig. It's your choice, you are free to stay or go back to your own world with our help. Once we figure out a way to get you back. It may take some lengthy studying in the Starswirl wing of the Royal Library but rest assured, we shall try our best.", she replied with a genuine smile, levitating a tray of sweets and other refreshments from a small table that had been erected in the gardens.

Taking a bite from an eclair, her horn glowed brilliantly as the sun finally faded and the entire midnight blue sky lit up with moon and stars. Granseal was seated somewhere near Noedig and Princess Luna, his eyes staring at his hands. Blinking slowly, he sighed as his alchemy lists were adjusting for the new energy this world functioned on. "Hmm... Oh? I have a choice?", he asked, rather surprised to overhear that tidbit of information within the flood of words that Noedig was speaking. It did make some sense though, that he was here for a reason. "Well I've already made up my mind, Princess Luna. I'm staying here. I'd love to further understand your world and maybe open an equipment shop. Or I could just go exploring...", he said with a big grin, already envisioning his future among this race. A never ending future with him roaming the land and befriending the inhabitants.

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As he heard her response... Noedig did nothing but nod and said, "My world is at peace at the moment, but things can go awry while I'm out. It wouldn't be your kind's fault nor mine for that, for I only volunteered to help my world. But the true perpetrator's intentions must be found out, for me anyways..."

He still sat there, thinking the only thing he knows what he should do...

"I'll find some clues and see what happens. The only problem is where to start... a library's language is foreign to me, so that can't work."

He's been tempted to show his last item in his possession, but he couldn't reveal it yet, but soon.

"I'll have to pass time doing something I can't do for now..." He faced Princess Luna and asked, "Where do you keep your blacksmith? I'd like to use it, if it's possible."

He was thinking of making an accessory... to create something for any reasons, whether it be a gift for someone, somepony or for himself. He'll see what to decide when his project is finished.

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(( Dabom didn't tell me where to put e'm but what the hay? I'll act like he did)) :)

Velvet traveled down the halls and looked around, it felt strange to her now, almost cold and deadly..... as well as she felt a pair of eyes watching her but that's when she came across a door that somewhat WANTED her. She looked at it and muttered with the books tightly secured on her chest. "How strange...." But she got a sudden urge to peek into it and she shook her head. "Come on Velvet!... You KNOW not to snoop into other's privacy!" She told herself, but when she took a step she finally gave up. "Just a peek.... a peek never hurt anypony.... Right?" She was opening the door now. "What could it be?" She thought.

"Just hold still, will you?" Hector directed Star Gazer.

Star stopped pacing back and forth and looked at Hector and his contraption that seemed to resemble a pony made of metal.

"I just... just don't... why are you even making this?" He asked in concern.

Hector slightly sighed as he continued to work on the pony.

"I need to have something that will be able to scan the area without drawing... too much suspicion." He explained as he worked.

Star continued to eye the metal pony, but then heard the door open and quickly looked behind himself.

He saw a deep red coat mare with a crimson colored mane and tail standing in the doorway.

No doubt she was going to start asking about the metal pony, and more so about the human.

"U-um.. hello there miss. W-what brings you here?" He asked her with a nervous smile, anxiously waiting for the wave of questions that was sure to follow now.

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She tilted her head and came down." Goodness! Why.... Why it's a Metal Pony! and..... and..... hmm.... how very strange..... Goodness... you resemble a pony... but.... you walk on two legs and have fur on your arms, legs and head.... and I think on your face..... and.... OOPS! I'm being so rude.." She finally realized through her curiosity. "My name is Velvet Cream and I am here to deliver these books to Celestia's room....." She looked at the packaged books. "They seem extremely important for them to be brought to her room but anyway! Who might you two be and.... not to be rude but WHAT might you be sir?" She asked gently.

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This wasn't quiet the reaction Star predicted, but at least she didn't seem afraid of what she saw, which was good.

"Um, well... my name is--" He said, but before he could finish his sentence, he heard something behind him, as of metal turning quickly.

He looked behind him and was now looking the metal pony directly in the eyes.

Color ran from Star's face as he jumped away from the metal pony-looking creature.

"W-whoa! It's awake?" He said in breaths as it had scared him.

The metal pony looked at Star for a moment longer, then looked up at Velvet.

"Yeah, I wanted to make sure that he would run. He seems to be working fine, thankfully."

Hector said as he finally looked up, seeing the velvet red coated pony.

"Ah, welcome miss Velvet Cream! I am Hector, and he shall be named Jackal. As for what I am, I am a human." He said to her, gently patting the side of the metal pony.

'What in all of Equestria is a Jackal?' He thought to himself with a sigh.

"A-and my name is Star Gazer. It's a pleasure to meet you Velvet Cream." He said softly as his color was slowly returning to his face.

"So you're looking for Princess Celestia's room? I'm not too familiar with this castle, so I don't know where her room is.

Perhaps one of the royal guards know and could possibly escort you there." He suggested.

"What about they Pyro guy? Could he escort her?" Hector peeped up as he continued to work on the metal pony again.

Star thought about that for a moment, hoof under his chin.

"I'm... not sure. Perhaps he could." He said in slight agreement, then looked at Velvet.

"I'm not sure where Pyro is either, but if you'd like, I could accompany you so that we could find him." He offered to her with a smile.

Hector slightly raised an eyebrow and grinned softly, though hiding his face behind the metal pony, it could not be seen.

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Pyro nodded in agreement with Ether's statement about their always being a weak area. That was true. As for why they were here, Lyra was apparently checking up on everypony and Ether was reporting in.

Then came questions about the humans, and Lyra's encouragement to tell Ether about them. Pyro sighed again before speaking.

"Well, they're kinda like us, with differing personalities and such. It's a little strange to be dealing with creatures like them honestly. They're mostly hairless. Most of it seems to be on their heads, but only the tops, like a mane. They have no tails, and they walk on two legs. They also have hands and feet instead of hooves. They are somewhat big, though I attribute that more to them walking on two legs instead of four." Pyro said, trying to be general enough to have all three humans fit into his description.

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She smiled, she looked a bit embarrassed. I'm sorry.... I snooped.... She said gently. I was just so curious for some reason... and... OOH! why did I snoop!? She asked herself. I'm so sorry..... She smiled and adjusted her glasses again.

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Ether raised his eyebrows a little when Pyro explained how these 'humans' where. He was a little confused about what he meant that they were similar yet different.

"How can anything be similar, but different? By the way you describe these creatures, they sound like they're from another world altogether. Do you think they may of escaped from the Tartarus, by chance?"

He asked Pyro, but it was Lyra that spoke up to answer that question.

"No! I mean, I wouldn't think so. They're not evil." She pleaded, hoping that Ether would believe her.

Ether looked back at Lyra for a moment, then back at Pyro.

"My I be taken to these humans? I want to judge them with my own eyes." He asked him, hearing Lyra softly sigh behind him.


Hector stood up and gave Velvet a soft smile. "True, curiosity killed the cat; but if you're not curious, then you're not adventurous; and if you're not adventurous, then you learn nothing new." He said to her, then continued. "Either way, there's no need to be sorry. You've done nothing wrong, and I'm not mad or anything."

Star was a little surprised by this act from Hector, but he returned his focus towards Velvet cream.

"Um... so, shall we go miss Velvet?" He asked her with a soft smile.

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She nodded. Thank you for not being mad.... Hector... yes we sha'll go... She said gently but that was when her horn acted up, it was bringing up an unhealthy layer of frost on it and she shook it off yet it seemed to hurt her.

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Pyro's eyebrows creased in confusion as Ether questioned his description of the humans. All he had said, essentially, was that they seemed to have as much variety between them as ponies did. Pyro let out a short laugh when Ethr questioned if the humans had escaped from Tartarus. If humans were the kind of creature that lived there, it wouldn't be too hard to defeat an invasion from there, if one were to come. Lyra answered the question before he got a chance, which was fine by him really. Then Ether asked to be taken to the humans.

"They're probably all in different parts of the castle by now. It would be a little difficult to find them, but I suppose we could try." Pyro said, finally sheathing his blade. It had simply been floating next to him during the conversation.

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((I need SilverSwirl's response, don't wanna just "go" to a location I don't know where it is without his approval, since hes the Princess.

.... that didn't come out right, sounds like a drag queen.... or a drag princess. lol))

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((Is it bad to have six different ideas going on in my head just for this rp alone? lol

Also, I haven't post just yet so that everyone else who needs to catch up and post can.))

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Luna, having been gone for a millennium, was a little unsure of where the smithy would be. She didn't think they had one located in the castle proper, but maybe somewhere in Canterlot there was one. She was still disappointed that he'd pass on the library, especially if he was to remain here for an extended period. "Well, at least your realm is safe for the moment. As for a smith, that would be a question for my sister, Celestia. Since most smiths operate during the day, she is usually the one that has transactions with them. However, if my memory serves and if their line hasn't died out in the millennium I've been gone, there may be a smithy open at this time.", she replied softly, thinking back to the old Canterlot. As her eyes closed, she began to remember the noise complaints she fielded some nights from nobility and common ponies regarding that smithy.

With a gasp and a laugh, she reopened her eyes and grinned. "I just remembered it! The name of the smith and the smithy was Silver Hammer. It's in the oldest section of Canterlot. I had to lecture him on numerous occasions to try and keep the noise down at night...", she explained with a wink and a chuckle. Her wings fluttered as she added, "I have to check the Royal Records, just to make sure there may be a descendant operating it or if it is a historic landmark...", she added, her tone wistful as she fondly remembered her visits. "Come along, it should only take a moment to check.", she whispered as she stood up and looked behind her at Noedig and Granseal.

Granseal got up almost immediately, grinning widely. "Yes, Princess Luna. I'm following you!", he said excitedly, crimson eyes twinkling. He turned to Noedig and said, "I'm an experienced blacksmith myself. Although I craft my gear with alchemy, I still know how to forge items to make them better." He was so excited about the whole thing, it was hard to contain himself. He was learning much, just by being in the presence of Luna and listening to her speak. She appeared to be quite wise about this world despite her saying she had been gone for a millennium. He had to wonder why she had to be gone for that long but he knew that was a question for another day.

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"Wonderful," Noedig said pleasantly, "After I complete my final bit of work, I may continue to your library... with the help of a translator. I can't read your text."

As Noedig followed Luna, Granseal told him that he was a blacksmith person himself, and Noedig thought about using his assistance...

"Granseal, you're just the person I need help with..."

Noedig takes out his last possession from his jacket's inner pocket, it was an ore colored sea-blue,

"This is called ardentemite," Noedig said, "If crafted carefully, it will make a stable reaction of creating instant heat. It only heats up through contacts, it can set ablaze in the air when it swipes...

"And the best part of this little thing... is that its impervious to magic. It will literally cut through any kind of magic. I hope to use this against any troublemakers that mean harm to this society."

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Luna smiled and turned to gaze upon Noedig with a friendly look. A translator was always available although one for his species might be difficult to find. Which meant something magical would be required until he learned the native alphabet. "My dear Noedig, we'll have a translation tool for you whenever you need it.", she replied warmly as she pushed open the library door with magic. Crossing the threshold, she giggled and turned about to face them and her expression was more stern. "Now, while we are here. Please be as quiet as you can. The Royal Records are here and are mostly open to the public for research purposes. Mostly census records are public record but also several key points in history are available to read and peruse. There may be a few night owl university students here so be on your best behavior. We don't need a startled unicorn having a spell go wrong in here...", she explained as she trotted off.

Her horn glowed and she levitated a magnifying glass, humming softly in concentration. She was enchanting it so it could be used by Noedig to read their texts. She didn't know if Granseal required one but figured that if he did, they could share it. "Oh, Noedig and Granseal, I've enchanted this magnifying lens for you both to use.", she added as she turned into a wing marked as "Royal Records". Her horn continued to glow as a flurry of texts flew from the shelves before her.

While Luna was searching, Granseal took the sea colored ore from Noedig. He said it was ardentemite, a material capable of slicing through magic and setting ablaze in the air. Just by the description given, he already had some ideas for the ore. As he turned it over in his hands, his crimson eyes blazed. "Noedig, I know what to use this in. I can substitute this in a blade blueprint. My kind call the blade a Combuster, the height of improvement on a plain blade known as a Brandish. It's the best flame sword I know that doesn't have the drawback of setting yourself ablaze. And it doesn't set the air ablaze unless used in a charged attack. Luckily, I have a suitable Blazebrand I can improve with this material.", he explained with a grin, already visualizing himself holding it all in his grasp as a ball of pure energy.

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"Thank you, Princess Luna," Noedig said politely, accepting the enchanted magnifying glass, "I'm not normally the disturber, just the disturbed one."

As Granseal explained his blueprint for a blade, Noedig considered accepting the use of it...

"I'll have a look at the blueprint, Granseal. I can only imagine it to be a very efficient tool as you said... meanwhile, I'm going to study some lore and legends."

Before Noedig became an old, ageless-seeming, walking myth, he was a very profound reader of many things.

He studied three languages: Alinnic, Huamars, and Trillinese. Which are exactly like Arabic, Hebrews, and Greek, but from a different part of the multi-verse.

After that, when he became enhanced, he traveled his world to study all sort of languages, he found the Ablis, or English, as his preferable language to speak, due to its common use and efficiency.

Right now, Noedig has been speeding through pages 8 pages a minute, learning and learning.

The Elements of Harmony, Discord, Nightmare Moon, Sombra, and many, many other things.

Fascinating as it was, Noedig was disappointed... none of these characters fit his attacker.

The attacker felt ancient, like he was known before in the realm of Equestria. Noedig somehow knew he had to be known before this time...

"Well, this world has quite a history." Noedig said to Granseal quietly, "Still can't find a clue about my attacker..."

He placed the book back in its shelf, and was about to face Granseal, but he was distracted by a stare from a unicorn, she was staring at him with her mouth gaping open.

She also wore some uniform, mainly gray, with a dark gold trim around the edges, which contained an owl badge...

It's one of the Night Owl Academy students Luna mentioned earlier....

"Don't mind me, young lady." He said to her calmly, "Worry about your studies... I'm here under your two princesses' allowance."

He showed her that Princess Luna is by his side a couple yards away.

Still a bit perturbed by the looks of him, she reluctantly went back to studying... finding books to read.

So, he looked back at Granseal,

"I'll have a look at your blueprint now, good man."

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