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Hello, everyone.


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About Myself: I like to write, read, roleplay, and talk about characters. Not much else to say, without rambling.

How I found Canterlot.com: I wished to find a better roleplay community, and simply searched 'Pony Roleplay Forum' out of curiosity, and this website was the first thing to show up.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Just over a year ago, I roamed Memebase regularly, although I generally avoid it nowadays. I was curious about the 'My Little Brony' section, and looked through a few pages. Expecting some sort of joke, I reasearched it, and found the first episode on Youtube. Watching it, I liked it, and decided to watch another. Then another. To put it simply, I loved it, and watched every episode over the weekend, and I've been a fan ever since.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash,Pinkamina Diane Pie
I don't often do this, so I'm unsure what exactly to say.

Aside from hello, I guess a summary of me.

I'm just some guy, a fan of My Little Pony, with a passion for roleplay that has been dying in recent months. I wish to reignite my love of it, and get back into proper roleplaying, and out of simple, repetitive replies.

My favourite author is Terry Pratchett, and he has inspired several of my characters, as well parts of my humour. I wish to write a novel one day, but I need the proper motivation and ideas.

I tend to go slightly over the top with my characters, so I've decided to give them a severe watering down to make them more suitable, and less... Strange. I simply hope I don't come on too strong.

Anyway, I've rambled on far too long, time for me to wrap this up. I'm Sky, and I look forward to my time here.

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I hope I enjoy my stay, too.

And, I hope for plenty of RP opportunities as soon as my application is looked at, and hopefully approved.

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Don't worry, you will. I'm looking forward to challenging myself again; Months of roleplaying through Facebook have left me rather rusty. I plan to do my best, of course.

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Hah, I can't wait to actually start RPing here, I'm getting more excited the more I think about it :razz:

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