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Hello bronies and pegasisters and (heck) everypony else


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About Myself: I'm Foxfire, or David. I'm from the north east of England.I'm old enough to really know better and i was looking for another active MLP roleplaying site.

How I found Canterlot.com: I looked up 'my little pony rpg forum' on Google's search engine and this site came up second. Voila.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I do a lot of online roleplaying and on occasion I will join a group based on a show that I don't watch (since some of my favourite games have been ones I had been invited onto where I had little or no interest in the property it's based on). I decided to join a MLP based game about three months ago, found it to be interesting, then decided to watch a couple of episodes. The first episodes I watched were Luna Eclipsed and Return of Harmony 1 & 2 I've been hooked ever since.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash
A few facts about me:

1) It took me a fortnight to realise that RD was not the token dude on the team. Curse you Rainbow Dash and your unfeminine sounding voice). I should also point out that I watched Equestria Giirls in that time (and there's two hours of my life I won't get back) and didn't notice the clues.

2) My favourite episodes are (in order), Sleepless in Ponyville (the end of that episode hit me like a hammer emotionally the first time I watched it), Luna Eclipsed (for no other reason than it's hilarious, and Pinkie lays an egg) and Applebuck Season (I like those few episodes where Applejack isn't the level-headed pony, plus the scene with the trophy).

3) My main standing rules used to be that I don't watch cartoons for young girls at my age and I don't do fan fiction. Both of those rules were shot to heck by MLP.

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I used to think that Rainbow Dash was just a rampant egomaniac with no redeeming features.

I've now (after watching more episodes) realized that she is a caring pony with strong morals.

But still a rampant egomaniac.

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