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hero pony looking for love (rp)


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Venus opened an eye and watched as Flashdash sped ahead of the other the other racers. She cheered loudly, causing the sleeping baby to wake up and begin to cry. "Gack! Kite it's OK. Stop crying you'll jinx daddy." Venus said struggling to get the baby to stop crying. Eventually she put her hoof in the babies mouth. He stopped crying but he was sucking on her hoof. She made a disgusted face as she pulled it out of his mouth covered in slobber. "Gross." She murmured

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"Aaaaaaand, looks like Lightning Dust has found that extra bit of energy! She's now rapidly closing in on Flashdash! Ooh, this is getting exciting folks! Those two are now neck-and-neck, battling for first place as they speed down the track!" Flux said, essentially forgetting about all the other racers as she focused in on the two leading pegusi.

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"And they're still battling for the top spot folks! It's Flash! It's Dust! It's Flash! It's Dust! It's just back and forth, neither pony gaining enough ground to make it definitive. It's gonna be a close one!" Flux said, leaning forward as she watched the two.

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Flux giggled to herself before turning away from the mic and patting Slash on the head again.

"It's fine, Slashy. He should be more focused on the race than on talking to Venus though." She said to him before turning back to the mic. "And we're in the home stretch folks! Cheer for your favorite! Encouragement could be what they need to win!"

With that, most of the stands began cheering loudly for who they wanted to win. It was hard for her to make out, but it sounded pretty evenly divided between Flashdash and Lightning Dust.

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Cory was currently on the crowd. Though she wish she wasn't. It was all really irritating to the ears. Everyone screaming at the top of their lungs, its just plain painfull. She looked at her side and saw a rainbow colored pony. She seemed strange, but not strange enough that can spark her neverending curiosity. She flinched slightly as she screamed out some racer's name. Why did she even come here in the first place?

She looked over at the race, and cocked her head to the side. The racer the pony beside her is cheering for doesn't seem normal to her. He seems, overpowered. She has never these kind of ponies before and it sparked her brain a bit, but she shrugged it off.

"...Which one are you cheering for?..." She asked in her monotone voice.

"...What is he to you?..."

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Flux frowned slightly as Slash grumbled some more. She turned to him again, cocking her head to the side for a moment before throwing a foreleg around him, moving so that they were side-by-side on the cloud.

"C'mon Slashy, isn't this fun? It'd probably be more fun to be in the race, but this is good as well. Don't worry so much about your job, I'm sure it can wait for a bit." She said, smiling at him sweetly. "Have some fun Slash, it's one of the things that makes life interesting, I think."

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Cory blinked at the happenings going around her and she can speculate that these boys dont go together so well. But to her observations, this FlashDash seems a bit demanding. But thats none of her business.

((Yep! I did!))

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