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Greetings, fillies and gentlecolts!


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About Myself: Very affectionate, loves to cuddle

Taken by a certain little marefeesh who makes lovely pony customs

I live in a backwater little town on the edge of a lake in New York, in an apartment with no wifi, so I have to hoof it on down to the local McD's to mooch off of theirs

I like to eat, read, sleep, write and listen to all kinds of music

Princess Luna is best Pony, second only to my Feesh

How I found Canterlot.com: Searching for MLP Forums

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I was in college and had nothing else to watch.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Rainbow Dash
What do I do for a living?

Unfortunately, I am jobless, been trying to get a job for....about 4 years now and so far nothing's popped up.

I fancy myself a writer, although I cannot hold a coherent plotline to save my life

You can see my writing either at FiMFiction, FanFiction or DeviantArt




I enjoy listening to music, mostly instrumentals

When it comes to art, I usually prefer using games like Garry's Mod to make pictures, or else I'll use vectors to create something

I'm always open to constructive criticism of my writing

If there is anything else you want to know, ask and I'll try my best to answer

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