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(( lol I got everybody visualizing it.))

Canvas jumped and dodged and threw magic at every vine that attacked her. She was doing welln when one grabbed her from behind and wrapped her in a cacoon that slowly began to constrict. She screamed and let out a huge burst of energy that completely withered all the vines around her and the one that held her.

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(( there are still some vines. I didnt want to take them all. I wanted you guys to have some fun to))

"I didnt either." she said but she felt weak. That burst of energy had taken a lot out of her. She still continued to fight though.

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((Okay, THIS is going to be a longish post. I would like to apologize for taking so long to post in this, I got distracted with life, and NaNoWriMo, causing me to not post as much as I'd like to be able to do. P. S. Starting from after Canvas's cutie mark changed.))

Dr. Strange Glove had slept surprisingly deeply, for a pony sleeping on a wheelchair, although he would argue that he had gotten used to it. He was awoken by Hawkeye talking to Canvas. He decided against inquiring about Canvas's cutie mark, figuring it would be all revealed in time. When Glady woke up, and asked Canvas along with Hawkeye, he was almost tempted to ask as well, but didn't. And his patience payed off when Canvas talked about her dream, and how it had changed her cutie mark. He found the whole ordeal quite intriguing, but didn't inquire any further, as he started formulating theories about what had happened. When Canvas suggested going back to sleep, he agreed, and soon dozed off again. He was awoken once more by Canvas and her attempts to wake everyone up. His wheelchair made the five hour trip to Ponyville not as bad, and the timberwolf gave him somewhat of a shock, but the state of Twilight's castle truly shocked him. He had figured that something was wrong, but seeing the castle confirmed his suspicions that there was something wrong with the time he was in. He stared at the Posion Joke, and pondered out loud, "I vonder vat I vould happen to me, vere I to step into zis." The idea simmering in the back of his mind, he was almost tempted to go into it. However, he changed his mind, and wheeled into the throne room with everyone else. When the vines surrounded them, he sighed a little. Being bound to a wheelchair didn't exactly make it easy to fight, but he improvised, and levitated a few of the shards of the broken thrones, and started slashing vines left and right. When Canvas let loose the burst of energy, he stopped for a few moments, out of pure shock, having not expected anything like that out of her. This pause was not a good idea on his part, as a vine shot towards him, and almost wrapped around the wheelchair. Fortunately, he managed to slice it in mid air, just before it did so.

(( As I said, it's a long post. Once again, sorry for not having posted recently.))

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((That moment when you type up your post and close the tab... without hitting send :roll: ))

Hawk hovered for a moment in shock at Canvas's magic blast. "Dang..." he muttered to himself. "She's good." It must have been some kind of rare magic surge thingy, he figured, since the pony looked a little weak after it. But he didn't have enough time to think about that. There were still some vines. But when Hawkeye reached into his quiver for an arrow, he found it empty. Hawk cursed under his breath as he swooped down to retrieve the arrows he had shot.

Just as he was grabbing the last one though, a vine shot out at the griffon from behind. There was no time to pull out his bow, the vine already had him. He managed to get his claws out from its grasp and scratch it. He scratched and clawed until he tore himself free, and flew up to where he was before, in the air, shooting at the vines below. 'How many of these things can there be?' he thought as he fired at one that was sneaking up behind Lightning Star.

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(( this is to Frogmyre, you do nanowrimo? I have to join that site for homework and write a 7000 word novel))

"Why?" Lightning Star said to Canvas.

((First time doing it, but yes! And... I wish you luck! I'm trying for a 30,000 word novel.))

"Vell, that's the best suggestion I've heard. And considering how it has been left alone by the vines... I agree vith Canvas," Strange Glove said, as he wheeled his wheelchair over to the throne, cutting down any vines that approached him, due to still having some shards levitating.

((Short post, but what can ya do?))

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((Well, I don't really know, and for my story, my main protagonist is Ike from fire emblem, my main antagonist is twilight sparkle, and my two supporting characters are sonic the hedgehog and discord. I'm never gonna run out of things to write XD))

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((Well, I don't really know, and for my story, my main protagonist is Ike from fire emblem, my main antagonist is twilight sparkle, and my two supporting characters are sonic the hedgehog and discord. I'm never gonna run out of things to write XD))

((What a curious story. I like it!))

((Also the reason it's only 7000 is because I'm only in seventh grade))

((Ah, I see. That makes perfect sense! Cool!))

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(( I need to have my fun tooooo!))


Everyone was fighting off those vines at the moment. The flower fillies would have to help as well and give their all to it. Violet had the advantage over these sort of plants as well given the very sharp weapons she had. And so... they'd begin. Seria would give her go and Violet would jump right into action, beginning to slash the vines close to her, the blades dancing around her as they'd go through with swift movements. Slash! Already plants would begin to be cut down by it. The vines coming toward her wouldn't even have a chance to grab or whip her. She'd see them coming from every angles in front of her, slashing them as soon as they'd get too close. Seeing her at work, it was like she was dancing. Her every moves were gracious and swift as well as precise. This young unicorn didn't shy out at all in battle. She'd let out battle cries as she would swing her sword and daggers and was avoiding vines with great agility as well. Jumping over one and sliding under the next one attempting to hit her, she was not about to give up.

As for the two others, Glady acted as a defender. She'd make sure none of these vines would attack them. Yet she couldn't be at everyplace at the same time. Observing the others a little, she could see that they were holding out pretty well despite the many vines that were there. As for Seria, she stood there, trying to focus. Violet managed to be avoiding vines that would even come from behind or that would try to pop out of under her. How, though? Well, words could be heard through the room. ''From under!'' ''Above you!'' ''Behind you!''

The fairy was speaking out. She was actually focusing to get a picture of the whole room's energy, able to identify the vines' that were even underground. She could then predict their moves in advance and tell Violet about it. Glady in the meantime had to repulse all of the vines that would try to get Seria. A few dared to try, but the mare easily pushed them back by either smashing them or even just plainly rip them out of the ground to throw them away. They organised themselves well enough so that this wouldn't be too much trouble. They knew what they were doing. Suddenly a scream would be heard near them. Canvas had been caught, Seria even saw it coming, but it was hard enough to prevent everything with so many of them around. Yet right after that an immense burst of energy would come out of Canvas, decimating all of the vines that were around her. The three girls would look at it happening, rather surprised by it, yet being very distracting. As soon as Glady and Seria turned their sights back to Violet, their eyes would open wide at what they saw.

Seria: Watch out!

Glady: Violet!!

They'd both scream out. The young unicorn would turn to see what was happening, a vine quickly coming at her, catching her off-guard and wiping her across the face harshly, hard enough to make her step back. Right away, Glady's teeth clenched out of fury as she couldn't bear see this. She never could.

Glady: You son of a-!!

She'd growl and shout out, ready to launch herself at that vine which hit her friend, but before she could, another vine would come out of the ground... only this time this one was not black, but the color of a branch. This branch would catch the vine and hold it tight, too tight for it to come out of it. It was Seria's magic at work, also a way for her to tell Glady not to jump into it. Violet didn't suffer much from it, anyway. She came back to herself quick, her sword and daggers once more risen and ready more than ever to finish this. With one determined look, the unicorn would use her sword to cut the vine that attacked her, then she'd turn around quickly, slashing another one that tried to get to her again, and another one right after.

Making use of her magic, the knives would take a formation, the knives would all gather together in a way to shape a star, the blades being the branches of it. Still, there were many vines left and it could take a lot of work for them to get out of this one, but Violet was not giving up! Her sword kept cutting down vines as they'd come, still with the help of Seria. Glady listened and smirked when she saw her friend back at it. The daggers shaping a star were like an all new weapon. Violet would use her magic to make it spin quickly and cutting through many vines with it. If they dared to approach, they'd be cut down quickly with it.

While they were busy, Canvas came to suggest something about going to Twilight's throne. Seria decided to agree to this. Apparently the vines wouldn't be able to get them there. Very well then... She got up, Violet was still fighting some of the vines. They had started to attack them less and less now.

Seria: Violet, come!

She'd call out. To this, Violet looked over and immediately ran over to her friends who would hurrily gallop toward the throne.

((Wooh! Long one, but fun one! XD))

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(( Yay Im glad everyone has had their fun))

Canvas slowed down so the others could go in front of her. Once they were she ran behind them for the throne. She tripped a couple times , stupid vines, but managed to get up and blast away any vines that tried to grab her and her friends.

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