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((I'm still alive! XD Been busy the past couple days))

Hawkeye listened patiently as Canvas told her story. He was interested. He'd heard about Luna appearing in dreams before, but he never thought it actually happened! Most of Canvas's story still didn't make sense to him though. Was this group important somehow. His curiousity eventually got the best of him once again.

"So..." he said. "Does this mean we have to, like save Equestria somehow?" he smiled a little. Saving Equestria, that sounded cool! Maybe he would finally be known for something! His feathers fluffed up a little at the thought.

After a moment, Hawk found himself staring at Canvas's cutie mark again. It was really weird. 'There's gotta be something special about this girl' he thought. Hawk slumped back against the rock, feeling suddenly tired. He was the only one who hadn't slept when the group took a break. "Hey, can we stay here for the night?" he asked

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Canvas held back a laugh as Hawkeye fluffed up a bit then asked if they could say the night here. " Yeah. I dont see why not. Seria's hid us well enough so we should all be able to sleep safely." she was beginning to get a little uncomfortable with everyone staring at her flank.

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(( Time to get back to it! Also have been busy and slow... working on something on my side XD))

Now, Glady had heard about Luna's dream powers. She knew that the princess of the moon could enter the dreams of the sleeping ones. Unfortunately for her she had never received a visit, but with what was happening in this time era... so far she did not so much wish for it. Well... until after she heard Canvas' dream.

Glady: Wow... well wait until Seria hears that. She'll try to make sense out of this for sure, but... wow. So that means that the princesses have not actually turned evil on their subjects?

The earth mare looked over to where Seria and Violet were. Both still sound asleep... Seria more than Violet for certain. The fairy had done a lot already and didn't sleep at all the previous night. She deserved this rest. Yet, Glady truly hoped that she would wake up soon. She was certain that this truth she just heard would help in understanding many things.

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(( Yush i suppose some replies to my offer to my suggestion would be alright. I dont know. Maybe you could just say you all slept and I woke you or something. I dont know I'm just waiting on someone to reply so we can go to Ponyville and find an element))

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(( alright im continuing))

Canvas waited till evening and woke everyone up. "Come on lets hit the road." She said and began down the trail. They reached Ponyville in about 5 hours and Canvas turned down the road to Twilights castle. She stopped suddenly and put a hoof out to stop everyone else. A Timberwolf bigger than the Mutant bunnies they had fought the other night. It was standing in the road eating something. Canvas grimaced at the sight and motioned for everyone to back up and go around. Canvas lead them upwind from the creature and around taking the long way. She only saw two more monsters but they were far away and didnt seem a threat. Finally they reached Twilights castle. The tree holding it had collapsed and the crystal castle was laying on its side. Windows were broken and black thorny vines grew all around it. Canvas warned them of the Poison Joke at the front door and slowly went inside.

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Glady had also agreed to take a rest when it was offered. While her friends were asleep she wanted to keep watch, but now that Canvas was up and rested, she took the offer and slept next to her friends.

The time came to wake up, Seria and Violet being the first ones to wake up while Glady was still sleeping. Canvas could try to wake her up, but to no vain... Violet and Seria tried as well, yet they couldn't get any result. It took them time to think of a way to wake her up... Violet didn't want to awaken her in an abrupt way, either, which had Seria thinking more and more. Yet nothing came to mind... Seria would come up with something all of a sudden, a grin on her face. Violet wondered what she could be thinking about, showing her questioning as she tilted her head. The fairy told her to stand back and not move, promising it wouldn't be anything rude. Yet, Seria too took some distance away from Glady. This one made her staff appear by magic and pointed it toward the sleeping pony. The orb on the staff would begin to glow bright. The young unicorn could see what would happen next, and tried to tell her friend to stop at once, but it was already too late. The earth under Glady suddenly came up under her, launching her up in the air, instantly waking her up. Everyone could hear her scream as she'd be flying up and coming downward. The fairy seemed to have a great time as she was already laughing. As for Violet, she put a hoof to her face in disappointment to the stupidity of the prank. Glady would soon reach a branch in the trees which would soften her fall, yet the position she was in now was quite ridiculous. Her stomach was lying on the middle of the branch, leaving the upper and bottom part of her body hanging on both side. Her face upside down she could see her fairy friend having a good time nonetheless. At first she showed she was annoyed by this joke, but soon would let it go as she'd smirk and soften her look... but it wouldn't be over just yet. The branch under her let out a cracking noise. Glady felt it getting loose some, and it wouldn't take long for the rest to follow. The branch would completely break and the earth mare fell along with it, reaching for the ground with a loud thud. Both Glady and Violet went to her rescue, Seria still laughing. They helped the mare up who was unhurt by all of this, somehow. This was due to Glady's great physical resistance. It took much more than that to really hurt her. After she got up, she swore to the fairy that she would get her back for this with a little push. In the end things didn't end badly at all.

The group would get ready to leave then, following Canvas' lead. They'd walk for a good while until they'd reach the famous town of Ponyville. Once inside, the girls would basically remember the path they were on. They were going in direction of Princess Twilight Sparkle's castle. Yet, as they'd arrive, a timberwolf was in the way. The group stopped when Canvas motionned them to. Glady took a look at the creature before looking at Seria with a huge grin on her face. But Seria would shake her head and decline whatever it was that Glady had in mind. Glady put on her pout face for a second before they'd start to follow Canvas again. Going around they would notice some more, but they were too far to be spotted... Eventually they would reach for the castle. It was in such a pathetic state. Windows broken, the tree broke too... and those black vines. Seria wouldn't be too surprised to see those with all the creatures around.

Seria: Be careful. Those vines could appear from underground as well.

She'd warn everyone.

Seria: As for the poison joke, if anyone here gets infected, it is possible for me to reverse it back with my magic. But... try not to be poisoned anyway, please.

She'd say.

((Lol sorry for the first part... just felt like adding something XD))

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(( OMG dont be sorry! I am laughing my head off! Literally! :kissy::D))

Canvas heard Seria warn them all about the vines. "Thank you, Seria. I will keep that in mind." she said appreciatively. She would continue to lead them inside the castle, levitating herself over the poison joke and helping the others get across to.

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((XD that first part was great, got a chuckle out of me :kissy: ))

Hawkeye woke up just as the others did, not even noticing that he had dozed off. It didn't seem like anything happened while he was out. That was good, maybe the world wasn't falling apart that much after all. He smiled a little to himself at the thought as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. . As he gathered his things, he noticed two of the fillies launch Glady into the air. Hawk couldn't help but laugh. He was a bit of a prankster himself, after all.

After five long and booring hours of walking, they finally reached Ponyville. Or..what used to be Ponyville. The black vines were everywhere, and the place was deserted. Hawkeye did a double take at the sight of the Timberwolf. It was huge! No wonder everyone told him to stay away from the Everfree.. He clenched his bow, ready to shoot the thing but Canvas started leading the group around. He shrugged and followed. That was a better idea anyways.

Hawkeye found himself staring in awe at Twilight's castle. He had never thought he'd actually see it, and definitely not like this.You could hardly tell it was a crystal...tree...thing with all the vines covering it.

"For the love of Luna, what happened to this-"

He was suddenly cut off as a black vine came out of the ground just feet away from him. Hawkeye jumped back in surprise, cursing under his breath.

"Uh... never mind. Let's just keep going.."

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Canvas laughed at Hawkeye's reaction. She continued forward until she came to the throne room. Twilights was the only one still standing. It seemed to have an aura around it that kept away the vines. However the other thrones were not so lucky. Apple jacks was upside down the entire back shattered off, Rarity's was spread around the room in fragments, Fluttershys was broken to the point where you could only see the butterflys on it, Rainbowdashs was lifted high into the air by one of the vines but it seemed in good shape, and Pinkie pies was stuffed into her party cannon at the end of the room. "Apparently these vines have a sense of humor." Canvas said under her breath. Suddenly the floor around the group was burst open and thousands of vines shot out and surrounded them. Canvas lit up her horn and prepared for a fight.

(( Is it bad that im picturing a video game fight in my head right now? Like in the style of Final Fantasy or or a mortal combat game?))

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((Omg I will destroy my mouse so much... Y'know the kind of computer mouse with the ''next and previous page'' buttons on the sides? Yeah, as I was almost done with my post, my finger clicked it by mistake and made me lose absolutely everything that I wrote. I officially and majorly detest and hate this mouse. I'm getting a new one tomorrow and thinking of destroying this one out of anger... I'll need Glady's hammer for this!!))

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(( lol. I have that problem to but I have like a little tiny mouse that size of a babies palm. Plus I have a mouse on the computer but its one of those that you slide your finger over. So every once in a while I will accidently slide my finger over that when its on the prev. Button and go back. And its maddening to cuz I sometimes make longer posts and then I have to do it all over again! :D looks like we have that same problem))

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((There, got rid of it. It's NO MORE!! And now I got this teeny-tiny mouse instead with just three things! Left click, right click and the scroller. I am all fine now :D Anyway... here I'll shorten my post from what I had in mind because I've completely lost inspiration because of that stupid mouse and would rather have the story advance some more to get another chance later.))

The gang joined the laughters as the vine popped out near Hawkeye. Violet was the first to worry at first, though, but as soon as danger passed, she would allow herself to laugh a little. After what the group would finally step inside of the castle, where Canvas would lead them to the throne room. For the Flower Fillies, it was the first time they stepped in this castle so far in their lives. It was offering them a sad sight, seeing the thrones being all thrown upside down like this.

Glady: Wow... first time in here and it's a real mess.

Seria: Keep it closed, will you? I find it rather sad...

The vines in the room were well alive as well, as some held some of the thrones. Seria kept in mind that some could appear from under them as well, so if some were to appear at least she wouldn't be surprised. And as she thought, vines would actually burst out of the ground. Many of them at that, circling them to completely surround them. The three girls took a formation, each one of them being back to back, watching everyone's rear. Violet was there, her sword and knives floating in her golden magical aura. Glady held a position on the offensive, her hammer's head on the ground and a hoof on the handle. As for Seria, she was looking at the vines she could see, her staff in hooves and close to her, in a defensive position.

Violet: I'll cut as many as I can... you can count on me.

((Shorten... well I guess I did more than I thought XD))

The young unicorn there owned the sharp weapons among the three of them. It would prove efficient against those vines for sure, but...

Seria: Be careful... rabbits as well as timberwolves are not as we know them. If anything, these vines could have mutated as well...

At that, Violet nodded. Seria then shifted her eyes toward Glady, the strongest of the three.

Seria: I'm sorry to ask you this, but... can you act as our protector for this one? Violet has the most efficient weapon, yet these vines should be of no trouble to you due to your strength. If anything has to happen, if any of us is being grabbed, you would help immensely. For you tearing them apart shouldn't prove too difficult.

The blue mare kept her eyes on the vines in front of her, yet received all of the words that Seria spoke. She would nod affirmatively to her.

Glady: Got it!

Seria: As for myself... I'll try and keep them away from us.

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((Mice... sometimes you just want to throw them at the wall :razz:))

Hawkeye rolled his eyes at the group's laughter. He felt a pang of embarrassment, but it passed. He silently followed them inside, to the throne room. The place was a mess, with all the thrones destroyed except one. He looked around at the rest of the thrones, wondering about the ponies who once sat in them. What their lives were like...

A sudden crashing sound snapped the griffon out of his thoughts. Vines had popped out of the floor, surrounding them.

"Yeah, you're not gonna scare me this time," he said as he pulled out his bow. At the same time, he opened his wings and flew up into the air until he was just below the cieling. Hawk pulled out an arrow and began to aim. The others were already in action, attacking the vines from the ground. I guess I'll help from up here, he thought as he fired an arrow.

((Huh... I'm kind of picturing a video game fight scene now too XD))

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