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Canvas looked at Dr. Strange Glove. " We should be going you guys. That bunnies not gonna be out forever. Your both welcome to join us if you would like." Canvas said and started packing up camp.

(( By the way for anyone who i havent asked. If your ponies could be any of the elements what would they be? Spirit and Allegiance are already taken))

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Canvas finished packing up the camp and got everyone ready before setting off again. Her body felt strained and slow and she felt like she was gonna pass out but decided to do it later when her friends were safe. They walked well into the afternoon, Canvas making small chat with everyone as they walked.

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Well perhaps that the new members could try to tell their story while they'd be traveling around. In any case, they seemed to be very welcomed in the group. As for the Flower Fillies, they would resume the walk with Canvas and the others. The fairy didn't have to worry about the rabbit, as she knew it would recover.

Seria kept her eyes on Canvas most of the time while following behind her. She looked slightly worried as she remembered what she had been told back there. Her fixation on Canvas at the moment surely caught the attention of her two other friends, both following by her side.

Violet: Something wrong, Seria?

The voice of the young unicorn dragged Seria out of her thoughts and this one would instantly give her friend a look.

Seria: No... well... No, nothing is wrong.

She'd say as she'd turn her sight back on Canvas again.

Seria: She... simply looks tired is what I think.

Glady: Because we don't?... We've been up all night and walking all day again. S'not like we can keep up like this forever. I'd like some sleep...

The earth mare had a point on this one. She looked rather tired and annoyed. Yet even though Seria's obvious statement was a bad lie, it didn't seem to get through Glady's head anyway, thanks to her tiredness. But this would still give the fairy one idea.

Seria: Canvas!

She'd call as she'd stop in her track.

Seria: Can I suggest that we take a rest? I believe we all would need to recover from last night and... we all haven't been able to sleep in the end because of the attack. It would do us some good to rest up a little.

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The shadow kind of creeped out Hawkeye for a moment. Was it a robot pony? Or a zombie pony? Or...oh wait, it was a pony in a wheelchair. Wait, but what was someone like that doing out here? But the others were wondering the same thing, so they asked him before the griffin could get the chance. Hawk simply introduced himself to the pony. Strange Glove...what a weird name...

The group had decided to pack up camp and get going to... wherever they were going. Hawk hadn't figured that out yet. He agreed to go with the group. But he'd ask about their travels later. He noticed that most of the ponies looked tired. No wonder, they stayed up all night. Hawk had stayed mostly quiet lately, which was odd for him. He'd talk after the others get some rest, he thought. Seria was right, they needed the rest.

((About the elements... darn it, loyalty is taken...alrighty, I guess I'll go with trust/honesty then XD))

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((Ah, I forgot to tell which element I'd pick... Well, I've got one question, though. I have three characters. Do they each have one element or do they have an element as a group?))

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((I'm sorry! But I'm back! One post for the night, so I'll make it a longish one!))

"I'm Lightning Star," he said, "and was anything strange or unusual happening before you came here, and if not, would there be a logical explanation for your coming?"

"Quite frankly, Lightning, I hafe no idea. Zere I vas, in my Kanterlot houze, then, the next, I vas here, in zis forest. Zee only vay I zee this being possible, iz some sort of rift," Strange Glove replied, clearly confused.

Canvas looked at Dr. Strange Glove. " We should be going you guys. That bunnies not gonna be out forever. Your both welcome to join us if you would like." Canvas said and started packing up camp.

(( By the way for anyone who i havent asked. If your ponies could be any of the elements what would they be? Spirit and Allegiance are already taken))

"I konkur!" exclaimed Strange Love, wheeling next to Canvas.

" I concur, we need to get going," Lightning Star said

Canvas finished packing up the camp and got everyone ready before setting off again. Her body felt strained and slow and she felt like she was gonna pass out but decided to do it later when her friends were safe. They walked well into the afternoon, Canvas making small chat with everyone as they walked.

"are you OK, Canvas. you look tired," Lightning star said, "you sure you don't want to stop here, and, you know, take a breather?"

Well perhaps that the new members could try to tell their story while they'd be traveling around. In any case, they seemed to be very welcomed in the group. As for the Flower Fillies, they would resume the walk with Canvas and the others. The fairy didn't have to worry about the rabbit, as she knew it would recover.

Seria kept her eyes on Canvas most of the time while following behind her. She looked slightly worried as she remembered what she had been told back there. Her fixation on Canvas at the moment surely caught the attention of her two other friends, both following by her side.

Violet: Something wrong, Seria?

The voice of the young unicorn dragged Seria out of her thoughts and this one would instantly give her friend a look.

Seria: No... well... No, nothing is wrong.

She'd say as she'd turn her sight back on Canvas again.

Seria: She... simply looks tired is what I think.

Glady: Because we don't?... We've been up all night and walking all day again. S'not like we can keep up like this forever. I'd like some sleep...

The earth mare had a point on this one. She looked rather tired and annoyed. Yet even though Seria's obvious statement was a bad lie, it didn't seem to get through Glady's head anyway, thanks to her tiredness. But this would still give the fairy one idea.

Seria: Canvas!

She'd call as she'd stop in her track.

Seria: Can I suggest that we take a rest? I believe we all would need to recover from last night and... we all haven't been able to sleep in the end because of the attack. It would do us some good to rest up a little.

The shadow kind of creeped out Hawkeye for a moment. Was it a robot pony? Or a zombie pony? Or...oh wait, it was a pony in a wheelchair. Wait, but what was someone like that doing out here? But the others were wondering the same thing, so they asked him before the griffin could get the chance. Hawk simply introduced himself to the pony. Strange Glove...what a weird name...

The group had decided to pack up camp and get going to... wherever they were going. Hawk hadn't figured that out yet. He agreed to go with the group. But he'd ask about their travels later. He noticed that most of the ponies looked tired. No wonder, they stayed up all night. Hawk had stayed mostly quiet lately, which was odd for him. He'd talk after the others get some rest, he thought. Seria was right, they needed the rest.

((About the elements... darn it, loyalty is taken...alrighty, I guess I'll go with trust/honesty then XD))

"I agree vith Sienna here. Vee should get some rest," Strange Glove said, sounding a little tired.

((Okay, this isn't THAT long... but I'm tired, honestly. I'll probably make a longer one later! Regarding elements... I HAVE no idea, honestly!)

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Canvas looked over at her friends and nodded. "alright." she said "lets rest here." and with that she promptly sat down and passed out.

(( Franshpout all of your girls need their own individual element so far all thats left is charity, happiness, love and i think i may have miscounted someone may go without an element))

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((Alright then. Violet clearly has happiness, Glady will have Charity and Seria Love.))

They meant to rest, but resting in the middle of the road like this was maybe not the best idea. The three girls rushed over to Canvas as soon as she passed out. Glady would be the one to hold her for the moment while Seria would examine her to see if there wasn't anything else wrong, but she'd quickly come to the conclusion that it was tiredness. She'd take a look around them. On the road there weren't many trees around, but if they were to go offroad then they could get something not so bad. The only problem was that if they stranded outside of the path they were walking, then wild creatures could attack them, assuming that most would live near trees. She thought for a moment... would anyone here be able to stay up to keep guard? Anyway... even if there were, they'd need their rest. They couldn't risk being attacked again or they'd never sleep.

Seria: She's fine... but we need a safe place to rest at. If we are attacked again we'll have to move and we won't be rested. Who-...

The fairy would suddenly be interrupted by a long yawn showing obvious signs of tiredness as well.

Seria: Who here is not too tired? We'll still need someone to keep watch...

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Hawk sighed and and sat down, leaning up against a tree. The griffon decided to make himself comfortable, putting his bow down and taking his quiver off his back. But he wasn't really tired. He looked up at the sky. It was too bright to fall asleep.

He shrugged. "I'll stay up too," he said after a moment. "I'm not that tired anyways."

((XD shortish post... I feel lazy at the moment))

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Canvas was standing in a black void that went on forever around her. There were sparkles and blue mist. "Where am I?" she asked and watched as her words turned into a purple/pink mist as they came out. "What is this place?" she walked around a bit but didnt seem to go anywhere. She lit up her horn and was blinded by a white flash. When her eyes adjusted she was standing in the princesses old castle. She was in a dungeon of some sort. When she walked around around she found that it was empty. She was confused. Why was she here? Then she heard a soft voice behind her "Canvas. You must help us." Canvas jumped around to face Luna her horn glowing, her ears laid against her head and her mouth pulled back in a snarl. " Canvas please. Listen to me. You must help me and Celestia." "Why should I help you? After all you've done to me!" "Canvas that was not me! That was Sphinx, an evil spirit who took control of my body. Celestia tryed helping me but Tyra took hold off her. Please take this and help us." Luna said holding out a purple stone with engravings on it. "The spirit element" Canvas whispered under her breath. Canvas picked up the stone and it began to glow. It lifted into the air shot at her. It met her neck and painfully melted against her skin. It slowly moved its way to her flank and absorbed into her cutie mark. " Sphinx is waking up. Be careful, Canvas." Luna said. Canvas cried out as darkness overtook her.

Canvas woke up with a start. She was in a cold sweat and terror racked through her body. She looked up to the sky to see the sun setting. She must have been out for a while. Her flank was killing her and she wondered if she had slept on a rock. She looked back at it and froze. HER CUTIEMARK!! Her cutiemark was still a rainbow colored paint splatter but there was purple surrounding it now. And small faint symbols could barely be seen on the corners of the purple. Both the purple and the symbols were very faint and could barely be seen but if you looked at it closely you would be able to see it. 'What have I gotten myself into.' she thought.

(( The evil people are made up. And if you want your cutiemarks to change also then you can describe it. I wont tell yu how it should look just do what you want with it. And it doesnt have to change if you dont want it to.))

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Hawk was staring up at the sky, daydreaming. He smiled a little as he started to make pictures out of the clouds in the sky. The griffin was staring at a dragon shaped cloud when he heard Canvas wake up.

"Well, finally..." he said, sitting upright. "You were out for a while," he gestured to the setting sun, which turned the sky a nice shade of orange. Hawk watched as the pony as she rolled over and noticed...

"Waaaait..." He gave Canvas a curious look. "Has your cutiemark always been like that? I swear it was different..." He noticed Canvas looked pretty surprised, so it probably...changed in her sleep? Ponies were weird. At least he paid attention enough to notice that.

"...hey," he said after a moment. "Who are you, anyways? You seem...different then most ponies I know. More magical. But eh, what do I know about magic?" He said with a shrug.

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When Canvas woke up, she could feel that she was on something soft. She was on a made up bed constructed with leaves and branches to support them. If she looked around she could see that she and her friends were surrounded by trees. Seria decided that in the end it was the best solution if everyone wanted to rest some. She had made use of the trees around to create it. Of course, before doing so, she made use of her fairy abilities to scan the area and make sure that no dangerous creatures were around. In addition to everything, if the others had special demands, she had listened to them and made them something they would like with the use of nature's trees and plants such as beds or even made-up cushions to sit on.

At the moment the fairy was asleep. Right next to her was Violet, also resting. Glady was the only one awake... due to her protective nature, if the two others were asleep, then in these survival conditions there was no way she'd fall asleep. She'd do what she could to stay away and keep an eye on her two friends as well as the others around who decided to recover their energy as well. As of right now she was sitting at the borders of this little made-up camp, keeping watch with whoever else was still awake and doing so as well. Yet the moment Canvas woke up startled, the earth mare turned around in a swift movement and even instantly got up. Yet she couldn't see anything worth worrying about... no danger in sight. She walked towards Canvas anyway, soon joined by the griffon. Glady sat down next to the awoken mare and heard the griffon speak of her cutie mark. Curious by his words, she decided to take a peek as well. At first her tired eyes wouldn't see any changes, but the more they'd focus, the more the purple color would come out. Her eyes would widen slightly in surprise to this and she'd look back at Canvas.

Glady: Woah... what happened to it?

((Took the initiative of creating that little camp while Canvas was passed out. Also I forgot to mention, but... fairies don't have cutie marks o.o so I don't know if it can affect the roleplay there?))

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(( ok like I said it doesnt have to change. I was thinking that it would only be temporary cause people gotta go home at some point and then the whole thing would be disbanded and The Lost Elements would lose their power until we meet again if you ever want to make a sequal to this one.))

When Hawkeye and Glady noticed her changed cutiemark Canvas knew she couldnt keep it a secret. Canvas told both of them about her strange dream/vision/nightmare thingy. " I will retell the story to everyone else when they wake up." Canvas ended.

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