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The Adventures of Noedig and Ponies! [Shut Down for Inactivity!]


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"Thank you, Princess Luna," Noedig said politely, accepting the enchanted magnifying glass, "I'm not normally the disturber, just the disturbed one."

As Granseal explained his blueprint for a blade, Noedig considered accepting the use of it...

"I'll have a look at the blueprint, Granseal. I can only imagine it to be a very efficient tool as you said... meanwhile, I'm going to study some lore and legends."

Before Noedig became an old, ageless-seeming, walking myth, he was a very profound reader of many things.

He studied three languages: Alinnic, Huamars, and Trillinese. Which are exactly like Arabic, Hebrews, and Greek, but from a different part of the multi-verse.

After that, when he became enhanced, he traveled his world to study all sort of languages, he found the Ablis, or English, as his preferable language to speak, due to its common use and efficiency.

Right now, Noedig has been speeding through pages 8 pages a minute, learning and learning.

The Elements of Harmony, Discord, Nightmare Moon, Sombra, and many, many other things.

Fascinating as it was, Noedig was disappointed... none of these characters fit his attacker.

The attacker felt ancient, like he was known before in the realm of Equestria. Noedig somehow knew he had to be known before this time...

"Well, this world has quite a history." Noedig said to Granseal quietly, "Still can't find a clue about my attacker..."

He placed the book back in its shelf, and was about to face Granseal, but he was distracted by a stare from a unicorn, she was staring at him with her mouth gaping open.

She also wore some uniform, mainly gray, with a dark gold trim around the edges, which contained an owl badge...

It's one of the Night Owl Academy students Luna mentioned earlier....

"Don't mind me, young lady." He said to her calmly, "Worry about your studies... I'm here under your two princesses' allowance."

He showed her that Princess Luna is by his side a couple yards away.

Still a bit perturbed by the looks of him, she reluctantly went back to studying... finding books to read.

So, he looked back at Granseal,

"I'll have a look at your blueprint now, good man."

The flurry of texts soon slowed as she found the records she needed. Her eyes rested upon the Canterlot Census records as the other books soon fell back into their assigned positions. She cleared her throat and began to quickly flip through to the section labelled, "Craftsponies". Now she began to carefully read every page, heart pounding in anticipation. Although she was a princess, she still had fears for this noble line of ponies. They had been a hardworking smithy, and to discover that they had fallen into ruin would be heartbreaking for her. Her fears were soon dispelled as she came upon the Hammer Smithy entry. "Oh what fantastic luck! They are still around! It appears the current owner is descended from Silver Hammer himself! And he still does everything his forebears had done! Noedig! Granseal! Come hither!", she called out rather loudly, waking a few guards from a doze.

Hastily, the guards saluted her and then brought their pole-arms to bear in defense of their princess as they saw the humanoids nearby. Luna turned to them and whispered, "Stand down! They are guests!". The guards gave her a sheepish glance and stood down, ears flattening. Satisfied that there wouldn't be a skirmish in the library, she instead brought the book to a nearby table. She giggled as one of the Night Owls trotted away from them, having been shocked by Noedig's presence.

Granseal nodded to Noedig and said, "Sure thing, Noedig. Let me sketch it for you.". Grabbing a scroll and quill, he began to hastily sketch it from memory. Even as he was sketching, he heard a soft gasp from behind him and he grinned at Luna. "This is for Noedig, he had a rare ore he wished crafted into a tool for self defense. Frankly, this intrigued Luna to no end that this oddly dressed being possessed such skills as he began to color it in and made other notes on the parchment. He made a few more notes before showing it to Noedig. There was a few cross sections showing where the contacts would be and also how the attacks operated.


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Noedig nodded to Luna, Granseal and he followed Luna, passed the reasonably cautious guards, and arrived at the blacksmith. As they walked into the place, Granseal finished his sketch and revealed it. Noedig analyzes it, and he liked every bit of what he sees of it.

"That is a wonderful design..." He said admirably, "I'll want to work on the decor and its length, though. I'm more familiar with a longer blade and handle than a short one."

In the blacksmith, they were acquainted with some smith-workers and have told them of their plan.

They wanted to borrow a place to work on Noedig and Granseal's blade project.

The smith-workers were... interested in letting them work on their project, they wanted to see how two of these strange creatures work in a blacksmith.

As I may have mentioned before, Noedig loved to tinker. And the only way he learned how to tinker was to start off with a forge and hammer. As he improved, and technology advancing, his tinkering became more convenient and professionally greater each few decades.

He learned how to make good swords, then he learned how to make a good firearm, then he learned how to make cars, jets, and boats.

His latest, yet unfortunately ruined, project was a gun-blade(Page 1 of RP), a weapon designed to slash, stab, and shoot.

Noedig didn't want to bother making another one here for his own reasons...

Granseal and Noedig were about to begin, and a couple of smith-workers were watching these two... some were genuinely curious, some questioned their capability.

"Well then, Granseal..." Noedig said calmly and confidently, "Let's begin."

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As they approached the workstation, a tawny coated unicorn approached them. The smith workers all fell silent and fell back a step, lowering their gaze in respect of their master. Steel Hammer looked the two over, harrumphing as he laid the hammer down upon an anvil. He turned to see Luna and respectfully bowed, his aquamarine eyes staring up at her. "If these creatures are with you, Luna, they are free to use my forge as they wish.", he said softly out of respect to Luna. Luna had been a patron of their smithy since the early days, helping them stay in operation during those tumultuous times. With another bow, he quickly turned about and barked to his apprentices and journeymen, "Give them all that they need. Not that it appears they need much in the way of help, but observe them. I have a feeling they are quite skilled in the art of the forge.". All the smith workers nodded and gathered about them, the whole smithy falling silent for the first time in months.

Luna nodded and smiled, keen to observe their behavior. She had no idea how they worked with metals, but it couldn't be that much further off than what they did. "Very well, Steel Hammer. You have my word they won't destroy anything. If they show promise, maybe you'd like to work with them?", she offered out of mutual respect and in the interest of improving relations between these beings and the craftsponies that worked hard to provide for the realm. She looked out the window and wondered how the others were faring, she hoped that they weren't getting into mischief.

Granseal grabbed the hammer and grinned at the unicorn. "Thank you, master smith. We won't misuse it.", he said softly as he passed the hammer to Noedig. Reverently, he placed the Blazebrand on the anvil and closed his eyes. "This will be a wonderful display, Noedig.", he added as the Blazebrand seemed to liquefy into pure energy. His hands shined brilliantly as he dropped the materials into the ball of pure energy, including the ardentemite. A trio of alchemical orbs surrounded Granseal to channel his abilities into the current creation, smith workers gasping and backing away slowly from him. "Ngh, I'll leave it red hot for you, Noedig so you can shape it as you wish...", he groaned softly, the effort quite evident in is voice. After a few minutes of pure concentration and strain, the sword took shape and fell to the anvil as a red hot blade.

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"Will do, Granseal..." Noedig said, flipping the hammer 180 degrees in the air and caught its head with his pointing finger. He examines the hammer to check its integrity and size... he got familiar with it already and hold its handle upright.

Using a tong to hold the handle of the blade, he placed the hot blade down on an anvil and prepared to shape his blade.

He was looking for some adjustment areas, and found some already. He began to hammer down the blade once with a lick of strength, he realized this was tougher than the hardest metal ever made... He grinned.

He never got to work on such a piece, using his fullest strength would crack by a fat chance, but this looked like it would hardly be cracked by a split centimeter.

He slammed hard onto the blade, and it resonated so smoothly, creating a mildly high tone. He chuckled, he only used half of his strength, "I feel like Hephaestus, the God of Forging from our Trillinese mythology."

He continued to hammer the blade as it made the most pleasant sound any smith workers would hear, side by side, extending its length, and shaping the dual tips and posteriors.

For repeatedly he hammered, had it heated, and cycled it for a good amount of time.

He finished working, wiping his sweaty brows with his arms, and sighed.

He placed it in barrel of icy, cold water, letting all the steaming rise up from the barrel.

After it cooled off in a moment, he placed the blade on the workbench that was 3 yards from the furnace, and sat down on a chair.

"That was productively enjoyable," He said, fixing his gloves straight. One of the workers gave him a towel, he accepted it with sincere gratitude, "Thank you, sir."

He had his little break and and began to work on its decor and... fabrics for the handle. As he worked on it, he was explaining to Luna about his preferable choice of materials.

"Don't take this personally with distraught, but we would usually use leather for a handle of any sort of tool." He then said carefully, "We're omnivores, see. So, we strive to forage vegetables and hunt meat to survive. Some humans actually prefer to just eat as vegetarians. And we can't eat only meat for life either, its unhealthy for our heart."

He chuckled again, working on the handle with the strongly firm yet soft fabric, "I hope that bit of information about us assures you." He turned his head to her and said, "I like meat... but it doesn't mean I want to eat your kind."

He turned his head back straight and finishes off the handle and went to get a chisel.

He held a chisel on the right flat side of the dual blade, and began to chisel down a letter N & G in his own calligraphy. "Proof of your alchemy and my smith work..."

He took the blade up carefully and weighed it.... normally he holds things that feel light when they're actually heavy, but this was just slightly twice heavier than a two-handed great sword. Which felt comfortable in his grip.

The long handle helps him wield it as a two handed, he's familiar with two handed handles. Helps him slide out the handle to the butt in extension if one handed, and extra pounding for two handed.

He gives the sword to Granseal to try out, "It's finished. Careful, it might be heavier than you think."

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Ether nodded to Pyro as he sheathed his sword and looked back at Lyra. "Well, let's get going."

With that, the two of them followed behind Pyro into the castle, but before Ether entered, he finally looked back and up at Frost. "You may join us if you wish. I have no problem with that." He told her, then turned his head back around and walked into the castle, catching up with the others.


As Velvet and Star left the room in search for either Princess Celestia or Princess Luna, Hector put on the final touches on Jackal, letting him finally move his legs and walk.

Hector and the metallic pony left the room shortly after and soon caught up with the other two. Star Gazer looked back has he heard extra hoofsteps and footsteps, flinching slightly when he saw the metal pony.

He wanted to warn Hector about letting that... thing walk around freely, but if he did that, wouldn't he be hiding a secret from everyone?

Of course everypony had their secrets, but this one would be vital and needed to be known about. Was this the right way though?

"So... Velvet, what kind of books did you bring anyways?" He curiously asked her, trying to get his mind off of Jackal.


As Ether continued to walk with the others, something began gnawing at the back of his mind.

Something was on the other side of the hallway, just were the four pathways connected; and it was something he wasn't familiar with.

He narrowed his eyes slightly as he walked ahead of the group in a quicken pace.

"Ether, what is it?" Lyra asked, taking notice to the change in his action; alarm slightly raising in herself as well.

Ether stopped right at the corner, but didn't let any part of himself go past it as he waited for the presence reveal itself.

As shadows moved across the ground, being the shape of two ponies, Ether loosened up a bit and sighed softly. 'Perhaps... what I saw is really getting to me.' He thought to himself as the two figures finally came across to his view, but now his eyes widened.

"Star Gazer?" He said in slight surprise.

As Star and the other continued to walk, he was looking at Velvet, awaiting for an answer about the books.

When he heard his name however, he quickly looked over his other shoulder and his eyes widened as well. "Ether?"

He was genuinely surprised, but soon a big smile appeared on his face. "Hey, welcome back! When did you get here?"

Ether continued to look at Star, then a small grin came across his face as well. "Yes, it is good to see you again as well, my friend. I have found myself here again in search of one of the princesses." He explained himself.

Star rubbed the back of his neck as he slightly chuckled. "So are we! Perhaps with more eyes we'll..."

His voice trailed off as he noticed that Ether was no longer looking at him, but high above him.

That could only of meant one thing. Star quickly looked behind himself and saw that Hector was now standing behind him.

"Oh... um, Ether; This is Hector the human." Star introduced to the now dazed looking black and green earthpony.


"That is an exquisite piece of equipment you two made. Very fine, and pleasing to look at as well." A dark blue coated unicorn mare spoke up as she stepped forward from the group of other workers.

"It is a honor to be in the presence of two great blacksmiths as yourselves." She contiuned to prase them as she looked at the sword.

Not long after, she blinked and sightly giggled in embarrassement. "How rude of me, I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Merce Mayfield." She said in a soft voice as she bowed her head in respect to them.

The fact that they were very much different from her and any pony else didn't seem to bother her or deter her from speaking to them; but mostly because they were with Princess Luna. She had full trust in them.

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No idea..... but She shivered. They made my horn act up..... It was freezing cold.... I felt frost go up my body and it hurt really bad....The thought of it made her teeth chatter, she seemed terrified. That voice..... the freezing.... cold...... voice.... She shook her head. I should forget about it..... it's just a hallucination from walking so far...

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((Uh-oh, NightlyMoon's in trouble :o))

"Greetings, Merce Mayfiled," Noedig raised his hand in a gesture of greeting, "I am Noedig, and I thank you for your compliment of us."

He looked around for some water, and found a refreshment on a table of water drinks, he approached it and took one. He drank some and put it down.

"Star Gazer told me a little about you," He said to Merce Mayfield, facing her calmly and smiled a little, "He has something for you to make that I gave to him as a gift, I would expect him here soon sometime now that I know you work here."

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Frost had sat ontop of the wall for a while, she listened in om Pyro as he gave his explaination on humans and how they acted. It eas of no concern to her anymore. In all reality she had some time to think to herself about how poorly she had treated the newcomers and had come to the conclusion that maybe she shouldnt have been so harsh on them. She sat awaiting a chance to appologise to the fire Unicorn but never got the grit to even teleport down and acctually mouth the words to him.

Stubborn and selfish of her own pride she watched the group enter the castle, not even giving so much as a nod to the offer for her to follow if she so wished. She only gave a sigh and sat on her plot on the cold stone.

The flapping of wings behind her caused her gaze to swivel back. Cloudsky and Dustwind had come back to land behind her with their wings flittering in the wind. "There you are Frost! I knew i sensed your magical signature anywhere!" Dust chirped and came close, "You fixed the crossbow!" she said with exitement and nuzzled her older sister.

Frost gave a sigh and smiled to her. "Yea i did, didnt think it was right what i did to you, nopony deserves something like that." she said softly.

Cloud tilted his head. "Shouldnt we get back to the humans? Noedig? Hector? the robot dude thing?" he said alloud.

Frost looked to him. "Oh i dont think that we are needed to be honest. They are on their own adventure right now, we are just watchers from the sidelines. i think its best to just stay away for the time being and await and see if they even need help. I doubt it however as they seem to be making a blade of sorts. It makes my head pound at the ability it has against magics, Cant you feel the magai disturbance at all?" she asked looking to them and frowning. "Oh right...you dont have horns..." she said softly.

Cloudsky sighed, "Well i guess if they didnt need us i feel a tad bit useless..." he said softly.

Dustwind giggled, "Cloud you helped noedig alot! When Applejack and Bigmac gawked at them you at least had the grit to try and speak to him! If anything you have courage!" She said with a smile.

"Yea i guess so...but i feel like i could be helping them. I doubt that they need a run off the mill pegasus like me....I can control the weather with ease but cant seem to find any other way to be usefull besides that." he said shuffling his hooves. "Anyways its been fun...Im going to take a nap on one of these clouds up above...if they need me for...i dont know, holding a candle i guess ill be around." He said in defeat and took off to the clouds above.

Dust looked to Frost who was watching over the courtyard still. "What are you thinking sis?" she asked.

"Im thinking that im too cruel sometimes....I should be nicer...let the past lay...besides...they were only our parents you know? There are tons of ponies out there like them." She sighed.

Dust shrank back a bit. "Why the dark thoughts! They were our only parents! How can there be others like them out there!?" She squeaked nuzzling her and trying to provide comfort.

"I Dont know....i honestly think that everypony is kind...caring...strong....But your right. Nopony is like them i suppose...and now they will never come back." Frost said softly. "The world is changing so rapidly, new things everyday. We cant hope to change it but go along with it." she said softly.

"So your going to just let it all go?"

"Yes i am..."

Dust blinked and sighed. "Im glad your accepting it all Frost. I think its more healthy for you." She chirped.

Frost smiled to dust and nuzzled her. "Only because you have been so gentle with me Sister." She said softly. She stood, "Im going to Shoot some targets.....Let me know if you need anything." She said softly before jumping off the wall and tumbling to the ground. In a flash of light, she was upright and landed softly. She drew her crossbow and made her way to the firing range.

Dust watched her go and curled her tail around her hooves. She sighed and closed her eyes for a while, Frost was right, if they needed them they would come, However it was unlikely the humans would need regular ponies with their incredible talents and skills. If anything they were cannon fodder. She pushed that thought out of her head and sighed. Only time would tell...if they were not needed they would most likely return to their homes...and normal lives.

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Noedig sneezed out of nowhere.

I think someone's talking about me..., He thought to himself.

But then, Noedig was just thinking about something he knew he sensed for his whole life...


Not in apparel, but he himself as an individual... His power and self-sufficiency in life... he never needed other people to help him... why did he let them help him? Why be the one to ask?

He used to think that he'd rather be asked than to ask... until it hit him a long time ago that that was not the right thing to live by.

There is nothing wrong with asking for help, because it doesn't make you weaker. It doesn't make you stronger, nor does being strong about it matter.

He is feeling that some ponies he has met are not anywhere close to being as... helpful.

I know what I feel is accurately sound, they are feeling as if they're useless to me.

But they're not... if anything, they could be my friends.

Friends don't use each other for their own gain, they help each other for the bond between each other...

They shouldn't think that just because they do or don't have something so great within them makes them out of their or my league... for we have no league.

I join friends, I leave friends, I will live among friends, and I will die having friends.

That's a couple of my principles I should tell them someday... if they still bother to think it.

You can't live by yourself without friends, otherwise you can't live with yourself. You'll go madly void of meaning in the end.

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Luna watched in awe, her magical senses going crazy with the output the android was capable of producing. Twilight may be hard pressed to surpass his powers when it came to alchemy, or so it seemed. She rang the smithy's bell, signaling the master to return to see the rapidly finishing product. "How amazing that metal wearing one is, and Noedig is a true master in his own right. Still, that blade is quite terrifying... If they were to turn against us...", she muttered to herself, slightly unnerved by the realization that the Princesses' combined might could be rendered powerless by this blade. As Noedig explained about leather being used, she replied softly, "I understand. We use animal hide sparingly here...".

Then one of the students came forward to compliment the pair on the blade and also paid homage to her as well. She nodded and smiled softly at the mare, turning to look outside again. "I appreciate the compliment and I'm sure they are pleased to hear your praise.", she said almost as an afterthought, still thinking about that blade.

Granseal nodded to Noedig, chuckling softly. There wasn't a blade made that he couldn't wield. He'd used such monstrous blades before. They tended to swing slowly, so he'd usually compensate with the hide of a Vog cub to improve his attacking speed. He hefted the two handed blade with one gloved hand, grinning at Noedig. "I've used a blade like this before, except it tended to freeze enemies in place!", he said as he carefully put it back down. There wasn't enough room here to properly try out this sword. He paid the newly arrived mare no heed as Steel Hammer reemerged from his private workshop.

"What is it now?! Oh! Luna above! An incredible piece of workmanship, a bit unwieldy for us but I suppose for somepony like you it's just fine. Never in all my days of smithing have I seen such a blade.", he said loudly, turning to the mare that had come forward. "Miss Mayfield, get these ponies and our Princess a proper drink. A celebration is in order. A true masterwork piece deserves a proper tribute!", he added, laughing to himself. It had been far too long since a truly wondrous piece of metal work had been made here. There hasn't been much time to make something of this caliber in his own workshop with all these apprentices around him.

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Noedig shook his head about the drink,

"Now that this tool is complete, I'm going to the library, I need to find some clues..." Noedig said.

But, then he realized quickly that he's not really fit for reading with all the smeared ash and sweat on him.

"Right after I get a bath... somewhere." He looked at Princess Luna, "Where may I find a bathroom, your Highness?"

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Merce nodded to Steel's request, but then quickly looked over at Noedig as she said he was going to leave for the library.

Are you sure there's nothing you want before you leave? We have more than just water." She asked him in a concerned voice, then continued. "We even have some cider from what the Apple family harvested earlier today." She offered with a smile.


Star's ears perked slightly as Velvet explained about the books she retrieved for the princesses.

"Cold voices? Do you-- do you know who the voices belong to?" He asked her, then went deep into his thoughts.

'I hope that it's just tied in with the books and not some type of message or warning.'

Just then, his eyes jumped back over to Hector as he saw him take out what seemed to be a metal scroll from his sack. 'That sack seems to hold much more than it should.' Star thought.

Hector held the ends of the metal scroll with both hands, then with one motion, pulled the ends away from each other, revealing a very thin and see-through sheet.

Lyra tilted her head in curiosity. "What is that?" She asked out loud.

Hector looked up at her for a moment, giving a smile, then looked back down. "It's a map." He responded.

Now Star was curious about this 'map'. He moved around to behind Hector to get a better look, but to no avail, he saw nothing on the sheet. "A map? To what? I don't see anything on it."

"Whatever I want. It takes the information from my mind about any location and displays it on this sheet. Thing is, only the one who is touching can see the actual map. To bad too, it's quite an amazing display." Hector explained, then continued.

"Right now it's showing me the different buildings I've seen in this town so far... I see one huge building that's pretty distant from the other actual houses. This one looks to be a shop of some kind... it had two swords hanging from it's sign--"

"The Craftsponies!" Star said with surprise and excitement. "That's where Merce works at night!"

Hector grinned and pushed the ends back together before placing the scroll away in the sack. "Then that's where we are going to."

"And why would that be?" Ether finally interjected.

"Because one of the two humans are definitely there." Hector answered back as he turned away from the others and started walking towards the throne room, or where he thought the throne room was.

Star was now confused and curious. "How do you know?" He asked, but before he got an answer, Ether and Lyra walked past him, as well as the metal pony. "W-you guys are just going to go?" He said in surprise.

"What isn't gained is lost, and I would like to see these other 'humans'." Ether answered back.

Star sighed softly, then looked back at Velvet. "I guess we have to go too; at least we'll end up at the throne room. If we don't find them there, at least we can drop the books off there." He said to her, then looked at Pyro. "Are you coming with us as well?" He asked him.

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Frost held up her crossbow with her magic and took a shot, the telltale sound of the weapon going off echoed in the training ground below.

Dust sat upon the wall watching the sun as it continued to sink into the horizon (Assuming that celestia was in bed already and had let night take its course now.) She blinked softly as the wind picked up a bit and sighed. This world was changing so quickly that she had to admit, she was slightly afraid. The thwang of the crossbow echoed again as another shot rang out. She closed her eyes and yawned. Pretty soon they would head home and go to their normal lives, Perhaps it was for the best as the humans were under Princess Control now. She decided to lay down and curl up as to not teeter and fall off. She lowered her head and closed her eyes, waiting for her sister to tell them it was time to go.

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Noedig looked at Merce as she asked about some apple cider...

"I don't see the harm in drinking some, and I don't see why I have to go to the library immediately... it's not like it's going anywhere."

He then shrugged and said, "Sure, why not? I'll have some, please."

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No.... it seemed to be many... many voices talking in unison... but I got jumped on the way here and the ponies who jumped me wanted the books and then I ran into some monsters too....... and another weird thing...... she said softly as she pulled down her scarf a bit to show a metal collar with a strange crystal attached to it. this thing.... it appeared on the way and it just won't come off... no matter what spell I use... She looked at him with fear deep in her eyes and said. It's scary... She seemed a little uncomfortable about it..... she seemed to hate the thought of whatever Hector was talking about as well..... she was disturbed even... she was only a baker but this could turn into something she hadn't signed up for.

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Pyro walked into the castle with Ether and Lyra, casting a final glance back at Frost as he walked in. He understood why Frost had been the way she was when they had met. Even though her feelings were misdirected towards him, he sympathized with her there. He hadn't even known her parents, but the news of what had happened to them angered him greatly.

They walked along, eventually coming across Hector, Star, and two newcomers. Pyro's gaze froze on the metal pony that was with them. What was that? He kept staring at it as he listened to the others speak. Eventually, the group seemed to decide to go to the craftsponies in order to find another of the humans.

He sighed slightly as the metal pony as well as Ether and Lyra walked towards the destination. He looked over at Star as the Pegasus questioned if he was coming. He supposed he might as well. Or maybe he could go back to the training fields... No, he had already worked off his anger over what happened to Frost's parents.

"Yeah, I'll come." Pyro said, following after the group. What had happened to that unicorn mare though, with that thing appearing around her neck and hearing those voices, that worried him. He looked over at her and tried to give her reassurance.

"I'll do whatever I can to help you miss." Pyro said to her, smiling slightly.

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She smiled back. Thank you sir...... She looked deep in thought about something, turning to Hector she looked at him and said. I have a friend.... who was once human but as she came into this dimension, she turned into a pony...... she was a time traveler but has retired from that name and has a family now...... She gave her Time machine, T.D.W.M, to me though..... in case of an emergency..... maybe I could get a hold of her for you and she may know other humans...... who knows?.... maybe there's more to this quest than you see.

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((What! Seems like we weren't the first humans to come into this dimension! Cool.

But, now we have a Tardis in this RP... :???:

I hate to complain, but I don't like the idea of using such an overpowered spaceship.

It slaps hard work in its face, flips it with a middle finger, and laughs hysterically as it runs ahead of it by a million miles for thinking of getting back home. :(

I don't mind a time machine, just don't have the Tardis in here, please! I wanna keep it original, aside from being in MLP's world.))

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((I think you need to revisit that post of hers, Noedig. If read correctly, she merely states that the female doctor is in this dimension and is now a pony. The Tardis should still be with the now current doctor; not in this universe even. Anyways, just pointing that out; I'll post when I wake up.))

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Nightly is a doctor!! but I will edit my post, besides! he's T.D.W.M.... not tardis...... and btw..... EXTERMINATE!! EXTERMINATE!!!!! and I understand why you would not allow such a device.... as Nightly is my character and I have updated her to be very... unoriginal! :smirk: ))

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Hector abruptly stopped in his tracks when Velvet spoke of another human who had came to this world as well, but the statement that she turned into a pony was what really got his attention. "She turned into a pony? How is that even possible? Furthermore, what kind of 'doctor' is she?" He asked the mare with a raised eyebrow. Did this world have some kind of effect where it turned no-pony or otherwise native creature into one of them, or did this human become one of them by some means of magic or illusion to try and blend in. If it was the latter, then it didn't work if this mare knew of her--

"Oh yeah, her! I remember when she first came here... or... if that was her first time being here... I never really could understand her." Star Gazer said as he rubbed the back of his neck some.

'So, others know of this mysterious doctor lady as well? Then where was she when we arrived...' Hector thought to himself as he turned his head and saw Ether looking right back at him. "What?" He said to the black and green young stallion with a slight raised eyebrow. Ether just shook his head softly, waiting for everyone else.


Merce smiled brightly as she nodded and rushed off, going to the back room where all the drinks were at. It didn't take her longer, using her magic to move many objects around at once, and then once done holding them in the air above her. She walked back out with drinks for everyone, even Luna. "Here we go! I hope you enjoy them." She said in a sweet tone as she levitated all the drinks to the correct person; hard cider for Noe, Granseal, and Steel Hammer, and soft, sweet tea for Luna. She remembered that alcohol and Luna didn't mix all too well. She too had her own cup, but just regular cider. "Tell me, how long have you two worked with metal in this manner? It seems you two know your ways around a hammer quiet well." She asked both the humans before taking a drink.

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He thanked her for the drink before he replied,

"Nearly all my life," He responded to her, "Which would be about.... 1,538 years."

He finished his drink and set it down on the nearest table,

"I'm not like most of mankind that can naturally live up to a close century. I'm genetically alternated with enhancements of longevity, strength, memory, and agility..."

He looks at the group that were together, "It's not easy living longer than your dearest friends can, nor is it easy to be so different like an outcast...

"However, that's how I managed to keep living... having no friends, being a myth in history and now."

"But what's the point of living without friends and making a good purpose? I've changed my mind about going solo 20 years ago, yet I still haven't found any friends to acquaint."

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