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About Myself: Hi, I'm a regular girl in her early teens from England. I enjoy writing stories, right now I stick to fanfictions but my dream career is to be an author. I also like to draw sometimes, usually when I get bored.

I'm a little awkward and shy at first, but when I get more confident be ready for some crazy antics!

How I found Canterlot.com: I was looking online for some good Roleplay websites and stumbled upon this one.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I became a fan of MLP back in 2010 when it first aired in the UK. I remembered playing with the toys and watching the older generations of the show when I was younger and so decided I'd watch this reboot for a nostalgia trip. I found myself hooked on the show very quickly and have been a loyal brony ever since.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash
I didn't know about Bronies until halfway through season two, but when I did I was so happy. I didn't feel as out of place watching the show an being not 5 years old. Although I was only about 11 or 12 I was very happy and became more active in the fandom when I turned or was nearly 13, writing fanfictions and creating a real OC, rather than the Mary Sues my younger self ended up creating. But we don't talk about those.

I'm only 14 but I am definitely a brony, even though I'm still quite young.

That should be about it for now. Thanks for reading and feel free to say hello :).

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