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Shortest RP you have ever had?


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I have had some short roleplays in my roleplayin' times. But the shortest one, trust me, is to short for it's own good.

So I was on a roleplaying site and so this person reqeusted to roleplay with me. I only had a few minutes, about 20, so I started a timer. After about 3 or 4 replys in the roleplay, it wasn't even 3 minutes yet and hes all ' Oh hey dude ( I am a girl! ) I gotta go its been a really long time talk to you later.' And she never talked to me again on the roleplay site :-/

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The shortest I've had is one page. It can get annoying if it keeps going on. If you want it to continue, just like..... add some drama or things to it. Start something that's interesting.

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Shortest? One post.

Ok, that's not really an RP, it's either a thread nobody replied to or that I posted as a sort of 'background' to a larger RP I was working on (I think only 1 member of this site knows what I'm talking about)

Otherwise shortest was 2 posts, that's happened many times... shortest *completed* RP I've had was 2 pages, had a few of those...

And just for the sake of argument, the longest I've had has been around 480 pages, split into two threads.

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Shortest RP I had? This was on another forum. There were two users who were well known for destroying an RP completely, or mary sue'in the mess out of things that the story becomes about them. God moddin, one liners and all sorts of stuff. Soo...

after Joining an RP... it wasn't even one round, it was the moment everyone saw this one person respond with a five word sentence when everyone else was actually posting in paragraphs, that everyone had quickly aborted the RP. Even the DM. And I don't mean they kept posting. I mean, we literally jumped ship, when the torpedo was an hour away. And yet... you have those same two people RPin together... and running the thing on their own....

The longest Forum RP I have been in, and the one I loved the most out of all RPs...

Actually was a series. It had two parts to it. Yep... the first and the second. The first one is 532 pages, and then the final one that went unfinished, 139 pages. Science Fiction, sort of inspired on Lovecraft. My character was a scientist that started to veer into insanity at the end of the first, and was sailing deeper into it after being launched into the future by several thousand years, and being the soul cause of most of the universe's destruction of civilization after failing his ultimate task with his own morals and thoughts of survival. Some civilization existed, but it got reversed into tribal times. And There literally is no technology. Kept for what my character had on him. Didn't help he had a commander being his only company, who's also keeping him in check, and forcing him to try and correct his mistake. The DM laughed, and told me that he accidentally made me into Gordon Freeman. I was just rolling as a Computer Engineer/Physicist in that one... no one overly special when compared to a soldier who was an offspring of one of the demigods, and a demigod who the antagonist.

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Exactly one post

Wrote a lovely intro, very detailed, very well done

They replied with "-Walks in-"

Noped right outa there

I know that feeling. Now, I don't mind helping beginners get their feet wet in the RPing game, but unless it's something requiring short and fast-paced replies like a chat RP, I expect a couple of sentences at the least. Gimme something to help you build on. :x

Rants aside, the shortest RP I've ever had... probably a ten minute chat RP that was, surprisingly quite fulfilling. You know you're with someone good when they can turn a ten-minute chat roleplay done in the minutes before school into good and believable character development, while still being fun.

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